Should Republican's be arrested and "deprogramed"?

Taking the spotlight away from people who are spreading lies and conspiracies which cause the “programming” and replacing those people with more honest actors

You're a naive fool apparently. Who keeps the 'spotlight' on Trump, why isn't it your politicians and paid for media? Why yes it is. :cuckoo:
I'm starting to believe you can't substantiate your premise. still haven't.
How do you think that? I’ve posted several prominent dems talking about just that…and asked a question that obviously triggers you…
And words have meanings.

gerund or present participle: deprogramming
  1. release (someone) from apparent brainwashing, typically that of a religious cult, by the systematic reindoctrination of conventional values
Yup and that’s exactly what’s happening here. We have masses of people who actually believe that a national election was rigged and stolen. With no evidence proving it. Lie after lie being fed to them. It’s pathetic and it’s definitely brainwash and programming
3rd grade? No....But my 5th grade English teacher, Ms. Jenkins, a slender 20 something, with nice breasts, and a wonderful personality? Oh, hell yeah!

:laughing0301: You just asked, and I answered....See how easy that was? Now, please tell the triggered voices in your head to pipe down for a second and think before you post such nonsense....

LOL....I think it's common knowledge that boys in grade school often have crushes on their teachers....Not outrageous at all, quite normal really....Now the fact that growing numbers of liberal teachers today would act on that, IS what is outrageous...

Then why are your leaders talking about it more and more, trying to mainstream the idea....?

So, now you admit there is a Deep state?

Because, you would have to disarm the general public first....And, you're trying that now...

Oh, you are.

Your showing up here daily to do what you do here is proof that we live in your head rent free...

Oh screw you....If anyone here displays the traits of someone who is in need of deep therapy, it's you....

You are the problem in America
You people are what's wrong with America

Trump lost the election and then told you some big grand bullshit lie about election fraud that never happened and you dumb trash believed it like gullible fools. Then you played dress up at the Capitol and went crazy and attacked and beat cops all over total lies because you people are too stupid to know fact from fiction.

Republicans need to take a long long look in the mirror and figure why they are total trash and why they are so easily played and manipulated.

You people cry like weaklings, total weaklings, over everything and you are not tough at all in anyway.
Republicans play victim over everything and they are the weak, because they are always crying like weaklings, and acting like garbage.

Trump lost the election, then he lost all his court cases, take it like a man you little pussy
Trump then commited multiple serious crimes, crimes and any other person that did what Trump did would go to prison for a very long time. On top of that the evidence against Trump is infallible and viciously strong. You people need to man up and accept it.

Republicans need to take a long long look in the mirror and figure why they are total garbage and why they are so easily played and manipulated.
You're a naive fool apparently. Who keeps the 'spotlight' on Trump, why isn't it your politicians and paid for media? Why yes it is. :cuckoo:
And here is where you abandon the debate and resort to meaningless insults. Thanks for playing. You lose
So, that’s a yes?
I don't think you should be compelled to break the law for Trump just to under go some transformative experience but if you end up sober and remorseful like Ellis maybe some of you should consider it. 😄

You are the problem in America
You people are what's wrong with America

Trump lost the election and then told you some big grand bullshit lie about election fraud that never happened and you dumb trash believed it like gullible fools. Then you played dress up at the Capitol and went crazy and attacked and beat cops all over total lies because you people are too stupid to know fact from fiction.

Republicans need to take a long long look in the mirror and figure why they are total trash and why they are so easily played and manipulated.

You people cry like weaklings, total weaklings, over everything and you are not tough at all in anyway.
Republicans play victim over everything and they are the weak, because they are always crying like weaklings, and acting like garbage.

Trump lost the election, then he lost all his court cases, take it like a man you little pussy
Trump then commited multiple serious crimes, crimes and any other person that did what Trump did would go to prison for a very long time. On top of that the evidence against Trump is infallible and viciously strong. You people need to man up and accept it.

Republicans need to take a long long look in the mirror and figure why they are total garbage and why they are so easily played and manipulated.
I will, as soon as you come to me and mouth off like that.
I will, as soon as you come to me and mouth off like that.
Change your little quote in your profile.

You are too weak to even admit Trump lost the election and is lying about fraud, you don't even understand the definition of the word truth.
Republicans think they can do whatever they want, say whatever they want, and commit any crime they want, then say "I love my country" and get away with it.

They don't realize it does not work that way.
We've seen it here and there on this board from some of the more radical leftists. And it seems to be gaining traction...So, my question to everyone, Does the left want Trump supporters jailed, and "re programmed"? What ever that means. And what does that look like in practical terms? Door to door? Voter roles? What?

Total silly conversation,
NO ONE who is not just spewing Hate, WANTS TO JAIL unless a crime has been committed.
Maybe just about everyone wishes they could convince OUTHERS to believe the way they do.
YOU can not force anyone to change their mind by saying there NATZIS
OR THERE NOT AMERICANS, BECAUSE of what political party they have a preference for.

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