Should pro-vaccine propagandists be censored or arrested?

Oh, the simplistic 19th century and its quaint and archaic superstitions...

In today's world, why irrationally fear polio when obesity is the major cause of disease and death, statistically and rationally, as opposed to emotionally and archaicly, removing the children from obese people would a more worthy endeavour, and of course save more lives.

Most likely, as far as history will and will actually reveal, it was not "everyone" who had to fear polio, but rather a very specific demographic(s) in which it was most rampant, and not entirely unrelated to, nor unrelated to a product of industrialization, as far as the history of the emergence of various diseases to begin with, and what things factored into their causes.
Remove the mandate and give choice. If the un-vaccinated(ME) die ? Their/our "fault"
Do both. No one should have special protections above and beyond the people.
I'm not an expert on what state (or national) vaccine laws are honestly; I'd have to research it sometime, not that I really care since I view sheer "paranoia" over vaccines, something which we only due a few times in our whole lifetimes; I'm just pointing out the reality of the research into the manufacturer defects and potential lawsuits it might generate, which is the reason we see so much nonsensical, anti-intellectual vaccine propaganda on the media today.

As far as idiots claiming this or that "should be done" in regards to something (e.x anti-vaxxers, or whatever); I'm honestly amused on that one, and am honestly pretty shocked at how many people don't even know the basics or the rudimentaries of their legal systems; such as probably not even knowing the differences between state or federal laws, British, American, or other Commonwealth (e.x. Canada or New Zealand) legal systems, civil or criminal procedure, or the actual differences in theory or practice between proposing a legal action, sanction, claiming an allegeded violation or whatever, and the actual time, energy, and requirements which it would take to actually carry out such an action to begin with. Or even the difference in theory and practice between the "law", as it would be if followed in theory, and the actual practice, in which people (whether suspects or law enforcement officers) don't, in real life always act "rationally" or follow in pure mathematical compliance with the law, whether they "should" or not.

Likely having nothing measuring or resembling even any rudimentary education on the "subjects" beyond something they saw on Judge Judy, or a silly crime TV show like CSI, which actual books by law and legal professionals have claimed are inaccurate, and distort public perceptions of the way which courts of law, trial,s evidence(s) and so forth work in real life. Or even something as basic and fundamental as reading up on the laws of their state or country, whether at a local library, a police department, or one of the many law books published by lawyers and legal professions and available for reading or purchasing online; whether the "law" itself, the philosoph(ies) behind it, or the various public, emotional, moral, or intellectual sentiments which go into making the law what it is, or deciding or determining what "should become" or "should" stay" law to begin with, or should be "made into law" if not already existing as such, statutes of limitations, and so forth, nor even under what domain one's own personal authority would grant or merit them in relation to making a claim or assertion, such as an accusation, likely false and not complaint to begin with the law, such as under the law regarding "defamation per se" (in which making the claim or assertion at all is automatically legally liable, with the claimer having to prove it true, not the person claimed against having to prove it "false"). Or something such as the difference between "calling the police", as in filing a complaint or report, and the claim or report being "valid", "true", and so on and so forth, and leading to an actual legitimate "arrest", the difference between a charge, an arrest, and a conviction, and so forth.

Hell, some idiots don't even know the difference between law; as state or federal law(s) which affect public life, or private or interpersonal contracts or negotiations, whether informal, such as with family members, friends, acquaintances, private - such as with social groups requiring a formal membership or other organizations (e.x. employers, schools, colleges, universities, doctors, marriages, courts, private websites, and their various private and non-legally binding rules, contracts, agreements, regulations, online vendors and so forth).

Much as there are thousands of laws ("major" or minor) in effect today, some of which have been around for ages, with the original reason for the law or rule being forgotten entirely, and not necessarily for the good, and as the average person isn't a judge, attorney, scholar, or legal enthusiast to begin with, it would more or less be mathematically impossible for a person to not have inadvertently broken some "minor" law at some point in their life without even knowing it (online forums being a wonderful example, as much of the demonstrated behavior would potentially not be protected in a court of law by the 1st Amendment, or by whatever speech laws exist within the context of the UK or the other Commonwealth nations nor even remotely in the realm of "legal" were a person stupid enough to say or do that in real life).

I was thinking of perusing some of the books on Barrister Books, in order to brush up on my law or legal scholarship, knowledge and philosophy.

Discount Law Books, New & Used Law School Textbooks and Study Guides | The Internet's Largest Law Bookstore
I have no interest in studying a bunch of law books. We already have enough lawyers if they would quit being such whimpy pussies and get with the program and help go after these big pharma beast and their crap.

I hope more will join Robert Kennedy Jr. in the battle to help save the children and the brave young people who are in this fight to save their children from what they (pharma) is doing to them with these massive amounts of dangerous vaccines they are pushing. Mercury, Vaccines and the CDC’s Worst Nightmare • Children's Health Defense
I don't think carrying on a war against "big pharma" is a worthy cause or endeavor.

I'd venture that simply being a good parent to begin with and using sound and legal judgment would eliminate many, if not most of the exaggerated concerns and fears, but that is just me.
If what you say was actually the case there would not be so many young parents and their families fighting this beast.
There is a bare minimum of treatment required by law; beyond that, no parent is "forced" to use any drugs or services from "big pharma", just as they aren't "forced" to feed their kids unhealthy fattening food either.
Anti-vaxxers should keep their children at home....period. Home-school your crazy.
Are you an idiot?

What is an "anti-Vaxxer", other than David Icke or something like that?

You think that the College of Medicine in Philadelphia and its researchers revealing side effects from vaccines which manufacturers are scared of being sued for, hence their anti-intellectual propaganda campaigns is connect to David Icke and what not?

How idiotic...
Do both. No one should have special protections above and beyond the people.
I'm not an expert on what state (or national) vaccine laws are honestly; I'd have to research it sometime, not that I really care since I view sheer "paranoia" over vaccines, something which we only due a few times in our whole lifetimes; I'm just pointing out the reality of the research into the manufacturer defects and potential lawsuits it might generate, which is the reason we see so much nonsensical, anti-intellectual vaccine propaganda on the media today.

As far as idiots claiming this or that "should be done" in regards to something (e.x anti-vaxxers, or whatever); I'm honestly amused on that one, and am honestly pretty shocked at how many people don't even know the basics or the rudimentaries of their legal systems; such as probably not even knowing the differences between state or federal laws, British, American, or other Commonwealth (e.x. Canada or New Zealand) legal systems, civil or criminal procedure, or the actual differences in theory or practice between proposing a legal action, sanction, claiming an allegeded violation or whatever, and the actual time, energy, and requirements which it would take to actually carry out such an action to begin with. Or even the difference in theory and practice between the "law", as it would be if followed in theory, and the actual practice, in which people (whether suspects or law enforcement officers) don't, in real life always act "rationally" or follow in pure mathematical compliance with the law, whether they "should" or not.

Likely having nothing measuring or resembling even any rudimentary education on the "subjects" beyond something they saw on Judge Judy, or a silly crime TV show like CSI, which actual books by law and legal professionals have claimed are inaccurate, and distort public perceptions of the way which courts of law, trial,s evidence(s) and so forth work in real life. Or even something as basic and fundamental as reading up on the laws of their state or country, whether at a local library, a police department, or one of the many law books published by lawyers and legal professions and available for reading or purchasing online; whether the "law" itself, the philosoph(ies) behind it, or the various public, emotional, moral, or intellectual sentiments which go into making the law what it is, or deciding or determining what "should become" or "should" stay" law to begin with, or should be "made into law" if not already existing as such, statutes of limitations, and so forth, nor even under what domain one's own personal authority would grant or merit them in relation to making a claim or assertion, such as an accusation, likely false and not complaint to begin with the law, such as under the law regarding "defamation per se" (in which making the claim or assertion at all is automatically legally liable, with the claimer having to prove it true, not the person claimed against having to prove it "false"). Or something such as the difference between "calling the police", as in filing a complaint or report, and the claim or report being "valid", "true", and so on and so forth, and leading to an actual legitimate "arrest", the difference between a charge, an arrest, and a conviction, and so forth.

Hell, some idiots don't even know the difference between law; as state or federal law(s) which affect public life, or private or interpersonal contracts or negotiations, whether informal, such as with family members, friends, acquaintances, private - such as with social groups requiring a formal membership or other organizations (e.x. employers, schools, colleges, universities, doctors, marriages, courts, private websites, and their various private and non-legally binding rules, contracts, agreements, regulations, online vendors and so forth).

Much as there are thousands of laws ("major" or minor) in effect today, some of which have been around for ages, with the original reason for the law or rule being forgotten entirely, and not necessarily for the good, and as the average person isn't a judge, attorney, scholar, or legal enthusiast to begin with, it would more or less be mathematically impossible for a person to not have inadvertently broken some "minor" law at some point in their life without even knowing it (online forums being a wonderful example, as much of the demonstrated behavior would potentially not be protected in a court of law by the 1st Amendment, or by whatever speech laws exist within the context of the UK or the other Commonwealth nations nor even remotely in the realm of "legal" were a person stupid enough to say or do that in real life).

I was thinking of perusing some of the books on Barrister Books, in order to brush up on my law or legal scholarship, knowledge and philosophy.

Discount Law Books, New & Used Law School Textbooks and Study Guides | The Internet's Largest Law Bookstore
I have no interest in studying a bunch of law books. We already have enough lawyers if they would quit being such whimpy pussies and get with the program and help go after these big pharma beast and their crap.

I hope more will join Robert Kennedy Jr. in the battle to help save the children and the brave young people who are in this fight to save their children from what they (pharma) is doing to them with these massive amounts of dangerous vaccines they are pushing. Mercury, Vaccines and the CDC’s Worst Nightmare • Children's Health Defense
I don't think carrying on a war against "big pharma" is a worthy cause or endeavor.

I'd venture that simply being a good parent to begin with and using sound and legal judgment would eliminate many, if not most of the exaggerated concerns and fears, but that is just me.
If what you say was actually the case there would not be so many young parents and their families fighting this beast.
There is a bare minimum of treatment required by law; beyond that, no parent is "forced" to use any drugs or services from "big pharma", just as they aren't "forced" to feed their kids unhealthy fattening food either.
If that were the case some people would not have lost their child for refusing vaccines from the get go (medical kidnap). The cases are out there if you look for them. I don't have time at the moment to go search them all out.
I'm not an expert on what state (or national) vaccine laws are honestly; I'd have to research it sometime, not that I really care since I view sheer "paranoia" over vaccines, something which we only due a few times in our whole lifetimes; I'm just pointing out the reality of the research into the manufacturer defects and potential lawsuits it might generate, which is the reason we see so much nonsensical, anti-intellectual vaccine propaganda on the media today.

As far as idiots claiming this or that "should be done" in regards to something (e.x anti-vaxxers, or whatever); I'm honestly amused on that one, and am honestly pretty shocked at how many people don't even know the basics or the rudimentaries of their legal systems; such as probably not even knowing the differences between state or federal laws, British, American, or other Commonwealth (e.x. Canada or New Zealand) legal systems, civil or criminal procedure, or the actual differences in theory or practice between proposing a legal action, sanction, claiming an allegeded violation or whatever, and the actual time, energy, and requirements which it would take to actually carry out such an action to begin with. Or even the difference in theory and practice between the "law", as it would be if followed in theory, and the actual practice, in which people (whether suspects or law enforcement officers) don't, in real life always act "rationally" or follow in pure mathematical compliance with the law, whether they "should" or not.

Likely having nothing measuring or resembling even any rudimentary education on the "subjects" beyond something they saw on Judge Judy, or a silly crime TV show like CSI, which actual books by law and legal professionals have claimed are inaccurate, and distort public perceptions of the way which courts of law, trial,s evidence(s) and so forth work in real life. Or even something as basic and fundamental as reading up on the laws of their state or country, whether at a local library, a police department, or one of the many law books published by lawyers and legal professions and available for reading or purchasing online; whether the "law" itself, the philosoph(ies) behind it, or the various public, emotional, moral, or intellectual sentiments which go into making the law what it is, or deciding or determining what "should become" or "should" stay" law to begin with, or should be "made into law" if not already existing as such, statutes of limitations, and so forth, nor even under what domain one's own personal authority would grant or merit them in relation to making a claim or assertion, such as an accusation, likely false and not complaint to begin with the law, such as under the law regarding "defamation per se" (in which making the claim or assertion at all is automatically legally liable, with the claimer having to prove it true, not the person claimed against having to prove it "false"). Or something such as the difference between "calling the police", as in filing a complaint or report, and the claim or report being "valid", "true", and so on and so forth, and leading to an actual legitimate "arrest", the difference between a charge, an arrest, and a conviction, and so forth.

Hell, some idiots don't even know the difference between law; as state or federal law(s) which affect public life, or private or interpersonal contracts or negotiations, whether informal, such as with family members, friends, acquaintances, private - such as with social groups requiring a formal membership or other organizations (e.x. employers, schools, colleges, universities, doctors, marriages, courts, private websites, and their various private and non-legally binding rules, contracts, agreements, regulations, online vendors and so forth).

Much as there are thousands of laws ("major" or minor) in effect today, some of which have been around for ages, with the original reason for the law or rule being forgotten entirely, and not necessarily for the good, and as the average person isn't a judge, attorney, scholar, or legal enthusiast to begin with, it would more or less be mathematically impossible for a person to not have inadvertently broken some "minor" law at some point in their life without even knowing it (online forums being a wonderful example, as much of the demonstrated behavior would potentially not be protected in a court of law by the 1st Amendment, or by whatever speech laws exist within the context of the UK or the other Commonwealth nations nor even remotely in the realm of "legal" were a person stupid enough to say or do that in real life).

I was thinking of perusing some of the books on Barrister Books, in order to brush up on my law or legal scholarship, knowledge and philosophy.

Discount Law Books, New & Used Law School Textbooks and Study Guides | The Internet's Largest Law Bookstore
I have no interest in studying a bunch of law books. We already have enough lawyers if they would quit being such whimpy pussies and get with the program and help go after these big pharma beast and their crap.

I hope more will join Robert Kennedy Jr. in the battle to help save the children and the brave young people who are in this fight to save their children from what they (pharma) is doing to them with these massive amounts of dangerous vaccines they are pushing. Mercury, Vaccines and the CDC’s Worst Nightmare • Children's Health Defense
I don't think carrying on a war against "big pharma" is a worthy cause or endeavor.

I'd venture that simply being a good parent to begin with and using sound and legal judgment would eliminate many, if not most of the exaggerated concerns and fears, but that is just me.
If what you say was actually the case there would not be so many young parents and their families fighting this beast.
There is a bare minimum of treatment required by law; beyond that, no parent is "forced" to use any drugs or services from "big pharma", just as they aren't "forced" to feed their kids unhealthy fattening food either.
If that were the case some people would not have lost their child for refusing vaccines from the get go (medical kidnap). The cases are out there if you look for them. I don't have time at the moment to go search them all out.
I'm leaning toward thinking that "some people" would be better off not having children.

The entire public education system could just be redesigned as a state-run, military boarding school, built on a model of classical education.
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I'm leaning toward thinking that "some people" would be better off not having children.
That may be the case but in a society with liberty we do not get to be the fascist that make that call.
I'll see what the state laws are, in regards to penalizing irresponsible procreation, in some extreme cases, such as deadbeats who have multiple children with multiple baby daddies / mommies and don't support them at all, I believe there are methods by which they can.
Childhood death used to be a curse on American families taking away children to polio, smallpox, measles, diphtheria, influenza
Yes, that's the simple, 6th grade reading level story; the reality of the history of medicine and its developments is far more complicated than that, as the reality of the diseases in question, many of which were, at least in part, a result and byproduct of industrial living, hence why the fact is that some indigenous tribes like the Sentinelese have lived for over 80,000 years without need these immunities to begin with.

Then a miracle occurred, vaccines were developed which almost irradiated these diseases.
That's only a very small part of a much bigger hole, the main diseases which kill people today, for example, are obesity and other diseases which are self-inflicted via unhealthy diets, lack of exercise, and processed foods.

Statistically, I'd argue that there would be as much, if not more justification in taking the children away from the morbidly obese, who train their children to eat just as unhealthy and disgusting diets, likely to die at 50 years as a result of their lifestyle, when people who maintained healthy diets in periods as far back as the Renassiance, or even indigenous cultures, with healthy those dying of natural causes living into their 70s or 80s.

Sadly, I'm sure the corporate propagandists on behalf of fast food and junk food companies would love to see that this never happens.

Morons called anti vaxers have allowed these diseases to come back
Please, oh please show me the evidence of the "diseases" coming back.

They should have their children taken away
As usual, you're an idiot and have no clue what the law is, in theory or practice.

The reality, of course is that researches, such as those from Philadelphia's college of medicine, have demonstrated the reality of harmful vaccine side effects caused as a result of manufacturer defects, hence the silly propaganda campaigns about "anti-Vaxxers" like David Icke, attempting to distract from the real research into the harmful vaccine side effects, knowing they may result in potential lawsuits.

So no, I don't think and idiot like yourself, knowing very little if any about medicine's history beyond simple folk axioms taught at the 6th grade level, nor what "the law", or even which "legal systems" (as in state or federal) can or will do anything about it.

Here's some more scholarly books on the actual history of medicine, from the ancient past up unto the present day, but of course you and the other idiots who are talking about "David Icke", when I'm talking about actual facts won't be relevant to any of this.

It's not like a single one of your are medical doctors with a significant investment in the industry, nor vaccine manufacturers yourselfs, so honestly, the fact that you nitwits seem so personally invested in some silliness which you've never so much as read a single book about, nor know anything about beyond rudimentary 6th grade facts strikes me as... odd to begin with.
It’s all quite simple

Vaccines save lives......Parents who refuse to vaccinate their children risk both their children and society as a whole

They need to be treated as social pariahs
Childhood death used to be a curse on American families taking away children to polio, smallpox, measles, diphtheria, influenza
Yes, that's the simple, 6th grade reading level story; the reality of the history of medicine and its developments is far more complicated than that, as the reality of the diseases in question, many of which were, at least in part, a result and byproduct of industrial living, hence why the fact is that some indigenous tribes like the Sentinelese have lived for over 80,000 years without need these immunities to begin with.

Then a miracle occurred, vaccines were developed which almost irradiated these diseases.
That's only a very small part of a much bigger hole, the main diseases which kill people today, for example, are obesity and other diseases which are self-inflicted via unhealthy diets, lack of exercise, and processed foods.

Statistically, I'd argue that there would be as much, if not more justification in taking the children away from the morbidly obese, who train their children to eat just as unhealthy and disgusting diets, likely to die at 50 years as a result of their lifestyle, when people who maintained healthy diets in periods as far back as the Renassiance, or even indigenous cultures, with healthy those dying of natural causes living into their 70s or 80s.

Sadly, I'm sure the corporate propagandists on behalf of fast food and junk food companies would love to see that this never happens.

Morons called anti vaxers have allowed these diseases to come back
Please, oh please show me the evidence of the "diseases" coming back.

They should have their children taken away
As usual, you're an idiot and have no clue what the law is, in theory or practice.

The reality, of course is that researches, such as those from Philadelphia's college of medicine, have demonstrated the reality of harmful vaccine side effects caused as a result of manufacturer defects, hence the silly propaganda campaigns about "anti-Vaxxers" like David Icke, attempting to distract from the real research into the harmful vaccine side effects, knowing they may result in potential lawsuits.

So no, I don't think and idiot like yourself, knowing very little if any about medicine's history beyond simple folk axioms taught at the 6th grade level, nor what "the law", or even which "legal systems" (as in state or federal) can or will do anything about it.

Here's some more scholarly books on the actual history of medicine, from the ancient past up unto the present day, but of course you and the other idiots who are talking about "David Icke", when I'm talking about actual facts won't be relevant to any of this.

It's not like a single one of your are medical doctors with a significant investment in the industry, nor vaccine manufacturers yourselfs, so honestly, the fact that you nitwits seem so personally invested in some silliness which you've never so much as read a single book about, nor know anything about beyond rudimentary 6th grade facts strikes me as... odd to begin with.
It’s all quite simple

Vaccines save lives......Parents who refuse to vaccinate their children risk both their children and society as a whole

They need to be treated as social pariahs
Again you've demonstrated your childish simplistic and faulty logic, merely repeating a quaint little 6th grade mantra in ignorance of the facts.

Statistically, obesity as a disease, which is self-inflicted kills more people than lack of vaccination does, so there would be far more rationality in dealing with obese people, such as removing children from their custody than there would to disproportionately fear death from an archaic disease.
Childhood death used to be a curse on American families taking away children to polio, smallpox, measles, diphtheria, influenza
Yes, that's the simple, 6th grade reading level story; the reality of the history of medicine and its developments is far more complicated than that, as the reality of the diseases in question, many of which were, at least in part, a result and byproduct of industrial living, hence why the fact is that some indigenous tribes like the Sentinelese have lived for over 80,000 years without need these immunities to begin with.

Then a miracle occurred, vaccines were developed which almost irradiated these diseases.
That's only a very small part of a much bigger hole, the main diseases which kill people today, for example, are obesity and other diseases which are self-inflicted via unhealthy diets, lack of exercise, and processed foods.

Statistically, I'd argue that there would be as much, if not more justification in taking the children away from the morbidly obese, who train their children to eat just as unhealthy and disgusting diets, likely to die at 50 years as a result of their lifestyle, when people who maintained healthy diets in periods as far back as the Renassiance, or even indigenous cultures, with healthy those dying of natural causes living into their 70s or 80s.

Sadly, I'm sure the corporate propagandists on behalf of fast food and junk food companies would love to see that this never happens.

Morons called anti vaxers have allowed these diseases to come back
Please, oh please show me the evidence of the "diseases" coming back.

They should have their children taken away
As usual, you're an idiot and have no clue what the law is, in theory or practice.

The reality, of course is that researches, such as those from Philadelphia's college of medicine, have demonstrated the reality of harmful vaccine side effects caused as a result of manufacturer defects, hence the silly propaganda campaigns about "anti-Vaxxers" like David Icke, attempting to distract from the real research into the harmful vaccine side effects, knowing they may result in potential lawsuits.

So no, I don't think and idiot like yourself, knowing very little if any about medicine's history beyond simple folk axioms taught at the 6th grade level, nor what "the law", or even which "legal systems" (as in state or federal) can or will do anything about it.

Here's some more scholarly books on the actual history of medicine, from the ancient past up unto the present day, but of course you and the other idiots who are talking about "David Icke", when I'm talking about actual facts won't be relevant to any of this.

It's not like a single one of your are medical doctors with a significant investment in the industry, nor vaccine manufacturers yourselfs, so honestly, the fact that you nitwits seem so personally invested in some silliness which you've never so much as read a single book about, nor know anything about beyond rudimentary 6th grade facts strikes me as... odd to begin with.
It’s all quite simple

Vaccines save lives......Parents who refuse to vaccinate their children risk both their children and society as a whole

They need to be treated as social pariahs
Again you've demonstrated your childish simplistic and faulty logic, merely repeating a quaint little 6th grade mantra in ignorance of the facts.

Statistically, obesity as a disease, which is self-inflicted kills more people than lack of vaccination does, so there would be far more rationality in dealing with obese people, such as removing children from their custody than there would to disproportionately fear death from an archaic disease.
History proves you wrong

Prior to vaccines, infectious diseases killed many, many more than childhood obesity
i got a vaccine the other day.....i feel great!....
That's nice Harry. Rose had a lobotomy and Rose thinks she is fine. Does that mean if someone with lots of money and influence should be able to mandate lobotomies?

Bill Gates, MIT Develop New 'Tattoo ID' to Check For Vaccinations - 21st Century Wire

States that mandate HPV vaccines
HPV Vaccine Mandates for Elementary and Secondary Schools

The Gates are true philanthropist;
Controversial vaccine studies: Why is Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation under fire from critics in India?

Almost 650 girls needed medical intervention after HPV vaccine
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As well documented by universities and research institutions, such as the College of Physicians of Philadelphia, history of negative side-effects from vaccines, possibly as a result of manufacturer defects is well-documented.

Vaccine Side Effects and Adverse Events | History of Vaccines

As a result of these facts, some capitalists and corporate propagandists have been putting out idiotic propanganda known as "pro-vaxxer" propaganda, using simplistic, childish slogans such as "vaccines save lives, polio, and yada yada", or attempting to tie university researchers and other medical experts to stereotypical "conspiracy theorists" such as David Icke and the like.

I'm thinking it's time that the government(s) just shut down these pro-vaxxer corporations and their propaganda, for attempting to mislead and misinform people, merely out of fear of potential lawsuits as a result of the research by universities and medical experts into the harmful side effects of vaccines caused by manufacturer negligence and defects.

Why these liars and charlatans should be allowed to continue to pollute or modern media and airwaves with their silly and infantile rhetoric and outdated propaganda methods and techniques is of course, beyond me and other thinking people entirely, but then again, most, if not all propaganda is aimed for those with a 100 IQ and s simplistic 6th grade reading level, so what, of course can one expect from these idiots and corporate shills>

Should the fact you even thought of that have you arrested after all we do have " pre-crime" thoughts were the left arrest, anyone, they want kind of like the mods on here when their emotions don't like certain information they have the power to take what they don't like you included and kick me you anybody they want off just for breathing wrong.

What these dumb mother fkrs don't get is they are the first ones the deep states coming for civilian levels and all.
i got a vaccine the other day.....i feel great!....
That's nice Harry. Rose had a lobotomy and Rose thinks she is fine. Does that mean if someone with lots of money and influence should be able to mandate lobotomies?

Bill Gates, MIT Develop New 'Tattoo ID' to Check For Vaccinations - 21st Century Wire

States that mandate HPV vaccines
HPV Vaccine Mandates for Elementary and Secondary Schools

The Gates are true philanthropist;
Controversial vaccine studies: Why is Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation under fire from critics in India?

Almost 650 girls needed medical intervention after HPV vaccine
The Gates save millions around the world by making vaccines available in remote impoverished regions. They are looking to irradicate some diseases once and for all

Anti Vaxers are risking their own children to keep those diseases
Childhood death used to be a curse on American families taking away children to polio, smallpox, measles, diphtheria, influenza
Yes, that's the simple, 6th grade reading level story; the reality of the history of medicine and its developments is far more complicated than that, as the reality of the diseases in question, many of which were, at least in part, a result and byproduct of industrial living, hence why the fact is that some indigenous tribes like the Sentinelese have lived for over 80,000 years without need these immunities to begin with.

Then a miracle occurred, vaccines were developed which almost irradiated these diseases.
That's only a very small part of a much bigger hole, the main diseases which kill people today, for example, are obesity and other diseases which are self-inflicted via unhealthy diets, lack of exercise, and processed foods.

Statistically, I'd argue that there would be as much, if not more justification in taking the children away from the morbidly obese, who train their children to eat just as unhealthy and disgusting diets, likely to die at 50 years as a result of their lifestyle, when people who maintained healthy diets in periods as far back as the Renassiance, or even indigenous cultures, with healthy those dying of natural causes living into their 70s or 80s.

Sadly, I'm sure the corporate propagandists on behalf of fast food and junk food companies would love to see that this never happens.

Morons called anti vaxers have allowed these diseases to come back
Please, oh please show me the evidence of the "diseases" coming back.

They should have their children taken away
As usual, you're an idiot and have no clue what the law is, in theory or practice.

The reality, of course is that researches, such as those from Philadelphia's college of medicine, have demonstrated the reality of harmful vaccine side effects caused as a result of manufacturer defects, hence the silly propaganda campaigns about "anti-Vaxxers" like David Icke, attempting to distract from the real research into the harmful vaccine side effects, knowing they may result in potential lawsuits.

So no, I don't think and idiot like yourself, knowing very little if any about medicine's history beyond simple folk axioms taught at the 6th grade level, nor what "the law", or even which "legal systems" (as in state or federal) can or will do anything about it.

Here's some more scholarly books on the actual history of medicine, from the ancient past up unto the present day, but of course you and the other idiots who are talking about "David Icke", when I'm talking about actual facts won't be relevant to any of this.

It's not like a single one of your are medical doctors with a significant investment in the industry, nor vaccine manufacturers yourselfs, so honestly, the fact that you nitwits seem so personally invested in some silliness which you've never so much as read a single book about, nor know anything about beyond rudimentary 6th grade facts strikes me as... odd to begin with.
It’s all quite simple

Vaccines save lives......Parents who refuse to vaccinate their children risk both their children and society as a whole

They need to be treated as social pariahs

Have you no clue ppl got POLIO from the polio vaccine .
i got a vaccine the other day.....i feel great!....
That's nice Harry. Rose had a lobotomy and Rose thinks she is fine. Does that mean if someone with lots of money and influence should be able to mandate lobotomies?

Bill Gates, MIT Develop New 'Tattoo ID' to Check For Vaccinations - 21st Century Wire

States that mandate HPV vaccines
HPV Vaccine Mandates for Elementary and Secondary Schools

The Gates are true philanthropist;
Controversial vaccine studies: Why is Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation under fire from critics in India?

Almost 650 girls needed medical intervention after HPV vaccine
The Gates save millions around the world by making vaccines available in remote impoverished regions. They are looking to irradicate some diseases once and for all

Anti Vaxers are risking their own children to keep those diseases
Gates are working for depopulation starting with the poorest of the world but in the meantime using his wealth to push for more wealth by putting other peoples children at risk here too with all the experimental crap.
Childhood death used to be a curse on American families taking away children to polio, smallpox, measles, diphtheria, influenza
Yes, that's the simple, 6th grade reading level story; the reality of the history of medicine and its developments is far more complicated than that, as the reality of the diseases in question, many of which were, at least in part, a result and byproduct of industrial living, hence why the fact is that some indigenous tribes like the Sentinelese have lived for over 80,000 years without need these immunities to begin with.

Then a miracle occurred, vaccines were developed which almost irradiated these diseases.
That's only a very small part of a much bigger hole, the main diseases which kill people today, for example, are obesity and other diseases which are self-inflicted via unhealthy diets, lack of exercise, and processed foods.

Statistically, I'd argue that there would be as much, if not more justification in taking the children away from the morbidly obese, who train their children to eat just as unhealthy and disgusting diets, likely to die at 50 years as a result of their lifestyle, when people who maintained healthy diets in periods as far back as the Renassiance, or even indigenous cultures, with healthy those dying of natural causes living into their 70s or 80s.

Sadly, I'm sure the corporate propagandists on behalf of fast food and junk food companies would love to see that this never happens.

Morons called anti vaxers have allowed these diseases to come back
Please, oh please show me the evidence of the "diseases" coming back.

They should have their children taken away
As usual, you're an idiot and have no clue what the law is, in theory or practice.

The reality, of course is that researches, such as those from Philadelphia's college of medicine, have demonstrated the reality of harmful vaccine side effects caused as a result of manufacturer defects, hence the silly propaganda campaigns about "anti-Vaxxers" like David Icke, attempting to distract from the real research into the harmful vaccine side effects, knowing they may result in potential lawsuits.

So no, I don't think and idiot like yourself, knowing very little if any about medicine's history beyond simple folk axioms taught at the 6th grade level, nor what "the law", or even which "legal systems" (as in state or federal) can or will do anything about it.

Here's some more scholarly books on the actual history of medicine, from the ancient past up unto the present day, but of course you and the other idiots who are talking about "David Icke", when I'm talking about actual facts won't be relevant to any of this.

It's not like a single one of your are medical doctors with a significant investment in the industry, nor vaccine manufacturers yourselfs, so honestly, the fact that you nitwits seem so personally invested in some silliness which you've never so much as read a single book about, nor know anything about beyond rudimentary 6th grade facts strikes me as... odd to begin with.
It’s all quite simple

Vaccines save lives......Parents who refuse to vaccinate their children risk both their children and society as a whole

They need to be treated as social pariahs

Have you no clue ppl got POLIO from the polio vaccine .
They don't give a shit. In Samoa they knew damn well that if they started a measles epidemic the children there were at risk because they are all vitamin A deficient. That all came out in a WHO report in 2016 yet they push for vaccinations first instead of getting those children up to par with their vitamin deficiencies.
i got a vaccine the other day.....i feel great!....
That's nice Harry. Rose had a lobotomy and Rose thinks she is fine. Does that mean if someone with lots of money and influence should be able to mandate lobotomies?

Bill Gates, MIT Develop New 'Tattoo ID' to Check For Vaccinations - 21st Century Wire

States that mandate HPV vaccines
HPV Vaccine Mandates for Elementary and Secondary Schools

The Gates are true philanthropist;
Controversial vaccine studies: Why is Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation under fire from critics in India?

Almost 650 girls needed medical intervention after HPV vaccine
The Gates save millions around the world by making vaccines available in remote impoverished regions. They are looking to irradicate some diseases once and for all

Anti Vaxers are risking their own children to keep those diseases

you dumb ass that asshole gets billions from big pharma you douche vaccines shed live viruses which is why half these moron in SOMOA are croakinng....

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