Should the mainstream, status quo parties be nervous about Ron Paul yet?


Senior Member
Aug 19, 2009
Ron Paul wins CPAC in a landslide.

Ron Paul wins CPAC landslide - The Hill's Pundits Blog

An actual, hardcore fiscal conservative won the poll and this means he'll be one of the 3 finalists for Republican nomination should he decide to run for president.

The man who finished 2nd is essentially the original founder of Obamacare, Mitt Romney.

Is it time for real hope and change?
We should be as lucky.

Still, the GOP remains stocked to the gills with neocons and fundie prigs, who've dragged the party so far to the nanny-statist left that it's sickening.
We should be as lucky.

Still, the GOP remains stocked to the gills with neocons and fundie prigs, who've dragged the party so far to the nanny-statist left that it's sickening.

I agree, but at least this is a good sign. They might even have to pass some more legislation like they did after Perot to make sure their gridlock remains in place.

I was pretty much laughing during every 2008 republican debate (didn't watch the democrat debates) because how obvious it was who the media wanted to win. Let's just ask Romney and McCain question after question after question. I'm not just saying this because I'm a Ron Paul supporter, they didn't even give Mike Huckabee a chance to answer anything either.
I saw him this morn on Morning Joe (msnbc), they kept throwing stuff at him and all of his replies were dead on actual conservative. It threw the msn crew off thier game, they didn't know how to reply to him.

The hard part is getting him nominated with a legit running mate, after that he should win hands down.
I'll vote for Ron every chance I get.

A lot of republicans don't agree with him on social issues, and that's fine, but anyone who considers themselves fiscally conservative knows he's the only rational choice.
I saw him this morn on Morning Joe (msnbc), they kept throwing stuff at him and all of his replies were dead on actual conservative. It threw the msn crew off thier game, they didn't know how to reply to him.

The hard part is getting him nominated with a legit running mate, after that he should win hands down.

Paul brings logic to discussions where the people who are countering seemingly can only bring emotion. Giuliani tried the same thing in the debates, just ended up looking like an idiot like he always does.
We should be as lucky.

Still, the GOP remains stocked to the gills with neocons and fundie prigs, who've dragged the party so far to the nanny-statist left that it's sickening.

I agree, but at least this is a good sign. They might even have to pass some more legislation like they did after Perot to make sure their gridlock remains in place.

I was pretty much laughing during every 2008 republican debate (didn't watch the democrat debates) because how obvious it was who the media wanted to win. Let's just ask Romney and McCain question after question after question. I'm not just saying this because I'm a Ron Paul supporter, they didn't even give Mike Huckabee a chance to answer anything either.
They did after most of the laggards dropped out and the Huckster was merely there to sandbag Romney.

It was, however, obvious that Fox was pulling for Ghouliani, while pushing the old schoolers like Dr. Paul, Tancredo and Hunter to the back of the bus.
We should be as lucky.

Still, the GOP remains stocked to the gills with neocons and fundie prigs, who've dragged the party so far to the nanny-statist left that it's sickening.

I agree, but at least this is a good sign. They might even have to pass some more legislation like they did after Perot to make sure their gridlock remains in place.

I was pretty much laughing during every 2008 republican debate (didn't watch the democrat debates) because how obvious it was who the media wanted to win. Let's just ask Romney and McCain question after question after question. I'm not just saying this because I'm a Ron Paul supporter, they didn't even give Mike Huckabee a chance to answer anything either.
They did after most of the laggards dropped out and the Huckster was merely there to sandbag Romney.

It was, however, obvious that Fox was pulling for Ghouliani, while pushing the old schoolers like Dr. Paul, Tancredo and Hunter to the back of the bus.

Yeah the debate that's freshest on my mind was the one on CNN. It was like watching a 2 person debate and Paul/Huckabee were just given front row seats to the Romney/McCain show.
The Ron Paul who whines about earmarks but never met one he didn't take for his own district?

The Ron Paul who whines about term limits but made a career out of congress?

The Ron Paul who whines about earmarks but never met one he didn't take for his own district?

The Ron Paul who whines about term limits but made a career out of congress?


When you really listen to the guy..he comes off as a loon. He's constantly talking about economic collapse and must really think this country has 13 colonies..
Ron Paul wins CPAC in a landslide.

Ron Paul wins CPAC landslide - The Hill's Pundits Blog

An actual, hardcore fiscal conservative won the poll and this means he'll be one of the 3 finalists for Republican nomination should he decide to run for president.

The man who finished 2nd is essentially the original founder of Obamacare, Mitt Romney.

Is it time for real hope and change?

Yes they should be afraid.

Sooner or later people like Ron Paul, Nom Chomsky and even people like us non-partisans here are going to wake up the rest of this nation.

Now the Insiders are terribly good at taking reform planks and integrating them into their agendas to nullify people like Ron Paul.

But as his target complaint is the bedrock of their corrupt system, they'll be hard pressed to find a way of faking real reforms in the area of banking and monetary policy.
The Ron Paul who whines about earmarks but never met one he didn't take for his own district?

The Ron Paul who whines about term limits but made a career out of congress?


He puts earmarks in bills he votes against, gotta make the best out of a bad situation. It's not his fault they pass.

His name is Dr. Ron Paul, what do you think he got his doctorate in? Bureacratism?
The Ron Paul who whines about earmarks but never met one he didn't take for his own district?

The Ron Paul who whines about term limits but made a career out of congress?


When you really listen to the guy..he comes off as a loon. He's constantly talking about economic collapse and must really think this country has 13 colonies..

Correct, he takes the Constitution seriously unlike the rest of Washington.

He is a radical compared to the norm you like, and the norm of the party you don't like, hence why I view him as such a great politician.
Ron Paul wins CPAC in a landslide.

Ron Paul wins CPAC landslide - The Hill's Pundits Blog

An actual, hardcore fiscal conservative won the poll and this means he'll be one of the 3 finalists for Republican nomination should he decide to run for president.

The man who finished 2nd is essentially the original founder of Obamacare, Mitt Romney.

Is it time for real hope and change?


good one

Try and refudiate anything I just said, take a swing.
Ron Paul wins CPAC in a landslide.

Ron Paul wins CPAC landslide - The Hill's Pundits Blog

An actual, hardcore fiscal conservative won the poll and this means he'll be one of the 3 finalists for Republican nomination should he decide to run for president.

The man who finished 2nd is essentially the original founder of Obamacare, Mitt Romney.

Is it time for real hope and change?

Paul won back in 2008! Paul won all the debates online votes. He has a devoted bunch. However, when it came the primaries he got his salad tossed. Truthfully if I was a Democrat I would vote for Paul, because that would guarantee an Obama reelection.

(1) Federal Reserve: Calling an end to the Federal Reserve comes off good to some people, but that is not a good message to win the independents.
(2) Law Enforcement: He says he wants to get rid of the FBI, CIA, DHLS, DEA and other government law enforcement bodies. Imagine the attack ads against this!
(3) Racist Newsletters: Those racist newsletter will come to the forefront again. Yes Paul claims he didn't pen them, but newsletter was in his name. So he is either a racist or very neglectful to what he tosses his name on.
(4) Porker: Do people realize that Ronnie used more pork for his TINY district then any of the other candidates in the last Republican primaries (even a few Democrats beat him). Authorizing even ONE DOLLAR of pork shoots down Ronnie's self-proclaimed status of KING FISCAL CONSERVATIVE. Taking Pork directly contradicts him superiority claims, yet he took a ton of earmarks! Making him the King Hypocrite!
(5) Non-interventionalist: This stance whether rightfully or wrongfully gets called isolationist. Isolationism with the threat of global Islamofacism and the bad taste of it before WW II doesn't sit well with the majority of Americans.
(6) Sudan and Iran: Doesn't care that the Sudanese are getting slaughtered and went on record to say he wouldn't have even acknowledged the Rwanda Genocide!
(7) Education: He wants to get rid of the department of education and have education all privatized! Yes, this is sit well with the moms and dads in America!
(8) Age: The man is 75 years old (emphasis on OLD). In two years he will be 77. At 77 he would be the oldest President ever to take office. At the end of a first term he woud be 81. Imagine all the early mourning meetings, since Ronnie would want to hit the early bird special and be in bed by the ripe old hours of 6:00! LOL
(9) Civil War: He went on record saying we shouldn't have fought the civil war! Back when I still watched Bill Maher, I saw it live. It was astonishingly arrogant and ignorant. Hugley's said it best seconds after the foolharded interview, "Let me go on record saying I am glad they fought the civil war!"
(10) Social Security: His ideas of gutting social security and even his past calls to end it, will not sit well with anyone, especially the reliable high turn out elderly voters!

The list goes on and on. The man will get exposed as a radical (justifiably on so many issues), hypocrite, a racist (those newsletters are damaging whether you want to believe them or not; not to mention Rand's stupid comments on making Blacks get food at the backdoor of the restaurants; and saying we shouldn't have fought the Civil War) and well a loon!

I think Palin, Bachman and Ron Paul would be gifts ---> TO AN OBAMA REELECTION!!!

Herman Cain 2012!
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