Should school board officials declare a party?

You have made many statements as if you know what goes on in a classroom. Surely you must have first-hand experience to back up such statements.
I've seen other parents discuss the work assignments being brought home, I've seen parents question school boards about the material their children are being taught in various places around the country. More information than you have in your singular class room.
Because people stare, open-mouthed, at this or that media outlet and obey what they are ordered to be outraged over.

Yeah, parents are showing outrage at school board meetings because the media is telling them to. :rolleyes:
I've seen other parents discuss the work assignments being brought home, I've seen parents question school boards about the material their children are being taught in various places around the country. More information than you have in your singular class room.
When was the last time you sat in on a class at your local public school?
Because people stare, open-mouthed, at this or that media outlet and obey what they are ordered to be outraged over.
Well, half the country does, that is for sure. Otherwise, the media wouldn't be as powerful as they are.

Regardless of what you think of the US citizenry, mothers and fathers have gotten a look at what is being taught in SOME schools and they are standing up and telling these schools that they will answer to them if they don't like it.

As it should be.
When was the last time you sat in on a class at your local public school?

I was going to ask why you're so stuck on narrowing it down to either yours or someone else's singular experience, but that's the only way you can continue to ignore the fact that parents across the country are personally experiencing it, and attending school board meetings to voice their disagreements all over the country. I guess all of those people are wrong, and so was the NSBA for writing a letter to the Biden administration asking for federal assistance. It's all a figment of their imagination.
You didn't answer my question.

Because your question is irrelevant to the topic. Let's say I sat in one a week ago, a year ago, 10 years ago, does that somehow impact what others are experiencing today with their children? If so, tell me how.
Well, half the country does, that is for sure. Otherwise, the media wouldn't be as powerful as they are.

Regardless of what you think of the US citizenry, mothers and fathers have gotten a look at what is being taught in SOME schools and they are standing up and telling these schools that they will answer to them if they don't like it.

As it should be.
When was the last time you sat in on a class at your local public school?
Well the school board now has the FBI after parents, so the least parents can do to defend themselves is hire lawyers.
They keep telling us that our children belong to the state.

It is obvious by their actions and those of the Biden administratuon rhat they believe this to be true.
When was the last time you sat in on a class at your local public school?
I'm a Grandparent. The last time I sat in at the public school board or in a classroom was over 18 years ago. But I have grandkids in the school system.

None of which disqualifies Me from speaking out against any of this. Nor does it disqualify Me from speaking intelligently on possible scandals involving children. Which is what this amounts to.

Clearly, enough is going on that refute any claims that none of this is happening and the AGino Garland is sending FBI agents to the States to conduct interviews on how they can help stop these "Terrorist Parents" from questioning school authorities.
So you have no idea what the hell you're talking about.
Of course, I do. That has been your fallback over the past few years when you don't have a reply.

Understand, you can only speak for yourself and your experiences. They in no way relate to the country as a whole.

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