Should the mods/admins enforce Zone 2 Rules in the Politics Forum?

Should the Political Forum not allow flaming/name calling?

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The key moment in the debate occurs with the first troll or derogatory comment Wake. Do I flip into troll mode or keep on the topic? A choice that in that moment will give control to the troll or me.

It is good if you don't return fire with fire, but when you're in the same discussion, or you're talking in the thread you've started, what do you do when 3+ trolls of various partisan stripes just gut it? They tear apart quality discussion like knives tear through flesh. There is little if any recourse to save your thread.

You could PM me. Draw some attention to your thread and get some good communicators involved.
The key moment in the debate occurs with the first troll or derogatory comment Wake. Do I flip into troll mode or keep on the topic? A choice that in that moment will give control to the troll or me.

It is good if you don't return fire with fire, but when you're in the same discussion, or you're talking in the thread you've started, what do you do when 3+ trolls of various partisan stripes just gut it? They tear apart quality discussion like knives tear through flesh. There is little if any recourse to save your thread.

You could PM me. Draw some attention to your thread and get some good communicators involved.

I'll come too. :D
:lmao: Too funny. I simply mirror the way racist teapers post on this forum. Sorta funny how you have no issue with their racial nonsense but think I am bigoted for calling them out. You seem to believe someone should be able to say as they please without scrutiny from other posters. You must be canadian.

You have been told by numerous people that term is derogatory and refuse to quit using it yet have the gall to whine about others. Amazing indeed.

I find a lot of teaperisms to be derogatory. They still spew their nonsense. Pretty hypocritical don't you think. What do you guys call liberal...libturds? Yet you have a problem with Teaper. :lmao:

German ancestry or just stupid like a canadian?

I am not a member of the Tea party. nor do I call liberals libturds. But that is neither here nor there. YOU claim you want the Political forum cleaned up and yet you insist on using what you have been told is a derogatory term for a group of people. Hypocrite would be you.
So in your mind they have little elections and vote racists as board mouthpieces? Ever consider that everyone gets to talk here? That every party has a broad spectrum of ideas and beliefs?

No, not at all. MANY people think that Teapers are just isn't me. Don't you think that sort of destroys the movement...which is admirable (their published ideals)? I believe Teapers destroy the GOP and I look forward to the day they start their armed revolution...and are eliminated.

With the signs they carry, they describe themselves as racist.

And, listen to tp politicians - racist and they encourage that same mindless hate in their followers. That attracts even more racists.

The people who carried those signs turned out to be left wing political activists trying like hell to slander the TEA Party. Color me unsurprised that you bought the meme. Of course it helped that you so wanted it to be true.
No, not at all. MANY people think that Teapers are just isn't me. Don't you think that sort of destroys the movement...which is admirable (their published ideals)? I believe Teapers destroy the GOP and I look forward to the day they start their armed revolution...and are eliminated.

With the signs they carry, they describe themselves as racist.

And, listen to tp politicians - racist and they encourage that same mindless hate in their followers. That attracts even more racists.

The people who carried those signs turned out to be left wing political activists trying like hell to slander the TEA Party. Color me unsurprised that you bought the meme. Of course it helped that you so wanted it to be true.

Link? Why didn't the teapers kick them out?
I doubt that every singe racist sign, comment, and action by some of the people at these gatherings are Liberal plants trying to make the Tea Party look bad. The fact is, they have some racists among them. Are they all racist. No. Are most of them. No. But some certainly are.
Seems like it was implied the leadership was racist. A link to that would be equally nice.
Seems like it was implied the leadership was racist. A link to that would be equally nice.

What leadership? The teapers get away with their racism because they claim to be a movement and not an organization. But when Teaper Rally organizers are known makes them suspect.
:lol: How is a made up word derogatory? Again Tea Partier - Teaper

Would it make you happy if I spelled it like this:


What nonsense. Then again, I remember a Teaper lecturing me about the N word...saying it is just a word - get over it.

It's another one of those stupid, partisan slang words used by weak debaters to insult and anger those of opposing political affiliations. Call a Tea Partier a Tea Partier, and a Liberal a Liberal, and on. I wouldn't advise the BS'ing of whining about names and personal insults, while using political insults and derogatory slang. It's hypocritical, and hurts your cause.

The purpose of insults are to inflame the emotions of the person(s) being insulted.

They add nothing of value to the debate.

If you are insulted take the high road and don't allow your emotions to be inflamed by someone who is beneath you.

If you insult someone because you cannot make a convincing argument to support your point then you don't deserve to participate and should be removed from the thread.

That is my 2 cents worth on insults.

The purpose of an insult is to make a point. I don't expect adults to get get emotional over me insulting them because they should have enough self control to deal with being called stupid without taking it personally.
In the end, I would say no personal insults outside of the flame zone! Allowing the flaming everywhere just takes it from thread to thread with no end.

Says my stalker who gets off on calling me nasty names in every single thread he follows me to.


I see a bunch of leftist gas bags who don't understand the current rules, who think that if the rules are enforced as they are written, it will benefit them.

Boy are they ever wrong.
In the end, I would say no personal insults outside of the flame zone! Allowing the flaming everywhere just takes it from thread to thread with no end.

Says my stalker who gets off on calling me nasty names in every single thread he follows me to.


I see a bunch of leftist gas bags who don't understand the current rules, who think that if the rules are enforced as they are written, it will benefit them.

Boy are they ever wrong.

I think you have that the other way stalk me! And to think, I said some nice things about you.
Why take flaming out of politics...we are just following our glorious leader, Obabble.


Exactly the type of troll post the o/p is talking about. It adds nothing to this discussion, has nothing to do with the topic and contains yet another random rant about the president, combined with an inability to spell the president's name.

There is no discussion in the face of that type of idiocy.

It's not the random insult, IMO, that upsets the apple cart, it's that type of pointless screed, especially when started in the o/p of the thread.
We have already seen in this thread where liberals have tried to claim they are opposed to flaming while demanding they get to keep flaming their own way. And several of the worst Liberal flamers have said they support the idea of no flames as if they are innocent of the practice.

The biggest problem I see with this idea is who gets to decide what is a flame. If I am not mistaken the lefties will be demanding every post by the right is a flame while claiming every post by them is simply a reasonable response post. We have already had one poster after being informed his terms are offensive INSIST they are not and state he will NOT stop using them. Can you guess what his political affiliation is?

That was some sweet bullshit, there, pardner....

I don't think you want me to go through a count and do a statistical analysis of blank, brazen, hateful insults from the Right vs. those from the Left, cuz were I do do that, then you would be eating a helluva lot of humble pie. Just a cursory look at any one hot thread will bring AT LEAST 4 times more insults from a certain cadre of Righties than all the Lefties in USMB combined. I see it ALL THE TIME, and ALL OVER THE PLACE in every zone except the protected zones.

So, stop writing about this as if it's all the Left's fault that flaming happens, cuz that is just utter bullshit. Yes, there are indeed some Lefties who flame, but they pale in comparision to a certain cadre of Righties who appear to literally live to do only that: to flame.

It is a fact, there is a poster in this thread who has repeatedly insisted that he is not being offensive even though he was told he is.

By the way, Gunny didn't say the flaming is the fault of the left, he is saying they are the ones that are agitating for the change even though they happen to be the ones that are flaming. The flamers on the right who have responded to this thread generally want the rules to stay they way they are.

In other words, he is pointing out the specific instances of hypocrisy he is seeing, not trying to tar everyone with the same brush. He might not see all the hypocrisy, but that does not invalidate his point.
We have already seen in this thread where liberals have tried to claim they are opposed to flaming while demanding they get to keep flaming their own way. And several of the worst Liberal flamers have said they support the idea of no flames as if they are innocent of the practice.

The biggest problem I see with this idea is who gets to decide what is a flame. If I am not mistaken the lefties will be demanding every post by the right is a flame while claiming every post by them is simply a reasonable response post. We have already had one poster after being informed his terms are offensive INSIST they are not and state he will NOT stop using them. Can you guess what his political affiliation is?

You just demonstrated one of the biggest problems here. We are trying to discuss a solution to a problem that both sides are doing and you only want to see it as a Liberal problem. Partisan, biased thinking. I've seen plenty of it on the Right also. But you don't because that's just the way it is here. Many just want to be partisan hacks.

Except it isn't a problem to anyone but the whiny bitches who think they have the right to insist that everyone conform to their standards.

That, by the way, is my non partisan rebuttal to all the whiny bitches, no matter what side they claim to represent.
Why take flaming out of politics...we are just following our glorious leader, Obabble.


Exactly the type of troll post the o/p is talking about. It adds nothing to this discussion, has nothing to do with the topic and contains yet another random rant about the president, combined with an inability to spell the president's name.

There is no discussion in the face of that type of idiocy.

It's not the random insult, IMO, that upsets the apple cart, it's that type of pointless screed, especially when started in the o/p of the thread.

Hurry, jillian, it's time for you to head to the politics forum and post one of your insightful, comprehensive "You're so stupid" posts that do so much to further the conversation, and raise the level of intellect on the boad!

Chop chop!
Why take flaming out of politics...we are just following our glorious leader, Obabble.


Exactly the type of troll post the o/p is talking about. It adds nothing to this discussion, has nothing to do with the topic and contains yet another random rant about the president, combined with an inability to spell the president's name.

There is no discussion in the face of that type of idiocy.

It's not the random insult, IMO, that upsets the apple cart, it's that type of pointless screed, especially when started in the o/p of the thread.

Hurry, jillian, it's time for you to head to the politics forum and post one of your insightful, comprehensive "You're so stupid" posts that do so much to further the conversation, and raise the level of intellect on the boad!

Chop chop!

Wait a whine the most when it comes to posts you don't agree with!
The political area should be an area of intense debate. If you want to be petted like a puppy. Go into the clean zone!

I very seldom see actual debate on this board. Name calling, foul language and bullying is the opposite of "intense debate". It stops debate and when it starts is usually when I leave a thread.

Could that be because your idea of debate is posting lies instead of actually debating the issues? Maybe, just maybe, if you learned how to debate, actually listened to the other side and countered their arguments with well thought out counter arguments, and stopped lying, you would see more examples of actual debate.
You know, being wrong on a point doesn't invalidate your entire existence. If you act that way, you can't grow.
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