Should race-baiting demagogues share blame for two murdered NYPD cops?

As usual, the haters who make this accusation can never actually name any "conservatives" they are pretending did this.
Mitt Romney for one. Rush Limbaugh for another.

Mitt Romney demonized black people?


B'loney. 47% of Americans are not black. Romney was observing the behavior of "depending upon the government" in lieu of individual responsibility. That is not racism.
I'm using the same reasoning on Mitt that nutcases use on the POTUS and racial tensions. Mitts implication was that of those 47% he was calling out the majority consisted of all the Black people in the US. So in keeping with that reasoning he was demonizing Blacks.

No, you're just being a Race-baiting moron.

So, Sod Off Swampy.
I keep hearing that if someone yells FIRE in a crowded theater (when there is no fire), and people are injured or killed in the resulting stampede for the exits, that guy is partly to blame for those tragedies. And he can be PROSECUTED for causing the panic resulting in injuries or deaths.

Why should it be any different for Sharpton, Matthews etc.?

Because they never called for cops to be killed, for starters.
Did the guy yelling FIRE in the theater, call for people to be killed?

But he can still be prosecuted for what he did.

If there had actually been a fire, then he couldn't, because he was telling the truth.

There actually was a homicide of a black man perpetrated by the police.
So in other words, like any hysterical woman who can't control her emotions after being made a fool and sockpuppet in another thread, you have become a stalker.
How quaint.
I'm posting on an internet message board. I guess since you're responding that means you're stalking me.

Mi try a run yuh, buh yuh nah farsey, boi. :)
Actually I responded to you posting a mesage towards me for no apparant reason other than being made the fool in another thread.

My last five posts have been in response to your initiating posts toward me.

Text book scorned internet stalker.
I guess any fantasy will do in a prison cell. I hope fetchit don't get mad ya.
Sure...go stalk someone else now.
Yard time over? Enjoy. :) decide to get lost.
Stay Lost.
Nothing worse than a female that doesn't know when her usefulness is over.
We've pretty well established that people telling lies for the purpose of inciting hatred and fear, aren't much different from the guy who yells FIRE in a crowded theater when there is no fire, resulting in injury and death. The guy yelling FIRE can be prosecuted even though he didn't call for people to die in the theater. Should we also prosecute Sharpton, Matthews et. al. for helping to provoke the murder of cops?
We've pretty well established that people telling lies for the purpose of inciting hatred and fear, aren't much different from the guy who yells FIRE in a crowded theater when there is no fire, resulting in injury and death. The guy yelling FIRE can be prosecuted even though he didn't call for people to die in the theater. Should we also prosecute Sharpton, Matthews et. al. for helping to provoke the murder of cops? soon as you can introduce evidence that they did so.
But you can't introduce something that doesn't exist.
As usual, the haters who make this accusation can never actually name any "conservatives" they are pretending did this.
Mitt Romney for one. Rush Limbaugh for another.

Mitt Romney demonized black people?


B'loney. 47% of Americans are not black. Romney was observing the behavior of "depending upon the government" in lieu of individual responsibility. That is not racism.
I'm using the same reasoning on Mitt that nutcases use on the POTUS and racial tensions. Mitts implication was that of those 47% he was calling out the majority consisted of all the Black people in the US. So in keeping with that reasoning he was demonizing Blacks.
Gruber described you well. Romney was saying that the 47% that gets some sort of government assistance, probably wouldn't vote for him. I mean liberals always tell them if they vote republican they will lose their welfare. Fear mongering and lying at it's best.
I'm posting on an internet message board. I guess since you're responding that means you're stalking me.

Mi try a run yuh, buh yuh nah farsey, boi. :)
Actually I responded to you posting a mesage towards me for no apparant reason other than being made the fool in another thread.

My last five posts have been in response to your initiating posts toward me.

Text book scorned internet stalker.
I guess any fantasy will do in a prison cell. I hope fetchit don't get mad ya.
Sure...go stalk someone else now.
Yard time over? Enjoy. :) decide to get lost.
Stay Lost.
Nothing worse than a female that doesn't know when her usefulness is over.
Except an old and tired wannabe bully whose worn-out racism has become a cliché.
Obviously the one most responsible, is the guy who pulled the trigger and shot the cops.

And when people simply report the truth and that upsets somebody, that's not the reporters' fault.

But when people like Al Sharpton, Chris Matthews etc. go around telling long-debunked lies ("Michael Brown had his hands up and was surrendering when he was shot", "Cops killed Eric Garner because they hated blacks") and their lies inflame some whacko to the point where he murders two cops in cold blood, shouldn't those lying race-baiters share some responsibility for the murdered cops?

How long will we tolerate people telling flagrant lies to whip up their hatred and resentment?

Yes, Mayor Cocksucking DeBasio should be on trial for insighting this vicious killing of GOOD police officers.

This is more proof of why cops MUST and DO treat black differently. Black neighborhoods are always the worst in every country black reside in.

I honestly believe violent tendancy and viciousness is in their genetics!
Actually I responded to you posting a mesage towards me for no apparant reason other than being made the fool in another thread.

My last five posts have been in response to your initiating posts toward me.

Text book scorned internet stalker.
I guess any fantasy will do in a prison cell. I hope fetchit don't get mad ya.
Sure...go stalk someone else now.
Yard time over? Enjoy. :) decide to get lost.
Stay Lost.
Nothing worse than a female that doesn't know when her usefulness is over.
Except an old and tired wannabe bully whose worn-out racism has become a cliché.
Well then you have outed yourself as an ignorant internet stalking bitch and a failed wannabe internet bully...great for you.
Obviously the one most responsible, is the guy who pulled the trigger and shot the cops.

And when people simply report the truth and that upsets somebody, that's not the reporters' fault.

But when people like Al Sharpton, Chris Matthews etc. go around telling long-debunked lies ("Michael Brown had his hands up and was surrendering when he was shot", "Cops killed Eric Garner because they hated blacks") and their lies inflame some whacko to the point where he murders two cops in cold blood, shouldn't those lying race-baiters share some responsibility for the murdered cops?

How long will we tolerate people telling flagrant lies to whip up their hatred and resentment?

Yes, Mayor Cocksucking DeBasio should be on trial for insighting this vicious killing of GOOD police officers.

This is more proof of why cops MUST and DO treat black differently. Black neighborhoods are always the worst in every country black reside in.

I honestly believe violent tendancy and viciousness is in their genetics!

This is one has a responsibility to correct your ignorant assumptions.
I guess any fantasy will do in a prison cell. I hope fetchit don't get mad ya.
Sure...go stalk someone else now.
Yard time over? Enjoy. :) decide to get lost.
Stay Lost.
Nothing worse than a female that doesn't know when her usefulness is over.
Except an old and tired wannabe bully whose worn-out racism has become a cliché.
Well then you have outed yourself as an ignorant internet stalking bitch and a failed wannabe internet bully...great for you.
I can write some more material for you since you're using mine now lol

Wanna talk about colonialism? :p
Obviously the one most responsible, is the guy who pulled the trigger and shot the cops.

And when people simply report the truth and that upsets somebody, that's not the reporters' fault.

But when people like Al Sharpton, Chris Matthews etc. go around telling long-debunked lies ("Michael Brown had his hands up and was surrendering when he was shot", "Cops killed Eric Garner because they hated blacks") and their lies inflame some whacko to the point where he murders two cops in cold blood, shouldn't those lying race-baiters share some responsibility for the murdered cops?

How long will we tolerate people telling flagrant lies to whip up their hatred and resentment?

Yes, Mayor Cocksucking DeBasio should be on trial for insighting this vicious killing of GOOD police officers.

This is more proof of why cops MUST and DO treat black differently. Black neighborhoods are always the worst in every country black reside in.

I honestly believe violent tendancy and viciousness is in their genetics!
I wouldn't go that far. I think it's a cultural thing.

And that mayor guy will probably have to step down. He absolutely needs the cops on his side. He done fucked up.
Sure...go stalk someone else now.
Yard time over? Enjoy. :) decide to get lost.
Stay Lost.
Nothing worse than a female that doesn't know when her usefulness is over.
Except an old and tired wannabe bully whose worn-out racism has become a cliché.
Well then you have outed yourself as an ignorant internet stalking bitch and a failed wannabe internet bully...great for you.
I can write some more material for you since you're using mine now lol

Wanna talk about colonialism? :p
Still stalking me???? pathetic.

You must have a history of being that now.
Yard time over? Enjoy. :) decide to get lost.
Stay Lost.
Nothing worse than a female that doesn't know when her usefulness is over.
Except an old and tired wannabe bully whose worn-out racism has become a cliché.
Well then you have outed yourself as an ignorant internet stalking bitch and a failed wannabe internet bully...great for you.
I can write some more material for you since you're using mine now lol

Wanna talk about colonialism? :p
Still stalking me???? pathetic.

You must have a history of being that now.
Play it again, Sam.

There's a place across the bay we go to sometimes called Sambo Creek. Do it makes you mad?
Obviously the one most responsible, is the guy who pulled the trigger and shot the cops.

And when people simply report the truth and that upsets somebody, that's not the reporters' fault.

But when people like Al Sharpton, Chris Matthews etc. go around telling long-debunked lies ("Michael Brown had his hands up and was surrendering when he was shot", "Cops killed Eric Garner because they hated blacks") and their lies inflame some whacko to the point where he murders two cops in cold blood, shouldn't those lying race-baiters share some responsibility for the murdered cops?

How long will we tolerate people telling flagrant lies to whip up their hatred and resentment?

The only people I know of who actually advocate shooting at cops are supporters of Cliven Bundy. But as far as I know, they're all still at large.

Farrakhan On Ferguson 8216 We 8217 ll Tear This G damn Country Up 8217 VIDEO The Daily Caller

FTA: “But when we die and they die, then soon we’re going to sit at a table and talk about it! We’re tired! We want some of this earth or we’ll tear this goddamn country up!"
Obviously the one most responsible, is the guy who pulled the trigger and shot the cops.

And when people simply report the truth and that upsets somebody, that's not the reporters' fault.

But when people like Al Sharpton, Chris Matthews etc. go around telling long-debunked lies ("Michael Brown had his hands up and was surrendering when he was shot", "Cops killed Eric Garner because they hated blacks") and their lies inflame some whacko to the point where he murders two cops in cold blood, shouldn't those lying race-baiters share some responsibility for the murdered cops?

How long will we tolerate people telling flagrant lies to whip up their hatred and resentment?

Yes, Mayor Cocksucking DeBasio should be on trial for insighting this vicious killing of GOOD police officers.

This is more proof of why cops MUST and DO treat black differently. Black neighborhoods are always the worst in every country black reside in.

I honestly believe violent tendancy and viciousness is in their genetics!
I wouldn't go that far. I think it's a cultural thing.

And that mayor guy will probably have to step down. He absolutely needs the cops on his side. He done fucked up.

Good lord... Looks like Jake is running a sock now.


So it is written, as it shall be done.

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