Should the Democratic party be disbanded?

Start with investigating Obama and his minions like Valerie Jarrett....That's who's running the current shit-show in the WH at the behest of the Chi-Coms.

Of course it would have to wait till 2025 but it would damn sure be worth doing....Show them the other edge of the lawfare sword and break them financially.

Then do Schumer and McConnell.
You’re projecting. No One loves our adversaries more than you MAGAs.

You’re projecting. No One loves our adversaries more than you MAGAs.

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Rrrright. this is EXACTLY the deflection non argument that Dumocrats spout. Childish "I am rubber, YOU are glue" nanny nanny neener garbage.. JLW: you got to up your game. Please try harder.
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Rrrright. this is EXACTLY the deflection non argument that Dumocrats spout. Childish "I am rubber, YOU are glue" nanny nanny neener garbage.. JLW: you got you up your game. Please try harder.
Lol. Truth Is a bitter pill to swallow. Someone though has to give it to you.
And held on charges of treason and being agents of foreign powers who are bent on destroying the west? I think so, Democrats no longer have America's best interest at heart.
I would say yes. Sue them for billions for all the damage done due to the stolen election. Bleed them dry, then disband them.
I just realized what MAGA IS: It means "I am not a gullible Idiot". It means I reject the democrats because they sold their souls to XI and the globalist. That is what "Maga" is. Democrats are conformist cowards that accept globalism because they (CCP) make beautiful lies you just swallow wholesale.
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And held on charges of treason and being agents of foreign powers who are bent on destroying the west? I think so, Democrats no longer have America's best interest at heart.

Yes...but no way to accomplish. It is just the opposite. Dems own most everything of import...including the military which was our last hope.
Don't they just shoot traitors? Democrats no longer represent Americans. They have abandoned US and they are no longer are legitimate representatives. Stick a fork in their commie ass, they are DONE.
And held on charges of treason and being agents of foreign powers who are bent on destroying the west? I think so, Democrats no longer have America's best interest at heart.
So should La Costra Nostra, and they're NO WHERE NEAR as insidious or vicious.
Start with investigating Obama and his minions like Valerie Jarrett....That's who's running the current shit-show in the WH at the behest of the Chi-Coms.

Of course it would have to wait till 2025 but it would damn sure be worth doing....Show them the other edge of the lawfare sword and break them financially.

Then do Schumer and McConnell.
There are plenty of republicrats who shouldn't be in charge of cleaning toilets as GITMO inmates as well.
And held on charges of treason and being agents of foreign powers who are bent on destroying the west? I think so, Democrats no longer have America's best interest at heart.
That's been the case since 1860, but in whatever is left of the democrook elder's minds is that if you ain't a democrook you're a N***** Lover.
There are plenty of republicrats who shouldn't be in charge of cleaning toilets as GITMO inmates as well.
I was gonna bring that up too but the thread was about dems. I'd love to see McConnell get a taste of "the edge" too.

I would not have said that in the past.

In the past they still had the idea of making American strong and valued the American way of life, it's what made us a world super power to begin with. Sure they had some terrible ways of achieving it, but then again same can be said of republicans. But they both had one thing in common, to protect America in all ways.

But anymore democrats are hell bent on destroying America and every thing they do weakens us. In recent years they have been the greatest enemy America has ever faced. They have done more to destroy our nation and it's society than any foreign power ever has.

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