Should school board officials declare a party?

Then how does it work? give a one sided view of America to our youth on a daily basis to the point where parents don't recognizes their children?....
If you are going to teach that's fine but if you are going to indoctrinate its not fine and the only way to put a stop to it is hiring quotas.....
At least give our kids both sides of issues...they deserve that from us...
You don't seem to realize it, but your attitude is absurdly anti-American.
Teaching is NOT "inherently political," and must not be unless ethics are violated.

You have a rewards/punishment system set up for children wherein their ability to regurgitate what you have instilled is rewarded and any critical thinking skills are punished. When teaching touches on anything related to race, culture, sociology and the like, it is systematically political since what is being taught is not fixed and finite as it is with mathematics or the sciences.

When you teach white children to be ashamed about their skin color and that our country is inherently racist you are indoctrinating, not teaching.
Right to privacy? Who has that now days?

So if we want the Leftist Orwellian world of no privacy, that they have inflicted upon all of us with such things as gender neutral bathrooms, they must also participate in this no privacy world of theirs.
Exactly, everyone is recorded everywhere they go, where is this right to privacy?
Students don't need to be on camera to record the teacher and what he/she is saying.

Students respond to the teacher, they answer questions, they read aloud they do all sorts of things in a classroom.
If you are going to teach that's fine but if you are going to indoctrinate its not fine .....
I know an extremely large number of teachers and not one of them "indoctrinates," not even the extremists in their political views. Not only would that be extremely unethical, but there is just no time for it.
or you just focus on the teacher and leave the students out of the frame,,

are you going to magically filter out their words as well?

There is no a classroom in the country a parent could not go sit in on if they wished to do so.
They already have! Education shouldn’t be political! Name a school district that cut out PARTS of history! Show me because when I was in school we had to learn the whole history. I am going to say something that is true public schools are not the best. I think this crt has been a easy target for public schools because they know the fund will come either way! The private schools are not that stupid because they are going to lose their money
Why? Why are you against holding educators responsible for what they are teaching and saying in the classroom? I think all rooms should be fitted with cameras so a parent can drop in any time to see and hear what is happening.

You can do that anytime you want usually. Those of you who support "cameras in the classroom" have no idea of the cost, hardware required, and legal issues that would need to be resolved.
Bullshit, you're teaching our children, our tax dollars pay your salary, we have a right to know what they're being taught. ....
As I've said, the parents/guardians of my students are welcome any day, any time, in any of my classes. I welcome it.
I know an extremely large number of teachers and not one of them "indoctrinates," not even the extremists in their political views. Not only would that be extremely unethical, but there is just no time for it.
If you teach kids that they are either a victim or an oppressor because of the color of their skin, you indoctrinate. In fact, if you say we need more dark skinned teachers you indoctrinate with your religion of face.

If you teach kids that gender does not matter and that boys can compete in sports with girls and use the same bathroom, you are indoctrinating them.

If you try to motiviate children wo either stay in study hall or protest Left wing issues like gun control or global warming, you indoctrinate them.

Or do you disagree?
are you going to magically filter out their words as well?

There is no a classroom in the country a parent could not go sit in on if they wished to do so.
if they can go sit in them there shouldnt be a problem with cameras,,

are there cameras in other parts of the school??

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