Should school board officials declare a party?

The democrat party has absolutely nothing to do with what and how I teach in my classroom. Such a thing has never in 27 years been so much as suggested to me.

Ah, there's why your feathers are ruffled, and if you're teaching responsibly and without bias, then a camera showing the parents what you teach shouldn't be an issue for you.
It worked until leftists came in and took over to push their agenda on the youth, enough is enough.

Strange; in 1/2 the states there are GOP governors....seemingly elected by 50% or (or near that amount) of the electorate--the same folks who elect school board members....

Yet somehow they are "leftists"?'re full of it.

What you're objecting to is that the curriculum itself. All of it. You guys see education as an "unmanly" pursuit that will lead to polytheism, a plural society, acceptance of more than one point of view.
Strange; in 1/2 the states there are GOP governors....seemingly elected by 50% or (or near that amount) of the electorate--the same folks who elect school board members....

Yet somehow they are "leftists"?'re full of it.

What you're objecting to is that the curriculum itself. All of it. You guys see education as an "unmanly" pursuit that will lead to polytheism, a plural society, acceptance of more than one point of view.

Says the leftist that needs 'safe spaces' and big tech censorship to protect her from views she doesn't agree with.
You expect people to be forced to declare party affiliation to get a job?
When the job is this inherently political, yes.

You are calling it simply a job, which is dishonest and deceptive. These are ELECTED positions being referenced here, and so are part of the political process.

THe op is not about requiring people to state political party for being a janitor, cook, or retail clerk even if you are trying this dishonest little ruse to make it appear so.
Sorry Adolph/Joseph, but that's not how it works in America.
Then how does it work? give a one sided view of America to our youth on a daily basis to the point where parents don't recognizes their children?....
If you are going to teach that's fine but if you are going to indoctrinate its not fine and the only way to put a stop to it is hiring quotas.....
At least give our kids both sides of issues...they deserve that from us...
Ah, there's why your feathers are ruffled, and if you're teaching responsibly and without bias, then a camera showing the parents what you teach shouldn't be an issue for you.
I have said all this before. You could broadcast a live colonoscopy during my classes and I wouldn't care. There are legal issues that you don't seem to be taking seriously. Be more rational and less emotional.
The democrat party has absolutely nothing to do with what and how I teach in my classroom. Such a thing has never in 27 years been so much as suggested to me.
Do you teach them about unkotare in your classroom?

I have said all this before. You could broadcast a live colonoscopy during my classes and I wouldn't care. There are legal issues that you don't seem to be taking seriously. Be more rational and less emotional.

Bullshit, you're teaching our children, our tax dollars pay your salary, we have a right to know what they're being taught. Police officers wear a cam, many other places of work have cameras everywhere, there is no right of privacy when at work.
You expect people to be forced to declare party affiliation to get a job?
We should know if they support indoctrinating children for the DNC, yes.

I thought religion should not be taught in the classrooms. This includes the Leftist religion of race matters. It also includes their religion that gender does not matter.

Enough is enough. The same laws that pulled prayer out of the classroom should be applied to this crap

Get back to reading and arithmetic and stop with having our daughters raped in gender neutral bathrooms.

Oh, and may the Left all burn in hell.
The democrat party has absolutely nothing to do with what and how I teach in my classroom. Such a thing has never in 27 years been so much as suggested to me.
Good for you.

Well there is at least one classeoom.

You are calling it simply a job, which is dishonest and deceptive. These are ELECTED positions being referenced here, and so are part of the political process.
Teachers are not elected to the position.
The democrat party has absolutely nothing to do with what and how I teach in my classroom. Such a thing has never in 27 years been so much as suggested to me.
Baloney...I'm on school grounds every day since I've volunteered to coach the golf team...I see the teachers up close and almost everyone of them could be considered radical left in their ideology...its worse than I ever thought it could be....none of these teachers resemble the people in my town...that is not by can't hiring quotas are already the schools themselves....
Bullshit, you're teaching our children, our tax dollars pay your salary, we have a right to know what they're being taught. Police officers wear a cam, many other places of work have cameras everywhere, there is no right of privacy when at work.

It is not the teacher's right to privacy he is speaking of, it is the students.
Teaching is NOT "inherently political," and must not be unless ethics are violated.
So when McAul.liff stands up there and says we need more black teachers because the black students would fell more comfortable than with white teachers, what exactly is going on in your head?

Are you upset or do you agree?
It is not the teacher's right to privacy he is speaking of, it is the students.
Right to privacy? Who has that now days?

So if we want the Leftist Orwellian world of no privacy, that they have inflicted upon all of us with such things as gender neutral bathrooms, they must also participate in this no privacy world of theirs.

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