Should Police Be Kept Away From Peaceful Protests?...

How can I impose anything upon anyone. It is you wishing to impose your will upon our policemen and women. Were you really interested in peaceful protesting, then the presence of police officers would have zero effect upon you. Were you an honest camper, you would be able to coexist right alongside our police officers as many of us do each and every day. Now, those of us that do coexist with our police officers don't go our at night protesting and showing our asses. We appreciate their service and stay at home with our families instead of roaming the streets raising hell.

Yup, just shut up and do what you're told. Sorry, but that ain't me. I can't be a loyal Goose Stepper. If i see an injustice, i'm gonna speak on it. When a cop murders an innocent Citizen, i will speak up. I won't stay silent while hiding in my home.

What "innocent" person has it been proven that a cop killed that caused your protest? Yes, I fully realize that you are one of those who likes to roam the dark streets at night showing his ass. You simply don't want the police there to slow you down.

You don't realize much. You're just a typical dumb racist who's fine with the Police murdering innocent Citizens. I don't even know if you can be called an American anymore. You Goose Steppers are scary folks. :cuckoo:
Ahh the "you're a racist card".....You're so done here.

Well, you are. Sorry, i just call em like i see em.
Yeah. Your accusation is 100% baseless.
Post ONE example of where the OP has stated anything racist.
Failure to do this earns you an open can of shut the fuck up.
Do what you like. Just don't impose it on others. If i wanna go at night, i will.

How can I impose anything upon anyone. It is you wishing to impose your will upon our policemen and women. Were you really interested in peaceful protesting, then the presence of police officers would have zero effect upon you. Were you an honest camper, you would be able to coexist right alongside our police officers as many of us do each and every day. Now, those of us that do coexist with our police officers don't go our at night protesting and showing our asses. We appreciate their service and stay at home with our families instead of roaming the streets raising hell.

Yup, just shut up and do what you're told. Sorry, but that ain't me. I can't be a loyal Goose Stepper. If i see an injustice, i'm gonna speak on it. When a cop murders an innocent Citizen, i will speak up. I won't stay silent while hiding in my home.

What "innocent" person has it been proven that a cop killed that caused your protest? Yes, I fully realize that you are one of those who likes to roam the dark streets at night showing his ass. You simply don't want the police there to slow you down.

You don't realize much. You're just a typical dumb racist who's fine with the Police murdering innocent Citizens. I don't even know if you can be called an American anymore. You Goose Steppers are scary folks. :cuckoo:

Again I ask, what innocent person did the police murder? I also ask if you have no faith in Loretta Lynch getting to the bottom of the matter? Is it really possible that you just want to riot and raise hell, loot and burn?

I've never engaged in a riot. That's just your dumb racism speaking again. What are you not getting about 'peaceful protest?'
Hundreds of miles away from where the killings occurred? Even before an investigation has been conducted? For what purpose is the protest being held if no one knows what actually happened? It is the job of the police to protect the property of the merchants and businesses where you idiots are protesting what you have no information or basis to form a protest about.

If the protest is peaceful, Police presence isn't required. Their presence often incites the violence. They shouldn't be involved.

What were the fools protesting? Why weren't they at home helping their kids with their homework like other parents were? I fail to see where anyone had anything to protest about.

Not really the point. Citizens have the right to protest. And as long as it's peaceful, i don't think the Police are required to be present.
That right is not absolute.

I know, we should ban all protest. Just to be safe, right? :cuckoo:
Straw man non sequitur.
I neither stated or implied protests should be banned.
YOU stated that.
I think this should be discussed and considered. Do Police really need to be involved with peaceful protests? To me, it seems like their presence can come off as intimidation and incitement. Maybe they should be required to stay a certain distance away? What do you think?

If groups want roads closed so they can march and things like that, then they can deal with the police presence.
I think this should be discussed and considered. Do Police really need to be involved with peaceful protests? To me, it seems like their presence can come off as intimidation and incitement. Maybe they should be required to stay a certain distance away? What do you think?

If groups want roads closed so they can march and things like that, then they can deal with the police presence.

Or not.
How can I impose anything upon anyone. It is you wishing to impose your will upon our policemen and women. Were you really interested in peaceful protesting, then the presence of police officers would have zero effect upon you. Were you an honest camper, you would be able to coexist right alongside our police officers as many of us do each and every day. Now, those of us that do coexist with our police officers don't go our at night protesting and showing our asses. We appreciate their service and stay at home with our families instead of roaming the streets raising hell.

Yup, just shut up and do what you're told. Sorry, but that ain't me. I can't be a loyal Goose Stepper. If i see an injustice, i'm gonna speak on it. When a cop murders an innocent Citizen, i will speak up. I won't stay silent while hiding in my home.

What "innocent" person has it been proven that a cop killed that caused your protest? Yes, I fully realize that you are one of those who likes to roam the dark streets at night showing his ass. You simply don't want the police there to slow you down.

You don't realize much. You're just a typical dumb racist who's fine with the Police murdering innocent Citizens. I don't even know if you can be called an American anymore. You Goose Steppers are scary folks. :cuckoo:

Again I ask, what innocent person did the police murder? I also ask if you have no faith in Loretta Lynch getting to the bottom of the matter? Is it really possible that you just want to riot and raise hell, loot and burn?

I've never engaged in a riot. That's just your dumb racism speaking again. What are you not getting about 'peaceful protest?'
Have you noticed you are the only one on here who is siding with the assassins..Yes,. You are siding with the snipers.....I hope you get run over by an exploding gasoline truck...
I think this should be discussed ans considered. Do Police really need to be involved with peaceful protests? To me, it seems like their presence can come off as intimidation and incitement. Maybe they should be required to stay a certain distance away? What do you think?

Well actually, I don't see the necessity for any protests in New York and Dallas and elsewhere many miles away from where the killings actually occurred in Louisiana and in Minnesota. most especially since no investigations of the killings had even been completed. Sounds stupid to me. Why weren't these folks in New York and in Dallas at home minding their own business like I and many others were?

Citizens have the right to peaceful protest. I don't think the Police need to be involved with such protests. It can come off as intimidation and incitement. I think we should consider requiring them to stay a certain distance away from peaceful protests. Their presence isn't required.

As long as we can agree the cops have the right to open fire on em if they start destroying shit i'm good with your idea.

Problem with that plan becomes apparent when counter protesters show up.
I think this should be discussed and considered. Do Police really need to be involved with peaceful protests? To me, it seems like their presence can come off as intimidation and incitement. Maybe they should be required to stay a certain distance away? What do you think?

If groups want roads closed so they can march and things like that, then they can deal with the police presence.

Or not.
Oh boy, i'm seeing a trend developing on this one. The Racists and Goose Steppers would gladly remove the right of protest from Citizens. Man, is there any hope for this nation? I'm not very optimistic. Peace out.
I think this should be discussed and considered. Do Police really need to be involved with peaceful protests? To me, it seems like their presence can come off as intimidation and incitement. Maybe they should be required to stay a certain distance away? What do you think?

Yes, ,I agree with the proposition that we should have areas where the police are not allowed to do their jobs.

Jesus Christ what a moronic suggestion.

How does that prevent them from doing their job? If it's a peaceful protest, their presence isn't required.

Oh please....

Americans are so stupid they don't even know that the right to peaceful protest does not mean you can block streets, it does not mean you can punch people in the face or destroy police cars it does not mean you rape women, it does not mean you can take a shit on the sidewalk, it does not mean you can destroy public property, etc etc.

I can't even remember the last time I was a completely peaceful protest, there is always at least a handful of morons who take the opportunity to break the law, and that's with the police right fucking there. Imagine if there was not a police presence.

Pretty dangerous thinking. Maybe protest should be banned all-together? I mean, just to be safe.
Same post....again
I think this should be discussed and considered. Do Police really need to be involved with peaceful protests? To me, it seems like their presence can come off as intimidation and incitement. Maybe they should be required to stay a certain distance away? What do you think?

Absolutely ridiculous. Last nights group was not peaceful. They went looting again. As we have seen over and over, these racists in the BLM movement need watching. Groups or ideologies that are based on skin tone are problematic and typically blind to their own racism. After a black nationalist movement attacked and killed a bunch of police officers, all these groups will require additional scrutiny. Especially since they are calling for more killing.

The protest was peaceful.
Well, we have a difference of opinion. I do not consider looting stores peaceful.

You've been lied to. The protest was peaceful. What happened later, obviously wasn't.
Just a coincidence I'm sure.

After Ferguson and Baltimore I'm not willing bet on hope and change. Now that more radicalized people are mixing in and murdering people (example Dallas), suggesting police should or would reduce their presence is ridiculous.

I completely support their right of peaceful assembly, but that does not mean keeping an eye on things isn't a practical idea.
I think this should be discussed ans considered. Do Police really need to be involved with peaceful protests? To me, it seems like their presence can come off as intimidation and incitement. Maybe they should be required to stay a certain distance away? What do you think?

Well actually, I don't see the necessity for any protests in New York and Dallas and elsewhere many miles away from where the killings actually occurred in Louisiana and in Minnesota. most especially since no investigations of the killings had even been completed. Sounds stupid to me. Why weren't these folks in New York and in Dallas at home minding their own business like I and many others were?

Citizens have the right to peaceful protest. I don't think the Police need to be involved with such protests. It can come off as intimidation and incitement. I think we should consider requiring them to stay a certain distance away from peaceful protests. Their presence isn't required.

Hundreds of miles away from where the killings occurred? Even before an investigation has been conducted? For what purpose is the protest being held if no one knows what actually happened? It is the job of the police to protect the property of the merchants and businesses where you idiots are protesting what you have no information or basis to form a protest about.
The BLM types seem to beleive the worst whenever a black is killed by a cop. (Sometimes they are right) They have already tried and convicted the cops in their minds. They will be unhappy with anything less from the justice system. The marches adds to their political power to bring cops to trial, even when cleared through investigation of the event.

Yeah, they sure did defend the BLM rancher folks, huh? And that was an armed protest. Racism definitely plays a big role in this. I think as long as it's a peaceful protest, the police should take a step back and keep their distance. Their involvement isn't necessary.
Screw you and your obsession with race. it is people like you who are the problem regarding race.
You live it. It consumes you. If there were no racial anything, you would shrivel up and die.
Hundreds of miles away from where the killings occurred? Even before an investigation has been conducted? For what purpose is the protest being held if no one knows what actually happened? It is the job of the police to protect the property of the merchants and businesses where you idiots are protesting what you have no information or basis to form a protest about.

If the protest is peaceful, Police presence isn't required. Their presence often incites the violence. They shouldn't be involved.

What were the fools protesting? Why weren't they at home helping their kids with their homework like other parents were? I fail to see where anyone had anything to protest about.

Not really the point. Citizens have the right to protest. And as long as it's peaceful, i don't think the Police are required to be present.

Well, I'm sure you know what you are talking about however, I'd submit you simply are a cop hater yourself but would be the first to scream for their help were you in a position of peril while engaged in one of your legal and peaceful protests. Yes, the point is there was absolutely no need for a protest unless you can tell us what the facts actually were that caused the protest.

The argument is that blacks are more likely than whites to be incarcerated or killed by the state for the same behavior.

Racists tend to ignore the inconvenient statistics that support this view, choosing instead to claim that blacks are incarcerated/murdered by police (at higher rates than whites) because of their character and choices. The most dyed in the wool racists, if pushed, will claim that blacks are taxonomically closer to animals and are morally inferior to whites by nature. They think words like "institutional racism" are made up by liberals in order to restructure the distribution of wealth (so as to reward the "takers").

The debate is rendered impossible by the fact that its opponents have incommensurable starting assumptions.
That was clever.
The BLM types seem to beleive the worst whenever a black is killed by a cop. (Sometimes they are right) They have already tried and convicted the cops in their minds. They will be unhappy with anything less from the justice system. The marches adds to their political power to bring cops to trial, even when cleared through investigation of the event.

Yeah, they sure did defend the BLM rancher folks, huh? And that was an armed protest. Racism definitely plays a big role in this. I think as long as it's a peaceful protest, the police should take a step back and keep their distance. Their involvement isn't necessary.
Police usually do keep their distance as long as the protests are peaceful. But they have to be close enough to act if the protest gets out of hand.

See, i'm not with you all the way on that. Their presence comes off as a bit of intimidation and incitement. Almost like they're monitoring protesters for future reprisal.

Protesters often claim to see law enforcement photographing them. It seems to be a form of intimidation. I'm not comfortable with it. I think it may be time to require some distance.

Why not simply stay off the streets at night and be inside your own home with your wife and kids or grandkids minding your own business. It works for me.

Yikes. Sounds like you're advocating a 'State of Emergency' (Martial Law). No thanks, i'll pass.
"sounds"?.....Holy shit. With each post your IQ falls.
Not at all. I'm simply saying to stay off the streets showing your ass and stay at home with your family.

Nah, sounds like you'd like to see Government impose that on Citizens. Can't go with you on that kind of thinking.

You probably had no Father in your household to teach you.

Do what you like. Just don't impose it on others. If i wanna go at night, i will.

How can I impose anything upon anyone. It is you wishing to impose your will upon our policemen and women. Were you really interested in peaceful protesting, then the presence of police officers would have zero effect upon you. Were you an honest camper, you would be able to coexist right alongside our police officers as many of us do each and every day. Now, those of us that do coexist with our police officers don't go our at night protesting and showing our asses. We appreciate their service and stay at home with our families instead of roaming the streets raising hell.

Yup, just shut up and do what you're told. Sorry, but that ain't me. I can't be a loyal Goose Stepper. If i see an injustice, i'm gonna speak on it. When a cop murders an innocent Citizen, i will speak up. I won't stay silent while hiding in my home.
and those like you who jump to unsubstantiated conclusions fan the flames of hatred toward law enforcement.
And now there are three more shootings, I should say attempts at assassinations of police officers. One in Georgia and two in Missouri..
These incidents are YOUR fault. You and those like you. YOU have reacted in such a way so as to deem it permissible to indiscriminately hunt down the police and shoot them.
This is ON YOU.
You and those like you have the support of no one but radicals and anarchists....Live with that. Own it.
You are an enemy of the state. And my enemy.
I hate you.
This is a silly premise. At what point would the police distinguish between what is a peaceful protest and one where riots and looting can erupt and destroy city blocks and run businesses?

Watch the lawsuits that come about if 2 people marching bump each other and start to

How many outraged citizens will yell where was the police presence to protect the protesters....
How can I impose anything upon anyone. It is you wishing to impose your will upon our policemen and women. Were you really interested in peaceful protesting, then the presence of police officers would have zero effect upon you. Were you an honest camper, you would be able to coexist right alongside our police officers as many of us do each and every day. Now, those of us that do coexist with our police officers don't go our at night protesting and showing our asses. We appreciate their service and stay at home with our families instead of roaming the streets raising hell.

Yup, just shut up and do what you're told. Sorry, but that ain't me. I can't be a loyal Goose Stepper. If i see an injustice, i'm gonna speak on it. When a cop murders an innocent Citizen, i will speak up. I won't stay silent while hiding in my home.

What "innocent" person has it been proven that a cop killed that caused your protest? Yes, I fully realize that you are one of those who likes to roam the dark streets at night showing his ass. You simply don't want the police there to slow you down.

You don't realize much. You're just a typical dumb racist who's fine with the Police murdering innocent Citizens. I don't even know if you can be called an American anymore. You Goose Steppers are scary folks. :cuckoo:
Ahh the "you're a racist card".....You're so done here.

Well, you are. Sorry, i just call em like i see em.
YOU are a racist. You are obsessed with race. And that makes you a racist

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