Should teachers be armed?

Should teachers be armed?

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You are being a tad incoherent.....what is a resource teacher?
An instructor who doesn’t teach regular classes but is a resource for all teachers. An on site police officer is an excellent resource person who keeps students and teachers informed on current juvenile laws, etc

One does not have to be a trained police officer to be proficient in the use of a firearm.

You obviously know nothing about the training police go through. Using a firearm to a cop includes a lot of other things other than “shooting someone.“
You are hilariously poorly informed.
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Not all teachers need to carry. We need great teachers. Just enough to deter these clowns who kill from going after schools. However, you know there are other targets then that will get the brunt of it. Malls in particular. So, businesses should be allowed to carry and protect themselves and others. We need DAs that won’t go after Good Samaritans either.
Really ? A school is one of the most crowded and accident prone situations you can imagine. Very few if any teachers would ever be qualified to use a firearm to deter assault with gun while keeping it safe the rest of the time. it’s a full time job not a part time one.
Look ill infirmed, all professional transportation and public service providers hire cops or trained professionals, they don’t just arm the people who are there. Most cheap conservative bustards don’t know wtf they are saying most of the time.
Really ? A school is one of the most crowded and accident prone situations you can imagine. Very few if any teachers would ever be qualified to use a firearm to deter assault with gun while keeping it safe the rest of the time. it’s a full time job not a part time one.
Look ill infirmed, all professional transportation and public service providers hire cops or trained professionals, they don’t just arm the people who are there. Most cheap conservative bustards don’t know wtf they are saying most of the time.
Doesn’t take long to learn to shoot a gun. NRA runs gun safety and firearms classes all day long. The point is, when a place of business, including schools, has a sign stating the faculty and administration is armed to the teeth, the cowardly killer will seek a softer site to attack or just go home. This isn’t rocket science. It’s simple logic coupled with killers own statements like the one theater killer in Colorado. There were two theaters to choose from. He was at the no gun free zone and saw the sign and left and shot up the gun free zone. Plain and simple.
The worst scenario when an armed psycho intruder visits a one is armed...thus the shooter can shoot kids like shooting fish in a barrell.

The best scenario.....a armed teacher....which does not guarantee no one will be just gives the kids some real time protection and better odds on survival.

The clueless yelp about Oh....what if a stray bullet hits a kid.....possible....yet as mentioned before....would you rather have a chance of getting hit by a stray bullet or would you rather be in a position of having a armed psycho killer be calmly able to take aim at you and pull the trigger.

What is wrong with some folks who cannot see the value of having a teacher armed instead of having wo wait for the police as the only option.....the police cannot arrive soon enough to prevent a psycho killer frion shooting a bunch of kids..........we have seen it time and again.

Yet too many do not have enough common sense to understand that a armed teacher makes the most sense.....several states already have this....not a single case of a teacher accidentally shoogting anyone.....and no armed intruder has ever entered a classroom where the teacher is armed.
Yes and in addition I think they should receieve extra pay for doing all of that.

Not one single problem has ever occured in these states in regards to teachers being accidental discharge of a weapon, no accidental shootings of students by teachers.

Final Analyisis.....all teachers should be armed or at least have that option after completing the proper training.
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Doesn’t take long to learn to shoot a gun.
Foolish gun a holics can do it, any one can do it. That’s obvious.
Of course, any one can pull a trigger. But it takes years of experience training and practice to know when not to shoot and in what circumstances. This is why even police officers have a high rate of being shot by their own firearm. Even they find themselves with questionable firearm deaths. It would be demonstratively worse putting untrained non professionals there.
A school filled with juveniles and you want more untrained people carrying firearms. What a dufus.
Foolish gun a holics can do it, any one can do it. That’s obvious.
Of course, any one can pull a trigger. But it takes years of experience training and practice to know when not to shoot and in what circumstances. This is why even police officers have a high rate of being shot by their own firearm. Even they find themselves with questionable firearm deaths. It would be demonstratively worse putting untrained non professionals there.
A school filled with juveniles and you want more untrained people carrying firearms. What a dufus.
So, we will continue to see massive deaths in schools because idiots like yourself who believe unarmed schools cannot defend themselves. Yes sir! I'll take our chances with teachers armed to the teeth over having students, teacher and administrators sitting ducks for dumbasses like yourself. What all colleges and universities should do for those going into teaching is have a beginning and advanced firearms class. For current teachers, the local firearm clubs can teach educators. Of course, the NRA is already set up for this. This will take a few years to get all schools up to date and properly secured with armed educators, but it's time to do it.

You can now give us your idea of how to protect students. Probably the same bull crap from the left like "gun control" nonsense. Or, fortify our schools more. Like that will stop the attacks. Oh, how about more mental health stuff. These killers get around everything we have tried. Time to arm the schools well enough so they are fully or even semi gun free zones. Make it so these killers won't even try.
So, we will continue to see massive deaths in schools because idiots like yourself who believe unarmed schools cannot defend themselves. Yes sir! I'll take our chances with teachers armed to the teeth over having students, teacher and administrators sitting ducks for dumbasses like yourself. What all colleges and universities should do for those going into teaching is have a beginning and advanced firearms class. For current teachers, the local firearm clubs can teach educators. Of course, the NRA is already set up for this. This will take a few years to get all schools up to date and properly secured with armed educators, but it's time to do it.

You can now give us your idea of how to protect students. Probably the same bull crap from the left like "gun control" nonsense. Or, fortify our schools more. Like that will stop the attacks. Oh, how about more mental health stuff. These killers get around everything we have tried. Time to arm the schools well enough so they are fully or even semi gun free zones. Make it so these killers won't even try.
More babble. Arm schools all you want, but not with teachers. That’s ignorant.
Tell us how many mass shootings have there been on cruise ships, commercial airlines or professional sporting events ? Waiting. They are all managed by professionals, not arming participants, ignoramus.
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You can now give us your idea of how to protect students.
Hey bubba. You can‘t read can you ? How long is your attention level. There are a plethora of other publicly attended events that NEVER HAVE mass shootings. Think about it foolish. And none of them allow the participants to be armed
Hey bubba. You can‘t read can you ? How long is your attention level. There are a plethora of other publicly attended events that NEVER HAVE mass shootings. Think about it foolish. And none of them allow the participants to be armed
Is that the debate? Other publicly attended events without mass shootings? Nope. But, you tried to distract and move the goal posts. But, at last, unsuccessfully. Now you are just looking foolish. But, you can atone for this by sharing your intellect on how to stop mass shootings, not just in schools.
The worst scenario when an armed psycho intruder visits a one is armed...thus the shooter can shoot kids like shooting fish in a barrell.

The best scenario.....a armed teacher....which does not guarantee no one will be just gives the kids some real time protection and better odds on survival.

The clueless yelp about Oh....what if a stray bullet hits a kid.....possible....yet as mentioned before....would you rather have a chance of getting hit by a stray bullet or would you rather be in a position of having a armed psycho killer be calmly able to take aim at you and pull the trigger.

What is wrong with some folks who cannot see the value of having a teacher armed instead of having wo wait for the police as the only option.....the police cannot arrive soon enough to prevent a psycho killer frion shooting a bunch of kids..........we have seen it time and again.

Yet too many do not have enough common sense to understand that a armed teacher makes the most sense.....several states already have this....not a single case of a teacher accidentally shoogting anyone.....and no armed intruder has ever entered a classroom where the teacher is armed.
What idiocy. There are 97,000 public schools in the US, and several states have done shit. Wait till 97,000:Schools start allowing anyone in with a gun while filled with juveniles and your stupidity will be apparent.
BTW, even the nra has gun free events.
More babble. Arm schools all you want, but not with teachers. That’s ignorant.
Tell us how many mass shootings have there been on cruise ships, commercial airlines or professional sporting events ? Waiting. They are all managed by professionals, not arming participants, ignoramus.
Again, you are trying to deflect because you have no answer. Commercial airlines have U.S. Marshalls and other on the planes and in the airports. Sporting events also have armed persons all over the place. You don't see all of them. But, if you knew anything about security for large events, you would know there are lots of plain clothed security as well. And, mass killers mostly won't go for these. Except, in Las Vegas, the guy did because there wasn't much security and it was very laxed.
We are talking about mainly schools here. Try to keep up, dufus. Now, if you had 8 or 10 armed guards at schools, that would certainly deter these killers. But, not financially doable. So, arm some teachers and administrators. Then, call your school armed with guns. That will deter killers.
I have no problem with arming teachers and having them trained. That is doable.
Again, you are trying to deflect because you have no answer. Commercial airlines have U.S. Marshalls and other on the planes and in the airports. Sporting events also have armed persons all over the place. You don't see all of them. But, if you knew anything about security for large events, you would know there are lots of plain clothed security as well. And, mass killers mostly won't go for these. Except, in Las Vegas, the guy did because there wasn't much security and it was very laxed.
We are talking about mainly schools here. Try to keep up, dufus. Now, if you had 8 or 10 armed guards at schools, that would certainly deter these killers. But, not financially doable. So, arm some teachers and administrators. Then, call your school armed with guns. That will deter killers.
I have no problem with arming teachers and having them trained. That is doable.
You know nothing. They all , use metal detectors and are made gun free zones… are slow. They also have UNIFORMED professionals. You obviously don’t get out much.
Hey bubba. You can‘t read can you ? How long is your attention level. There are a plethora of other publicly attended events that NEVER HAVE mass shootings. Think about it foolish. And none of them allow the participants to be armed
Ridiculo'us non-sensical comparisons....first of all many of these school psycho killers attend or did attend the school where they commited their that is a big link....disgruntled students or disgruntled former students and psycho students....not to forget bullied students....all of which make schools a prime target.

These psycho killers need to be studied more and the findings order to try and understand their motive.....many if not most of them have mental problems....which is something schools need to be on the alert for.........students with mental problems.

You are a prime example of liberals who want to blame everything on guns....aka willing to continue to do nothibg that might actually offer students some real order to further your political agenda.

Also there there is a lot of difference between psycho student killers and terrorists......most terrorists are not mentally unbalanced to begin with....they are fanatics motivated by politics and religion in most cases.....the majority of terrorists are muslim fanatics....and public events are a prime target for them.

High-risk targets for acts of terrorism include military and civilian government facilities, international airports, large cities, and high-profile landmarks. Terror- ists might also target large public gatherings, water and food supplies, utilities, and corporate centers.

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Again, you are trying to deflect because you have no answer. Commercial airlines have U.S. Marshalls and other on the planes and in the airports. Sporting events also have armed persons all over the place. You don't see all of them. But, if you knew anything about security for large events, you would know there are lots of plain clothed security as well. And, mass killers mostly won't go for these. Except, in Las Vegas, the guy did because there wasn't much security and it was very laxed.
We are talking about mainly schools here. Try to keep up, dufus. Now, if you had 8 or 10 armed guards at schools, that would certainly deter these killers. But, not financially doable. So, arm some teachers and administrators. Then, call your school armed with guns. That will deter killers.
I have no problem with arming teachers and having them trained. That is doable.
Good to see someone else on here with good common sense.....these fools like dago are more concerned with being politically correct than actually doing something that help protect our students.

Dago and his crowd have blood on their hands.....if a child of his was killed at school he might be a little more sensible.
Ridiculo'us non-sensical comparisons....first of all many of these school psycho killers attend or did attend the school where they commited their that is a big link....disgruntled students or disgruntled former students and psycho students....not to forget bullied students....all of which make schools a prime target.

These psycho killers need to be studied more and the findings order to try and understand their motive.....many if not most of them have mental problems....which is something schools need to be on the alert for.........students with mental problems.

You are a prime example of liberals who want to blame everything on guns....aka willing to continue to do nothibg that might actually offer students some real order to further your political agenda.

What are the targets of terrorism?

High-risk targets for acts of terrorism include military and civilian government facilities, international airports, large cities, and high-profile landmarks. Terror- ists might also target large public gatherings, water and food supplies, utilities, and corporate centers.

Also there there is a lot of difference between psycho student killers and terrorists......most terrorists are not mentally unbalanced to begin with....they are motivated by politics and religion in most cases.....the majority of terrorists are muslim fanatics....and public events are a prime target for them.

What are the targets of terrorism?

High-risk targets for acts of terrorism include military and civilian government facilities, international airports, large cities, and high-profile landmarks. Terror- ists might also target large public gatherings, water and food supplies, utilities, and corporate centers.
Gee, you keep avoiding all the public events that never have mass shootings…..why is that ? They are all gun free zones monitored by trained professionals. You don’t get out much do you ?

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