Should the Friday after Thanksgiving be added as a national holiday?

What I want to know is, does anyone REALLY buy a refrigerator for the holidays? Or a mattress?
Yes, some of the sales are too good to pass up. Pick up a 2017 model on the cheap when new models are right around the corner.
That's when I buy almost all my new electrical tech.
And no, black Friday shouldn't be a holiday.


New years day should be. Keep the hungover drunks off the road and out of work.
Absolutely not, ever, period.

Yeah we know the national religion is Money already, and bad enough that the knuckledragger drones will obediently baa their way into whatever stores their idiot box commands them to because they just have no desire to tender an independent thought. But let's not enable it with officiality and thereby penalize everybody else. FUCK that.

Fine, stay home then. That's more deals for me to snarf up.

Oh trust me I do. Only a fucking idiot would go drooling into a me-too sheep line that day.

You're just jealous 'cause you don't have a Walmart in whatever little podunk burg you live in.

God bless Walmart! How else can all those poor and middle-class people own the same luxuries that were once only availible to the rich folks?

The "clearance" aisles are the best. Good deals to be had by all. :banana:

Why travel to a third world country for a vacation when you could just drive to a Walmart and fell like you are in a third world country
Is it a long fall, or an Indian summer?
What I want to know is, does anyone REALLY buy a refrigerator for the holidays? Or a mattress?
Yes, some of the sales are too good to pass up. Pick up a 2017 model on the cheap when new models are right around the corner.
That's when I buy almost all my new electrical tech.
Ever use your amp clamp meter to test you pain threshold on you nuts?
How many people take Black Friday off anyway?

Now who is going to work all the stores
if this busy retail day is declared a holiday???


Policemen and Firemen and Retail workers could just get a day-in-lieu-of day off when they want it

But workers and unions can already negotiate that directly with their companies, case by case.
That doesn't have to be mandated through Congress and federal govt for the entire nation!!

do you UNDERSTAND some businesses CANNOT AFFORD
the HR management it would take to supervise and record all these requests.
Or pay the "double wages" for working on a holiday.

I happened to have worked at TWO companies that COULD decide
each year how to handle Thanksgiving (or July 4 when it landed on an odd day of the week).
Because BOTH dealt with customer and commercial shipments and CARRIERS,
then the staff, mgmt and companies NEGOTIATE with each other to make sure
they can meet their demands THAT YEAR and their budgets and have ESSENTIAL staff
to work those days while reducing hours or not scheduling the NONESSENTIAL staff.

If you haven't worked in business, is this why you think
it is "easier just to mandate one policy through govt

Trog, this is one of the reasons people WASTE TIME
on poorly planned or worded legislative proposals.

If you did any research at all, you'd find not all people or companies
are benefited, but many would be injured. The cases you cite can
be managed locally case by case instead of issuing a federal mandate!
Yeah, the day should be off with pay.

JakeStarkey and who can afford to pay for double holiday pay
to meet the high retail demand.

Do you think companies just run on nothing?

Do you think they can just "write off the losses and costs OFF THEIR TAXES"

Then liberals complain about companies and their tax write offs?

which way do you want it JakeStarkey
* do you want consumers paying higher costs for retail sales during the heaviest season?
* do you want companies to write this cost off their taxes as a loss
and complain about that

Where do you expect these losses and ADDED COSTS to go???

PS if your answer is "expecting companies to cut their profits out of their executive
salaries" then understand:
* companies have to compete fo pay their mgmt or else they lose their BEST experienced
workers to companies that pay more for the same work, so they can't operate if they don't pay their staff and mgmt enough
* companies will SHUT DOWN if they can't afford to operate
is that what you want:
more monopolies by BIG CORPORATIONS that can afford to cut costs
because workers are so desperate they will work for less when the budgets get cut?
and small businesses SHUTTING DOWN because they can't compete with bigger companies THAT DON'T CARE AND WILL CUT CORNERS in order to meet these requirements you back

Do you think that's the answer?

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