Should teachers be armed?

Should teachers be armed?

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It really amazes me how some have such difficulty understanding what needs to be done is just common sense....several states recognize this and have taken the proper should be least if we want to put a stop to students being killed at school. It really is a no brainer.

Too many people have a unreasohable fear of firearms....a firearm is a can be and is used for good and bad....nothing to fear in and of itself....what we need to be concerned about is these school they are able to get guns, what motivates them, what can be done to stop such psychoes from getting weapons etc.
Do you believe that a cop cannot be sued?
They have civil protection of a corporation the town employing them Zor the towns are chartered The level of of liability is much harder to,prove vs a corporation. . Towns are incorporated. This is why it’s much harder for individuals to sue any corporation. Can they get fired ? Sure. But it’s a lot worse then being a civilian sued for money that comes out of your sale ry the rest of your life.
They have civil protection of a corporation the town employing them Zor the towns are chartered The level of of liability is much harder to,prove vs a corporation. . Towns are incorporated. This is why it’s much harder for individuals to sue any corporation. Can they get fired ? Sure. But it’s a lot worse then being a civilian sued for money that comes out of your sale ry the rest of your life.
Like there are no cops now imprisoned for unlawful killings.....or cops serving time because of a pc jury not having good sense.
Because we need stronger gun laws first before we promote shooting galleries in schools.
Nonsense....ever heard of Chicago or N.Y. and their very tough laws on guns. You are barking up the wrong tree dago.

It is misguided folks like you that help enable all this killing of kids.

You have blood on your hands boyo. me one state that has strong gun laws but does not have a huge crime problem.
There are more crimes per capita committed by Trump administration than all transgenders you are so afraid of.
lAgain....just your opinion.....which you are entltled to but it is not enough....can you site any source that supports your opinion? I didnt think so.
Nope, I don't fantasize. It's reality.

People with mental illnesses shoud not carry guns.
You were also talking about tranny teachers....that is what I replied to....I agree crazy folks should not carry guns....yet they do.
Nonsense....ever heard of Chicago or N.Y. and their very tough laws on guns. You are barking up the wrong tree dago.
Why do you uninformed trogs keep repeating Fix News tripe L

NYC, you do realize that’s the wrong city to pick on. It’s one the safer cities in the United States.
Here are the ten most dangerous. No Chicago, No,nyc and most in red states.
  1. St. Louis, Missouri
  2. Jackson, Mississippi
  3. Detroit, Michigan
  4. New Orleans, Louisiana
  5. Baltimore, Maryland
  6. Memphis, Tennessee
  7. Cleveland, Ohio
  8. Baton Rouge, Louisiana
  9. Kansas City, Missouri
  10. Shreveport, Louisiana
Why do you uninformed trogs keep repeating Fix News tripe L

NYC, you do realize that’s the wrong city to pick on. It’s one the safer cities in the United States.
Here are the ten most dangerous. No Chicago, No,nyc and most in red states.
  1. St. Louis, Missouri
  2. Jackson, Mississippi
  3. Detroit, Michigan
  4. New Orleans, Louisiana
  5. Baltimore, Maryland
  6. Memphis, Tennessee
  7. Cleveland, Ohio
  8. Baton Rouge, Louisiana
  9. Kansas City, Missouri
  10. Shreveport, Louisiana

You were also talking about tranny teachers....that is what I replied to....I agree crazy folks should not carry guns....yet they do.
You have a whole list of crazy mfkers on the right. Starting with the just convicted insurrectionists leader of the Proud Boys. And the list goes on. No more license for this dude.
Burp. Not on the list…burp. Another opinion piece
whose fault is that.....everyone knows about the crime problems in NYC and Chicago and in fact all big cities have a crime problem.

But enactiong gun laws does nothing to help that.
whose fault is that.....everyone knows about the crime problems in NYC and Chicago and in fact all big cities have a crime problem.

But enactiong gun laws does nothing to help that.
Ha ha. Read your own post….crime at record lows.
Ha ha. Read your own post….crime at record lows.

Regardless of socioeconomic status, Black communities face higher gun homicides​


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