Should the mods/admins enforce Zone 2 Rules in the Politics Forum?

Should the Political Forum not allow flaming/name calling?

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The political area should be an area of intense debate. If you want to be petted like a puppy. Go into the clean zone!

I very seldom see actual debate on this board. Name calling, foul language and bullying is the opposite of "intense debate". It stops debate and when it starts is usually when I leave a thread.
Either way...if you talked that way to my face, I would beat the living shit out of you and take that internet bravado away. I mean beat the fuck out of mercy. Stick to the internet kid, your anti-social behavior will get you killed. Pussy.

Who's being the tough guy now?

By the ay, I have been talking this way for over half a century. I thrive on arguing with people, and always express myself the same way. No one has ever even tried to kill me.

Have you considered the possibility that you are an idiot?

That, dear idiot, is the difference between a flame, AKA being childish, and being an adult and throwing around casual insults. You, dear idiot, are a child, which is why you want the rules changed.

No, the difference is that there is flaming and there is hiding behind a keyboard. In normal conversation, we all talk shit. You take it a step further...thus, if you talked to me or anyone else in real life this way, you would get the shit stomped out of you. No meltdown, no threats...just the honest truth.

I take it you still live at home with mommy...probably have never cooked your own meal and have 2 internet buddies that you have been talking about meeting in real life for about 5 years now. I know your type. Useless internet pussy. That explains why you moderation scares you.


People should be able to argue intensely just like on the street.

Cowards like this don't talk like this in person. Or at least, they don't in MY world.

Foul language, bullying would not be tolerated IRL. If they had to face IRL consequences, they'd run away.
Thirteen pages later the results are in. We all need to walk on egg shells around Nutz, because his passive aggressive nature is just more than we want to deal with. He's completely unable to see he treats people in a bigoted manner. Of course, that is part of what bigots do correct?
Thirteen pages later the results are in. We all need to walk on egg shells around Nutz, because his passive aggressive nature is just more than we want to deal with. He's completely unable to see he treats people in a bigoted manner. Of course, that is part of what bigots do correct?


This thread is not about Nutz as an individual. But you decided to get personal and insulting, which indeed IS the theme of this thread.

Thank you for proving Derideo_Te's point to a certain point...

This is what makes this a racist forum! Not the topic...but threads derived from articles from The Daily Stormer? Then teaper participants in that thread attacking a liberal and calling her a racist for pointing it out. :lmao:

And its front and center in the Politics forum! I bet you McGarrett is recruiting racists to join his cause, using USMB as his vehicle. Just the white nationalist use Tea Party events to recruit.

That entire thread violates the USMB Rule about calling someone a pedophile in my opinion.

Does it get a pass because it is calling everyone on the left a pedophile instead of just an individual?

I would like to know from the mods as to whether they believe that thread passes or fails the USMB Rule against accusing anyone of being a pedophile.

Yet I do not see you complaining when teaper, or teapotter or some other derogatory term is used to identify tea party members. I wonder why that is?

This is what makes this a racist forum! Not the topic...but threads derived from articles from The Daily Stormer? Then teaper participants in that thread attacking a liberal and calling her a racist for pointing it out. :lmao:

And its front and center in the Politics forum! I bet you McGarrett is recruiting racists to join his cause, using USMB as his vehicle. Just the white nationalist use Tea Party events to recruit.

That entire thread violates the USMB Rule about calling someone a pedophile in my opinion.

Does it get a pass because it is calling everyone on the left a pedophile instead of just an individual?

I would like to know from the mods as to whether they believe that thread passes or fails the USMB Rule against accusing anyone of being a pedophile.

Yet I do not see you complaining when teaper, or teapotter or some other derogatory term is used to identify tea party members. I wonder why that is?

Quid-pro-quo arguments generally do not win anything.
The political area should be an area of intense debate. If you want to be petted like a puppy. Go into the clean zone!

I very seldom see actual debate on this board. Name calling, foul language and bullying is the opposite of "intense debate". It stops debate and when it starts is usually when I leave a thread.

You mean like how you post?
Thirteen pages later the results are in. We all need to walk on egg shells around Nutz, because his passive aggressive nature is just more than we want to deal with. He's completely unable to see he treats people in a bigoted manner. Of course, that is part of what bigots do correct?


This thread is not about Nutz as an individual. But you decided to get personal and insulting, which indeed IS the theme of this thread.

Thank you for proving Derideo_Te's point to a certain point...

This whole thread grew out of Nutz's comments on another thread. My point was Nutz is exactly what he claims to want eliminated. Sort of defeats the whole purpose of the thread no? Every thread interjecting opinion is personal. No insults were made according to Nutz's own definition he has applied here regularly in the thread.
There is this discussion in the Politics forum;

From what I can gather there is a bipartisan interest in cleaning it up by having the mods/admins enforce the Zone 2 Rules to eliminate the useless flaming and trolling.

So the intent of this poll is to find out who is interested in having a Political forum where flaming is not allowed?

The mods and admins can weigh in with their opinions since this impacts them too.

Please note that if you vote for cleaning it up you will be expected to clean up your own act too.

Thank you for your participation.


Thirteen pages later the results are in. We all need to walk on egg shells around Nutz, because his passive aggressive nature is just more than we want to deal with. He's completely unable to see he treats people in a bigoted manner. Of course, that is part of what bigots do correct?


This thread is not about Nutz as an individual. But you decided to get personal and insulting, which indeed IS the theme of this thread.

Thank you for proving Derideo_Te's point to a certain point...

This whole thread grew out of Nutz's comments on another thread. My point was Nutz is exactly what he claims to want eliminated. Sort of defeats the whole purpose of the thread no? Every thread interjecting opinion is personal. No insults were made according to Nutz's own definition he has applied here regularly in the thread.

No. Nice dodge. Interjecting something personal doesn't mean you get personal about one specific person. You do understand this very simple concept, right?
You understand opinons are personal right?

Look, I tried to help Nutz on many occassions in the last two days. Gave him all sorts of helpful pointers on dealing with haters. He chooses to lay down with them and revel in the muck. That is all his choice and he is entitled. Thing is, now he wants the whole board changed to protect it against people like him. Whatever.
I for one am not interested in more rules or more policing, there is more than enough of that already. Sometimes discussions get heated, sometimes folks lose their cool and cut loose with a flame. It happens. But we are all adults, allegedly, and there is no reason we can not police ourselves.

That's just my opinion, but I could be wrong...


I would like only to see all staff use consistency in implementing all Rules and Guidelines. For example, many posters have over-sized signatures. Some members of staff, ignore this and other members PM the poster requesting they downsize their Sig to comply with the R&Gs. Many other examples, too numerous to mention but I hope you get my drift. :)

As far as flaming goes, I don't usually find myself in those threads. I am not here to upset myself by arguing, defending my posts, or explaining them and don't usually go back and read what I have posted or who has posted after me, depending upon the poster.

My ignore list is my best friend here but only a handful are there. ;) Posting about 7 times a day, I avoid, having to scroll through posts I would doubtfully have interest in.

I like to keep my glass full and leave my computer desk the way I arrived at it....with a glad heart. :thup:

This thread is not about Nutz as an individual. But you decided to get personal and insulting, which indeed IS the theme of this thread.

Thank you for proving Derideo_Te's point to a certain point...

This whole thread grew out of Nutz's comments on another thread. My point was Nutz is exactly what he claims to want eliminated. Sort of defeats the whole purpose of the thread no? Every thread interjecting opinion is personal. No insults were made according to Nutz's own definition he has applied here regularly in the thread.

No. Nice dodge. Interjecting something personal doesn't mean you get personal about one specific person. You do understand this very simple concept, right?

That's the whole problem....many here do not understand the concept of insulting the message but not the messenger. Just like they can't tell when a comment is racist, they also cannot tell when they are attacking the poster instead of his post. You can't fix stupid.

I don't have a problem with leaving things as they are, because I have my way of dealing with such members. It was just my opinion that it should be relegated to the FZ, but I'm not going to let a "few" uncivil members run me off.....I just ignore them. It's no fun when your posts are being ignored. I let someone just as nasty as them respond to them and that is why we have what we is on both sides. Anyone claiming that it is only from one side is either a partisan hack or totally ignorant.
This whole thread grew out of Nutz's comments on another thread. My point was Nutz is exactly what he claims to want eliminated. Sort of defeats the whole purpose of the thread no? Every thread interjecting opinion is personal. No insults were made according to Nutz's own definition he has applied here regularly in the thread.

No. Nice dodge. Interjecting something personal doesn't mean you get personal about one specific person. You do understand this very simple concept, right?

That's the whole problem....many here do not understand the concept of insulting the message but not the messenger. Just like they can't tell when a comment is racist, they also cannot tell when they are attacking the poster instead of his post. You can't fix stupid.

I don't have a problem with leaving things as they are, because I have my way of dealing with such members. It was just my opinion that it should be relegated to the FZ, but I'm not going to let a "few" uncivil members run me off.....I just ignore them. It's no fun when your posts are being ignored. I let someone just as nasty as them respond to them and that is why we have what we is on both sides. Anyone claiming that it is only from one side is either a partisan hack or totally ignorant.

Rule changes don't make a big difference. Look at all the ones we have had here in the last year. People changing does make a difference, but that is hard to do, if you don't point out personal stuff. I did not call Nutz an idiot or other derogatory term, because I don't think that. Terms I did use seem pretty accurate frankly. He has stated he isn't going to change, fine. The status quo remains, sadly.

I find it interesting that I am suppose to accept terms like the n-word and generic attacks on groups which I am identified with (often incorrectly) in the name of free speech, yet it seems a few are quick to limit mine. If I am conversing with someone else, how does that violate your rights?
Rule changes don't make a big difference. Look at all the ones we have had here in the last year. People changing does make a difference, but that is hard to do, if you don't point out personal stuff. I did not call Nutz an idiot or other derogatory term, because I don't think that. Terms I did use seem pretty accurate frankly. He has stated he isn't going to change, fine. The status quo remains, sadly.

I find it interesting that I am suppose to accept terms like the n-word and generic attacks on groups which I am identified with (often incorrectly) in the name of free speech, yet it seems a few are quick to limit mine. If I am conversing with someone else, how does that violate your rights?

Exactly who is trying to limit you? Where exactly is your ouchie?
I for one am not interested in more rules or more policing, there is more than enough of that already. Sometimes discussions get heated, sometimes folks lose their cool and cut loose with a flame. It happens. But we are all adults, allegedly, and there is no reason we can not police ourselves.

That's just my opinion, but I could be wrong...


I would like only to see all staff use consistency in implementing all Rules and Guidelines. For example, many posters have over-sized signatures. Some members of staff, ignore this and other members PM the poster requesting they downsize their Sig to comply with the R&Gs. Many other examples, too numerous to mention but I hope you get my drift. :)

As far as flaming goes, I don't usually find myself in those threads. I am not here to upset myself by arguing, defending my posts, or explaining them and don't usually go back and read what I have posted or who has posted after me, depending upon the poster.

My ignore list is my best friend here but only a handful are there. ;) Posting about 7 times a day, I avoid, having to scroll through posts I would doubtfully have interest in.

I like to keep my glass full and leave my computer desk the way I arrived at it....with a glad heart. :thup:


I've been accused of "running away" from threads when actually, I just don't have any interest in wading through the insults. Really. Who has the time or the interest?
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