Should Republican's be arrested and "deprogramed"?

Deflecting? Did you ever think of fucking your 3rd grade teacher?

Well since you didn't come out and deny it ...clearly you did, right?

No...fuckface...what I suggested just now was so outrageous that it doesn't warrant an answer. Nobody is going to lock you guys up and "re-program" you... You guys make us laugh. You've developed this complex to where you think you're so dangerous to the "deep state" that you have to be dealt with. Stop for a moment and ask yourself why you haven't been rounded up already and shot if..."We" could do it whenever we want to since we control the cops, the courts and the congress. Of course if you actually took a second to at least attempt to be serious about the would have to answer that nobody is giving you a first thought; much less a second one.

You have a mental illness. You are paranoid. It isn't going to end well for you. Not because of us...but because of you. Seek help.
Holy shit, you are a GAS BAG full of SHIT!!!
Your queen CROOKED HILLARY said the quiet part OUT LOUD when she herself suggested that Trump supporters NEED DEPROGRAMING!!!
God damn the lack of SELF-AWARENESS among you demented avenger subverted demoralized zombies is amazingly PATHETIC!!!
We keep telling you the simple truth.

”Simple truth” like how the border is secure and that walls don’t work(until they do). How about how Hunter was hired for his business expertise at a Ukrainian company. Maybe more ”simple truth” like climate change is the biggest threat we face in the world.

Your “simple truth” is not what you think it is. This is exactly the point of the indoctrination we have in our school system and the MSM. It make people believe that much of what they are hearing is truth, when in fact, it is just the opposite.
Being deprogrammed can save lives,

Tony Robinson Charged In Chicago Stabbing Death Of UMD Doctoral Candidate Anat Kimchi​

Deflecting? Did you ever think of fucking your 3rd grade teacher?

3rd grade? No....But my 5th grade English teacher, Ms. Jenkins, a slender 20 something, with nice breasts, and a wonderful personality? Oh, hell yeah!

Well since you didn't come out and deny it ...clearly you did, right?

:laughing0301: You just asked, and I answered....See how easy that was? Now, please tell the triggered voices in your head to pipe down for a second and think before you post such nonsense....

what I suggested just now was so outrageous that it doesn't warrant an answer.

LOL....I think it's common knowledge that boys in grade school often have crushes on their teachers....Not outrageous at all, quite normal really....Now the fact that growing numbers of liberal teachers today would act on that, IS what is outrageous...

Nobody is going to lock you guys up and "re-program" you...

Then why are your leaders talking about it more and more, trying to mainstream the idea....?

You've developed this complex to where you think you're so dangerous to the "deep state" that you have to be dealt with.

So, now you admit there is a Deep state?

Stop for a moment and ask yourself why you haven't been rounded up already and shot if..."We" could do it whenever we want to since we control the cops, the courts and the congress.

Because, you would have to disarm the general public first....And, you're trying that now...

Of course if you actually took a second to at least attempt to be serious about the would have to answer that nobody is giving you a first thought; much less a second one.

Oh, you are.

Your showing up here daily to do what you do here is proof that we live in your head rent free...

You have a mental illness. You are paranoid. It isn't going to end well for you. Not because of us...but because of you. Seek help.

Oh screw you....If anyone here displays the traits of someone who is in need of deep therapy, it's you....
We've seen it here and there on this board from some of the more radical leftists. And it seems to be gaining traction...So, my question to everyone, Does the left want Trump supporters jailed, and "re programmed"? What ever that means. And what does that look like in practical terms? Door to door? Voter roles? What?

Fuckin A right they should

Republicans are trash and garbage combined.
Republicans have destroyed America and caused all our major problems

Bush inherited a balanced budget and left office with trillion dollar deficits, failed and mis-managed wars, and the economy in ruin
Trump started his presidency with $600B/yr deficit and left office with $3+T/yr deficits. Trump lost the election and then lied about fraud that never happened and incited a riot at the Capitol over total lies.

Trash republicans can't even admit Trump lost the election and is lying about fraud despite having no evidence of fraud at all and Trump losing every court case.
This sums up how total trash the trash republicans are.

Republicans are the trash of America, they are an utter disgrace, they have destroyed America with their repeated failed policy and massive debt and deficits.

All the problems in America are caused by failed republican policy.
Fuckin A right they should

Republicans are trash and garbage combined.
Republicans have destroyed America and caused all our major problems

Bush inherited a balanced budget and left office with trillion dollar deficits, failed and mis-managed wars, and the economy in ruin
Trump started his presidency with $600B/yr deficit and left office with $3+T/yr deficits. Trump lost the election and then lied about fraud that never happened and incited a riot at the Capitol over total lies.

Trash republicans can't even admit Trump lost the election and is lying about fraud despite having no evidence of fraud at all and Trump losing every court case.
This sums up how total trash the trash republicans are.

Republicans are the trash of America, they are an utter disgrace, they have destroyed America with their repeated failed policy and massive debt and deficits.

All the problems in America are caused by failed republican policy.
How do you think it should be done then?
The difference is that MAGA republicans are trash and racist and gullible as fuck, and they rioted at the Capitol and beat cops over total lies of election fraud that never happened.

The evidence proves that MAGA republicans are total trash.

You need to post pathetic memes to try and explain the trash and disgraceful behavior of all the MAGA republicans who are gullible sheep that rioted at the Capitol over total lies.
The difference is that MAGA republicans are trash and racist and gullible as fuck, and they rioted at the Capitol and beat cops over total lies of election fraud that never happened.

The evidence proves that MAGA republicans are total trash.

You need to post pathetic memes to try and explain the trash and disgraceful behavior of all the MAGA republicans who are gullible sheep that rioted at the Capitol over total lies.
We've seen it here and there on this board from some of the more radical leftists. And it seems to be gaining traction...So, my question to everyone, Does the left want Trump supporters jailed, and "re programmed"? What ever that means.
Absoultely not. Put them with the Canadians!

No, I've seen it in here....And now with Hillary suggesting such, not to mention David Atkins and his filth...I really am starting to believe that you libs are totally unhinged enough to float the idea....
I'm starting to believe you can't substantiate your premise. still haven't.
Fuckin A right they should

Republicans are trash and garbage combined.
Republicans have destroyed America and caused all our major problems

Bush inherited a balanced budget and left office with trillion dollar deficits, failed and mis-managed wars, and the economy in ruin
Trump started his presidency with $600B/yr deficit and left office with $3+T/yr deficits. Trump lost the election and then lied about fraud that never happened and incited a riot at the Capitol over total lies.

Trash republicans can't even admit Trump lost the election and is lying about fraud despite having no evidence of fraud at all and Trump losing every court case.
This sums up how total trash the trash republicans are.

Republicans are the trash of America, they are an utter disgrace, they have destroyed America with their repeated failed policy and massive debt and deficits.

All the problems in America are caused by failed republican policy.
We've seen it here and there on this board from some of the more radical leftists. And it seems to be gaining traction...So, my question to everyone, Does the left want Trump supporters jailed, and "re programmed"? What ever that means. And what does that look like in practical terms? Door to door? Voter roles? What?

What would our 1st deprogramming look like.........we know all 57 genders reciting them backwards?

be a lot of dead mother fuckers with their throats slit
Deflecting? Did you ever think of fucking your 3rd grade teacher?

Well since you didn't come out and deny it ...clearly you did, right?

No...fuckface...what I suggested just now was so outrageous that it doesn't warrant an answer. Nobody is going to lock you guys up and "re-program" you... You guys make us laugh. You've developed this complex to where you think you're so dangerous to the "deep state" that you have to be dealt with. Stop for a moment and ask yourself why you haven't been rounded up already and shot if..."We" could do it whenever we want to since we control the cops, the courts and the congress. Of course if you actually took a second to at least attempt to be serious about the would have to answer that nobody is giving you a first thought; much less a second one.

You have a mental illness. You are paranoid. It isn't going to end well for you. Not because of us...but because of you. Seek help.
come get me and i'll torture you until you beg for death

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