After Weeks of Silence, CNN finally covers Biden's sexual Assault Allegation

tramp is so scared of him.

“The Times found no pattern of sexual misconduct by Mr. Biden.” Men who do what Reade says Biden did tend to do it more than once (see Harvey Weinstein, Jeffrey Epstein, and Donald Trump). Also, once an allegation like Reade’s surfaces, others usually follow. They have not, at least so far.

Times great error, and yours too.

There is a huge difference in having affairs with women other than the wife than rape.

There is a huge difference between a politician having sex with a lover, prostitute or a woman he just knew that day, having the consent of that woman, and on the other hand a politician performing sexual advances against the will of the woman.

Cheating on the wife might not be accepted by many, but only the wife will have the last word about it. Perhaps a civil case (divorce), maybe temporary or permanent separation, or perhaps nothing.

On the other hand, forcing a woman with sexual advances is sexual ABUSE, it is RAPE, and here the correspondent authority must intervene. This is called a criminal case.

Even Clinton's affair with Lewinsky was to be taken as a civil case if that was going to court. You see, his wife forgave him, so that is the end of the story.

But, Tara never consented to the sexual advances of Joe Biden. You just can't condone Biden by any means.

Nobody cares what Rose McGowan thinks...

Come on, you guys really think you are going to run the "Pussy grabber" and make an issue out of this?
Biden's accuser was very beautiful back in the day....................

Is CNN turning againsst creepy Joe? Perhaps they see someone else ready to take over for ole joe?

The main stream press is having a hard time ignoring it because the metoo and bernie bros wont let it die ...

I'm enjoying it immensely :p

Biden's accuser was very beautiful back in the day....................

But she's kind of flaky now...

View attachment 329187

Holy shit, she's a crazy Cat Lady

Biden ain't no prize.

I love how hack libs flip from blindly believing obvious lies and paid non credible accusations to denying serious allocations with such ease.

Being a Democrat politician has sexual privileges.
Is CNN turning againsst creepy Joe? Perhaps they see someone else ready to take over for ole joe?

IF Trump can grab pussy, joe at this point in all of our opinions can do pretty much anything he likes and still win in Nov. this country would rather vote in a rusty pile of dog shit than have Trump in the WH after save your attacks for a fuckin big mac soon to open in a area near you!!
Then you wake up from your drug induced slumber.

Nobody racks up a 20% unemployment rate and gets re-elected... Sorry, it just don't happen.

By "Bullshit Crazy Broads" you mean Biden and Clinton staffers / Democrats.

No, I mean people whose stories don't even stand up to minor scrutiny.
Right.... Democrats that accuse Republicans are so much more honest than Democrats that accuse Democrats.

It must suck for you to get up every day knowing you'll have to pretend to be a fucking moron to defend your party.
Victims should be forgotten.

I'll bet you said that about Balsey Ford and Ineedit Hill.

I thought Anita Hill was a lying sack of crap. Her story made no sense at all. He was the worst boss, ever, but she still followed him from Dept. of Ed to EEOC.

Ford- Well, it would be nice if we had a real investigation instead of just covering it up. But even then, I'd be fine with not judging the man as to what he did as a teen. I wouldn't want to be judged for the shit I did as a teen and neither would 99% of the population.

All that said, none of this really means that we should take Raede at face value, given she has changed her story multiple times.

Right.... Democrats that accuse Republicans are so much more honest than Democrats that accuse Democrats.

When they change their stories multiple times, um, yeah, that makes them less credible.

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