Should Republicans who voted for Infrastructure be driven from the party?

Is a Republican who supports infrastructure a RINO?
Do they deserve to be driven from the party just because they did what is best for their district and state?

Is a democrat who did not support infrastructure a DINO?
Do they deserve to be driven from the party just because they did what is best for their district and state?
Jesus. First off he's not. Second I have to explain this to you again, I'm not attacking Trump for spending money, I'm calling you out for not holding Trump accountable when he did spend money and raised our debt and deficits. Where were you? He printed a lot of money and didn't hear anything from you. Where did all the small government conservatives go? Were you too busy wanting to sniff the panties of everyone who went into the ladies room to make sure they had the right parts?
So you are attacking me for not attacking Trump? Why should I do that when there are dozens of progs already doing it? Why do progs always believe you are supposed to do their dirty work for them?

And FYI, I did attack Trump for that spending bill. I would let the Dept of Defence wither to nothing rather than stoke the Democrat welfare plantation
Is a democrat who did not support infrastructure a DINO?
Do they deserve to be driven from the party just because they did what is best for their district and state?
I don’t see ANY Democrats advocating driving those Democrats from the party
Trump threatened McConnell and all the Republicans who voted for infrastructure bill..What a guy.

No Democrats wanted to vote for any infrastructure bill proposed by Trump. Do you recall Nancy Pelosi not being interested? Pure politics. They don't care one bit about anything except getting brownie points from their rather dense electorate.
Good. I would rip them as well. I hope they all get primaried.

You can't outsource infrastructure and get kickbacks and favors from foreigners.. Of course Trump is pissed.. What does he care if a bridge collapses here and there?
No Democrats wanted to vote for any infrastructure bill proposed by Trump. Do you recall Nancy Pelosi not being interested? Pure politics. They don't care one bit about anything except getting brownie points from their rather dense electorate.

Trump made some vague speeches for about a week and dropped the subject. He's lazy and has the attention span of a gnat. Of course there was no follow thru.
You can't outsource infrastructure and get kickbacks and favors from foreigners.. Of course Trump is pissed.. What does he care if a bridge collapses here and there?
What does Trump's failure to get his bill passed have to do with "outsourcing infrastructure?"
Trump made some vague speeches for about a week and dropped the subject. He's lazy and has the attention span of a gnat. Of course there was no follow thru.
Same goes with the amazing healthcare plan that Trump promised us. The one he told Congress to come up with
Trump was lazy when it came to legislation.
Donnie Dealmaker never liked to negotiate and work the details

Biden did
What does Trump's failure to get his bill passed have to do with "outsourcing infrastructure?"

Ask fatso. He talks a good game. Why do you think he's had so many business failures. Even his big beautiful wall was a flop aside from providing his minions with an opportunity for fraud.
Same goes with the amazing healthcare plan that Trump promised us. The one he told Congress to come up with
Trump was lazy when it came to legislation.
Donnie Dealmaker never liked to negotiate and work the details

Biden did

Trump is a big talker..
So you are attacking me for not attacking Trump? Why should I do that when there are dozens of progs already doing it? Why do progs always believe you are supposed to do their dirty work for them?

And FYI, I did attack Trump for that spending bill. I would let the Dept of Defence wither to nothing rather than stoke the Democrat welfare plantation

OMG. OK, you as a conservative care nothing about small government. I get it, thanks.
Trump threatened McConnell and all the Republicans who voted for infrastructure bill..What a guy.
Repubs need to be as Progs are. Repubs are not. We know politics are dirty, but Repubs are to civil in D.C. compared to Progs. They may win a lot of seats in 2022 but we are tempered by the fact they do not come through with their promises. This has opened the door for these two bills.
Trump made some vague speeches for about a week and dropped the subject. He's lazy and has the attention span of a gnat. Of course there was no follow thru.

We all know that Piglosi never had any intentions of giving Trump anything for our country. Look at this pork bill, full of green this and union buying that, and what did the Republicans get out of it by our defectors? Zero. Not one fucken thing. Anytime Trump wanted to work with Piglosi on anything, her answer was.

You can't outsource infrastructure and get kickbacks and favors from foreigners.. Of course Trump is pissed.. What does he care if a bridge collapses here and there?

Trump and the Republicans said they would sign any real infrastructure bill with no pork involved, but as far as the Democrats were concerned, no pork, no infrastructure, and all the bridges could collapse for all they care.

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