Should school board officials declare a party?

Up until now, we have pretended that those running for school boards are unpartisan, but that is laughable, especially since the Left continues to indoctrinate children so that they will vote for them in later years.

I suppose we are to pretend this is not going on, as if CRT is not really being taught in schools even though Merrick Garlands family is making a fortune selling it to someone. LOL.

Really this election is all about the vote to get conservative school board members in place, and if you can't find out exactly where they stand on the issue, just vote new people in.

Remember, diapers and politicians need changed often and for the same reason.
And sometimes politicians like Faux Joe wear diapers and both need changed.
That is NOT what goes on in most classrooms in most schools in the country. You are indulging in your own imagination and missing the much bigger problem.
Well the school board now has the FBI after parents, so the least parents can do to defend themselves is hire lawyers.
I don't, and my students would laugh it off if I ever tried.
I know of many students, mostly girls, who are secretly fearful of the gender neutral bathrooms but are afraid to speak out, or if they do, are ignored.

How about you?

Bathrooms should be single occupancy to end this ridiculous controversy thrust on us by the DNC
Students are not "pulled out" for such things.

I tried looking up some of the news stories that told of kids refusing to participate, one such kid refused not only to participate, he refused to leave class because he said he was there for science class and refused to go to study hall.

But the gestapo Left wing censors seems to have cleaned up the internet of such stories. All I have are some sties that talked about it

We are no longer a free country.
Nope. I'm out of school by several decades and have no kids.


You guys claim to be the majority of the nation....yet you elect "leftists" to run the schools? Please explain why you guys do that.

The US education system has built the greatest nation to ever inhabit the earth...ever. The idea that we need massive changes is simply dumb.

What you guys object to is that they're not teaching the stuff you guys value. Here's a preview...if you were to remove every local school board member from every seat across the'd still be just as miserable about schools are you pretend to be today. Why? Because conservatism and education/enlightenment are diabolically opposed concepts.
Because conservatism and education/enlightenment are diabolically opposed concepts.

That's a totally false statement.

The idea that we need massive changes is simply dumb.

So why did Obama run on 'fundamentally transforming' this country, or do you just feel that the 'massive changes' needed have already taken place?

and have no kids.

Then stay out of the discussion, you have no real world experience to share.
So anyone who identifies as a democrat should thereby be disqualified? I am no fan of democrats, but I'm not so stupid as to miss the consequences of such thinking.
I never said that, but voting for a democrat you should automatically know what you are getting which is the new Leftist religion taught to your kids.
Yet, again, you guys are the ones crying for change... When did you become such a snowflake?

You can keep repeating it, it's still not relevant. I understand that you leftists feel that if you repeat something often enough, it becomes fact, unfortunately for you, you're wrong.
Is that what you teach in your classroom?
If you are sincere I feel sorry for you because the Left has hyper politicized everything, thus ruining everything, including education.

It makes my stomach turn but it is the reality in which we now live.
Or how about I know what the hell I'm talking about and you don't?

You may know what you're talking about relevant to you, but that's it, to pretend that you know what's going on in every classroom in America based on your principles is flat out lunacy.
There are no cameras in restrooms, offices, and lots of places where privacy is important. Would you have enjoyed your friends and parents watching as you talked to your teacher or counselor about the bullying that you like endured?

What does that have to do with cameras in the classroom? If they're talking about it in front of the class, then yes, the parents should certainly know as well.
There are laws about filming people without specific, documented permission. Especially children. Ask a lawyer for more details.

The parents of any of my students are more than welcome in my classroom at any time, with or without prior notice. They know this because I have made a point of telling them and their children many times. .
Interesting you should say that. There are cameras recording people in every walk of life in this country.

The school classroom is ALSO a public place and schools financed by taxpayer funding are not private property.

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