should Ray Epps be arrested ?

So state legislators have to accept fake votes even when proven the votes are fake past the date? Interesting

Electors assigned by the States aren't fake.

Remember, you don't know how any of this works.


So when are they gonna vote on that?

Come on answer the question.. he was yelling go in to the capital in front of thousands.. the guys rushing the capital after he whispered in his ear,, did he enter the capital?
You want me to tell you how many people you imagine Ray Epps got into the Capitol?

Can you at least give me a hint to the number you've made up?
I didn’t ask you that.. can you read

The electors seated by Pence weren't fake. They were the duly elected and qualified Electors for the states they represented.

Says who, says the States and their respective Certificates of Ascertainment, naming each elector specifically.

So who, pray tell, are these 'fake electors' that the State legislatures are 'forced' to accept in your imaginary version of the constitution?
No, the people around Epps when he said that. Have you seen the videos?? It appears not. No one in any of those videos expressed support for him.

Nor did one person enter the capitol when he spoke on January 5th.

Can you give us a hint to the number you made up, 45?
No, the people around Epps when he said that. Have you seen the videos?? It appears not. No one in any of those videos expressed support for him.
I asked you how many ended up inside of the capital the next day.. you don’t know for sure do you. Hehe
Are you suggesting if she becomes governor, she's going to certify the Republican candidate for president, even if that candidate loses in 2024?
If you have millions of unsolicited mail in votes, if we have poll blockers, if we have loss of chain of command, if we have video of hundreds of ballots being stuffed in a box on the street corner there’s absolutely no way a Democrat gets in. Show up and vote like a man, Show an ID if you want to win Arizona, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Nevada, Minnesota.
Not true if they passed fraudulent votes on the day it needed to be submitted, by law the senate can choose another date to accept the real count.

A pity you can't prove there were more than a few dozen fraudulent votes. :(
If you have millions of unsolicited mail in votes, if we have poll blockers, if we have loss of chain of command, if we have video of hundreds of ballots being stuffed in a box on the street corner there’s absolutely no way a Democrat gets in. Show up and vote like a man, Show an ID if you want to win Arizona, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Nevada, Minnesota.

You're gonna need hundreds of thousands of ballots. Not a couple hundred. And the evidence for that is non-existent. As affirmed by every count, recount, hand count, forensic count, official tally, certificate of ascertainment and electoral count.

Trump lost EVERY Big Lie lawsuit, without exception due to a lack of credible evidence that the election had been stolen.

Your imagination doesn't' amount to much in court.

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