After Weeks of Silence, CNN finally covers Biden's sexual Assault Allegation


Gold Member
Jul 20, 2018
Is CNN turning againsst creepy Joe? Perhaps they see someone else ready to take over for ole joe?

Is CNN turning againsst creepy Joe? Perhaps they see someone else ready to take over for ole joe?

Investigate and if something then move forward but if nothing I am not caring and why?

Bill Clinton and Donald Trump nonsense has made where wanting pious leader is never happening....
Is CNN turning againsst creepy Joe? Perhaps they see someone else ready to take over for ole joe?

Crickets....THUD....another right wing fantasy....dead....
It may take a few hours and a handful of fucktard-to-english translators, but I'd love to hear that stuttering idiot's explanation on why he felt the need to vulgarity edited a young female staffer. She probably deserved it.
Probably the same reason he likes to feel up little girls and sniff their hair. He's sick.
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It was true in the KAV's true now

What I am saying is that victims of sexual assault can either report the crime or not. In terms of an outside observer judging it's severity, If you wait 35 minutes, you have credibility. If you wait 35 days, you have less credibility. If you wait 35 weeks, you have even less credibility. If you wait 35 months, you have still less. And I would argue that if you wait 35 years, you have zero credibility.

Ford and Reade both are probably telling the truth as they recall it; not sure how something that wasn't sexual assault back decades ago becomes sexual assault in 2018 and 2020...
It was true in the KAV's true now

What I am saying is that victims of sexual assault can either report the crime or not. In terms of an outside observer judging it's severity, If you wait 35 minutes, you have credibility. If you wait 35 days, you have less credibility. If you wait 35 weeks, you have even less credibility. If you wait 35 months, you have still less. And I would argue that if you wait 35 years, you have zero credibility.

Ford and Reade both are probably telling the truth as they recall it; not sure how something that wasn't sexual assault back decades ago becomes sexual assault in 2018 and 2020...
Or they're both not telling the truth.
Or, most likely imo, one is lying and one is telling the truth.
is this the end of creepy joe?

tramp is so scared of him.

“The Times found no pattern of sexual misconduct by Mr. Biden.” Men who do what Reade says Biden did tend to do it more than once (see Harvey Weinstein, Jeffrey Epstein, and Donald Trump). Also, once an allegation like Reade’s surfaces, others usually follow. They have not, at least so far.
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Biden, as a candidate for President, is difficult to defend (and that goes for Trump, as well). But this bovine fertilizer of dragging up unsubstantionable accusations from decades ago that are founded on latter day definitions of social norms has got to stop. Any male over 30 could be charged by these 'standards'.
is this the end of creepy joe?
  1. Joe is forced to drop out under bad press and they bring Hillary back to be beaten worse by DJT?
  2. Joe succumbs to coronavirus and is forced to drop out so they can bring Hillary back so she can be schlomelled by DJT?
  3. Joe beats the rap, the accuser disappears or succumbs to a bad traffic accident and Joe runs to make a total ass of himself and lose to DJT?

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