Should soldiers be armed?

MP's could handle the job and already get the training.

I really like the fact that there are some gun-ho kick-assed soldiers that are really awesome when you hand them a weapon and point them in the direction of the enemy ... But giving them weapons and live ammunition to walk around in Times Square might not be the best idea.


Yes....having people who have taken an oath to support and defend the Constitution, and who have actual training is so much worse than the criminals who walk around with guns today. Why do you guys not trust these people? And are the ones who say only the police and military should have guns.......

The left are batshit crazy....
The DOD is who doesn't trust them there little friend. You know, the people they report to?


How about slingshot animals s0n??!!
Why do we care who must be armed and who must not? Are we looking for a proper balance when people stop killing each other?
However I prefer nobody not to have a weapon in this country. Soldiers kill, criminals kill and cops kill. I do not see any difference. of the nuts who'd ban nails and glass if he had a chance!!!

You fucking k00k.............:2up:

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