Should school board officials declare a party?

Oh, come on! Those are public cameras and no one is identifiable! Now do that for literally millions of classrooms!

Why do you all make up problems that would cost millions/billions to solve instead of just cooling your imagination?
Did you not read where I said the public schools ARE public places?

It can be done in literally millions of classrooms.

It can also be secured so that the only people who would have access to it would be school authorities and parents.

After all, if you literally have no problem with a parent coming into the class and sitting to watch, then you have no problem with this. After all, it is just parents watching their children.

Or are you unaware of why it is we are having these kinds of discussions?

It is because during the 'lockdowns' parents got an up-close and personal look at what SOME schools are teaching and they did not like it one little bit.

So, unless you are like the Candidate McCaullif who is running for Governor of Virginia and believe that parents should not get a say in what and how their children are taught, then you'd have zero problems with it.
I didn't say that.

I didn't say that.

You said not in any school that you've ever taught in, and you really can't even make that claim since you haven't sat in every class for every school you've ever taught in. And certainly implies that you don't believe it happens anywhere else either, otherwise why make a comment only about your experience to reply to a topic that goes far beyond that scope? And thanks for pointing out that you only ever reference yourself and your own experience, making pretty much everything you say on the topic irrelevant.
I never said that.

Why cut off the rest of my comment? 'otherwise why make a comment only about your experience to reply to a topic that goes far beyond that scope?'

No one cares about your personal experience as it doesn't relate or extrapolate to what happens across the country in classrooms.
I never said that.

How many schools that you have taught in have you observed it in?
I'll ask you as well.

Why is it, do you think, that people are having these conversations? Because it is NOT happening in schools around the country?
I'll ask you as well.

Why is it, do you think, that people are having these conversations? Because it is NOT happening in schools around the country?

It's not happening in HIS classroom, therefore, I guess we're supposed to assume that it's not happening anywhere else. Otherwise, why even comment about his own personal classroom to begin with, as if it has anything to do with any other classroom in the country.

Why is it, do you think, that people are having these conversations? Because it is NOT happening in schools around the country?
Because people stare, open-mouthed, at this or that media outlet and obey what they are ordered to be outraged over.

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