Should school board officials declare a party?

Well if you are unhappy with what is taught here is your chance to go in and teach. Show up teach and show the nation how kids will just yearn for your methods.
Interesting you should say that. There are cameras recording people in every walk of life in this country.

The school classroom is ALSO a public place and schools financed by taxpayer funding are not private property.
Talk to the lawyers about that.
I never said that, but voting for a democrat you should automatically know what you are getting which is the new Leftist religion taught to your kids.
My kids are taught religion first of all from me. Then we go to church on Sundays. Not sure if you do something different.

I tried looking up some of the news stories that told of kids refusing to participate, one such kid refused not only to participate, he refused to leave class because he said he was there for science class and refused to go to study hall.

But the gestapo Left wing censors seems to have cleaned up the internet of such stories. All I have are some sties that talked about it

We are no longer a free country.
Students are not “pulled out” for such things.
Well the school board now has the FBI after parents, so the least parents can do to defend themselves is hire lawyers.
Parents are of course free to hire lawyers and take any actions that are within the legal system. Not sure why this would even be a point of contention.

You're dismissing the VA governor as being an 'ignorant asshole' for his views on education while making the claim that there isn't one classroom in America being used for leftist political indoctrination.
They already have. The Supreme Court ruled that cameras in public places are Constitutional.
Cameras filming children without written consent? Don’t start trying to talk about things you don’t know.
Why? Why are you against holding educators responsible for what they are teaching and saying in the classroom? I think all rooms should be fitted with cameras so a parent can drop in any time to see and hear what is happening.
I like this!

I tried looking up some of the news stories that told of kids refusing to participate, one such kid refused not only to participate, he refused to leave class because he said he was there for science class and refused to go to study hall.

But the gestapo Left wing censors seems to have cleaned up the internet of such stories. All I have are some sties that talked about it

We are no longer a free country.
It's hardly a protest if the kids are FORCED to go to a demonstration!

Bravo for the brave student.
Cameras filming children without written consent? Don’t start trying to talk about things you don’t know.
They do it every day on just about every major street in America.

Since you are a self-proclaimed teacher, do you know the meaning of the word, "Anecdotal"?
Explain what leftist indoctrination is please. That slavery was bad? Or worse? What is it we should be watching for?
It's a voice, you don't see them, it could be any child. Again, this argument holds no merit when there are literally cameras everywhere. There are also ways to accommodate, the responses or questions asked could be removed, and closed caption inserted to show the text of what's being said or asked by the children. It's really not that hard of a problem to solve. you just want to make it appear so.
Are you going to employ one person to do this type of work for one classroom? I use closed-captioning for TV shows now and laugh my ass off because they are often nowhere close to what is being said.
Do YOU have access to alive broadcast from those video cameras?
Just one of hundreds

I wonder how many kids or parents gave their consent?
Just one of hundreds

I wonder how many kids or parents gave their consent?
Oh, come on! Those are public cameras and no one is identifiable! Now do that for literally millions of classrooms!

Why do you all make up problems that would cost millions/billions to solve instead of just cooling your imagination?

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