Should the mods/admins enforce Zone 2 Rules in the Politics Forum?

Should the Political Forum not allow flaming/name calling?

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I for one am not interested in more rules or more policing, there is more than enough of that already. Sometimes discussions get heated, sometimes folks lose their cool and cut loose with a flame. It happens. But we are all adults, allegedly, and there is no reason we can not police ourselves.

That's just my opinion, but I could be wrong...


I would like only to see all staff use consistency in implementing all Rules and Guidelines. For example, many posters have over-sized signatures. Some members of staff, ignore this and other members PM the poster requesting they downsize their Sig to comply with the R&Gs. Many other examples, too numerous to mention but I hope you get my drift. :)

As far as flaming goes, I don't usually find myself in those threads. I am not here to upset myself by arguing, defending my posts, or explaining them and don't usually go back and read what I have posted or who has posted after me, depending upon the poster.

My ignore list is my best friend here but only a handful are there. ;) Posting about 7 times a day, I avoid, having to scroll through posts I would doubtfully have interest in.

I like to keep my glass full and leave my computer desk the way I arrived at it....with a glad heart. :thup:


I've been accused of "running away" from threads when actually, I just don't have any interest in wading through the insults. Really. Who has the time or the interest?

:thup: Precisely.
Rule changes don't make a big difference. Look at all the ones we have had here in the last year. People changing does make a difference, but that is hard to do, if you don't point out personal stuff. I did not call Nutz an idiot or other derogatory term, because I don't think that. Terms I did use seem pretty accurate frankly. He has stated he isn't going to change, fine. The status quo remains, sadly.

I find it interesting that I am suppose to accept terms like the n-word and generic attacks on groups which I am identified with (often incorrectly) in the name of free speech, yet it seems a few are quick to limit mine. If I am conversing with someone else, how does that violate your rights?

Exactly who is trying to limit you? Where exactly is your ouchie?

Who indeed...

My ouchie is on the back of my arm near the triceps. Hornet got me yesterday.

Actually, I don't disagree with you or Mertex. Nice is much better and I apologize to Nutz for making this too personal.
Rule changes don't make a big difference. Look at all the ones we have had here in the last year. People changing does make a difference, but that is hard to do, if you don't point out personal stuff. I did not call Nutz an idiot or other derogatory term, because I don't think that. Terms I did use seem pretty accurate frankly. He has stated he isn't going to change, fine. The status quo remains, sadly.

I find it interesting that I am suppose to accept terms like the n-word and generic attacks on groups which I am identified with (often incorrectly) in the name of free speech, yet it seems a few are quick to limit mine. If I am conversing with someone else, how does that violate your rights?

I thought the N word wasn't off limits anymore?
Thirteen pages later the results are in. We all need to walk on egg shells around Nutz, because his passive aggressive nature is just more than we want to deal with. He's completely unable to see he treats people in a bigoted manner. Of course, that is part of what bigots do correct?

:lmao: Too funny. I simply mirror the way racist teapers post on this forum. Sorta funny how you have no issue with their racial nonsense but think I am bigoted for calling them out. You seem to believe someone should be able to say as they please without scrutiny from other posters. You must be canadian.
There is this discussion in the Politics forum;

From what I can gather there is a bipartisan interest in cleaning it up by having the mods/admins enforce the Zone 2 Rules to eliminate the useless flaming and trolling.

So the intent of this poll is to find out who is interested in having a Political forum where flaming is not allowed?

The mods and admins can weigh in with their opinions since this impacts them too.

Please note that if you vote for cleaning it up you will be expected to clean up your own act too.

Thank you for your participation.

Being a specificly political discussion forum, I'd leave it alone. Too many rules and you're effectively pushing a political agenda in a political forum. Should be as hands-off as is practical. Other groups sure, a gardening one say has no need of flames and whatnot. But in politics when you start suppressing speech that's when you've begun pushing your own political agenda by controlling what others say.
Thirteen pages later the results are in. We all need to walk on egg shells around Nutz, because his passive aggressive nature is just more than we want to deal with. He's completely unable to see he treats people in a bigoted manner. Of course, that is part of what bigots do correct?

:lmao: Too funny. I simply mirror the way racist teapers post on this forum. Sorta funny how you have no issue with their racial nonsense but think I am bigoted for calling them out. You seem to believe someone should be able to say as they please without scrutiny from other posters. You must be canadian.

You have been told by numerous people that term is derogatory and refuse to quit using it yet have the gall to whine about others. Amazing indeed.
Rule changes don't make a big difference. Look at all the ones we have had here in the last year. People changing does make a difference, but that is hard to do, if you don't point out personal stuff. I did not call Nutz an idiot or other derogatory term, because I don't think that. Terms I did use seem pretty accurate frankly. He has stated he isn't going to change, fine. The status quo remains, sadly.

I find it interesting that I am suppose to accept terms like the n-word and generic attacks on groups which I am identified with (often incorrectly) in the name of free speech, yet it seems a few are quick to limit mine. If I am conversing with someone else, how does that violate your rights?

Exactly who is trying to limit you? Where exactly is your ouchie?

Who indeed...

My ouchie is on the back of my arm near the triceps. Hornet got me yesterday.

Actually, I don't disagree with you or Mertex. Nice is much better and I apologize to Nutz for making this too personal.

You don't have to apologize to me...nothing was taken personal.
Thirteen pages later the results are in. We all need to walk on egg shells around Nutz, because his passive aggressive nature is just more than we want to deal with. He's completely unable to see he treats people in a bigoted manner. Of course, that is part of what bigots do correct?

:lmao: Too funny. I simply mirror the way racist teapers post on this forum. Sorta funny how you have no issue with their racial nonsense but think I am bigoted for calling them out. You seem to believe someone should be able to say as they please without scrutiny from other posters. You must be canadian.

You have been told by numerous people that term is derogatory and refuse to quit using it yet have the gall to whine about others. Amazing indeed.

I find a lot of teaperisms to be derogatory. They still spew their nonsense. Pretty hypocritical don't you think. What do you guys call liberal...libturds? Yet you have a problem with Teaper. :lmao:

German ancestry or just stupid like a canadian?
Thirteen pages later the results are in. We all need to walk on egg shells around Nutz, because his passive aggressive nature is just more than we want to deal with. He's completely unable to see he treats people in a bigoted manner. Of course, that is part of what bigots do correct?

:lmao: Too funny. I simply mirror the way racist teapers post on this forum. Sorta funny how you have no issue with their racial nonsense but think I am bigoted for calling them out. You seem to believe someone should be able to say as they please without scrutiny from other posters. You must be canadian.

Worse...German-Irish :D

I have gone to battle with racist here many times, that is why I ignore them for the most part now. I learned what works. Still, it is hard not to engage them and give some level of resistance every once and a while.

This place can get pretty frustrating if you let it. That is the key, if you let it, you have the control.
Thirteen pages later the results are in. We all need to walk on egg shells around Nutz, because his passive aggressive nature is just more than we want to deal with. He's completely unable to see he treats people in a bigoted manner. Of course, that is part of what bigots do correct?

:lmao: Too funny. I simply mirror the way racist teapers post on this forum. Sorta funny how you have no issue with their racial nonsense but think I am bigoted for calling them out. You seem to believe someone should be able to say as they please without scrutiny from other posters. You must be canadian.

Worse...German-Irish :D

I have gone to battle with racist here many times, that is why I ignore them for the most part now. I learned what works. Still, it is hard not to engage them and give some level of resistance every once and a while.

This place can get pretty frustrating if you let it. That is the key, if you let it, you have the control.

German-Irish :eek: Holy shit, you have the German evil mutant blood lust gene coupled with the Irish alcoholic gene. Luckily, potatoes temper both of those qualities. Why do you think the Irish in America were so racist during the potato famine! No potatoes to temper there natural disposition. Think about it!
I feel this is not a political issue in the slightest. What most people seem to want is personal attacks and trolling, name-calling and insulting, to be quelled. This isn't the fault of the Left, and it isn't the fault of the Right. It's not party vs. party. It's members of both parties who, instead of showing respect, courtesy, restraint and civility, they resort to getting nasty, vulgar, mean, and trollish.

We need to approach this issue universally instead of blaming one whole group while pretending the same behavior isn't also coming from elsewhere. That is the very essence of political hackery. Extreme bias. A corruption and mockery of everything fair and applied unilaterally.

Calling someone a **** or a faggot in politics simply because you disagree is wrong. It is really difficult for me to want to commit energy into having quality discussions when rabid partisans jump in on either side of the issue and shit all over the thread. I just want to reach through my monitor and smack them with an open hand. :D These so-called adults act like children, having complete and utter disrespect and inconsideration for everyone else. They're big kids, they don't know how to debate because they think debate is where you call people names, and they're nothing more than general nuisances who aren't aware of their own stupidity.

I really don't mind or care if you have strongly-held beliefs on the political spectrum. Just don't be despicable person. If you call people names because you disagree with what they say, you're incredibly weak, and you've shown that it's far too difficult for you to be calm, collected, and thoroughly refute their points with patience and mutual respect. Trolling, name-calling, personal insults, and being any manner of disrespectful brute is the first and foremost issue. Partisan hackery comes second. I don't mind hacks so long as they aren't despicable and out of control, because I can easily ignore them or hopefully deal with their fallacious posts in a calm manner. I wish people would go by the rule of "do no harm," and also treat people as they'd wish to be treated. And, maybe, try to be fair, honest, understanding, and any other conceivable thing that leads to damned good and worthwhile talks.

On a side note, positive influence is also contagious, and I'd like to see what people can do with that.
leave politics forum alone, you libs want to try and put rules on everything. Politics is supposed to be loud dirty and mean, get over it.
The key moment in the debate occurs with the first troll or derogatory comment Wake. Do I flip into troll mode or keep on the topic? A choice that in that moment will give control to the troll or me.
Rule changes don't make a big difference. Look at all the ones we have had here in the last year. People changing does make a difference, but that is hard to do, if you don't point out personal stuff. I did not call Nutz an idiot or other derogatory term, because I don't think that. Terms I did use seem pretty accurate frankly. He has stated he isn't going to change, fine. The status quo remains, sadly.

I find it interesting that I am suppose to accept terms like the n-word and generic attacks on groups which I am identified with (often incorrectly) in the name of free speech, yet it seems a few are quick to limit mine. If I am conversing with someone else, how does that violate your rights?

Exactly who is trying to limit you? Where exactly is your ouchie?

Who indeed...

My ouchie is on the back of my arm near the triceps. Hornet got me yesterday.

Actually, I don't disagree with you or Mertex. Nice is much better and I apologize to Nutz for making this too personal.

I hope you heal from your hornet injury, [MENTION=21265]saveliberty[/MENTION].

It think it's good that you apologize to Nutz. It takes a big, big man to do that. Kudos to you. :thup:

Otherwise, I agree with more of your intent than you realize. If you read my first posting to Derideo_Te, I don't think that more rules is the right way to go. 1st amendment expression must be, even when painful or even embarrassing for the person silly enough to write a lot of the crap that I see here.

But just because a person has the right to say something doesn't mean that he should say it. Sometimes, discretion really is the better part of valor.

And I know some really hard hitting Conservatives here who quite often earn my respect, not because they somehow pull their horns in (they don't), but they attack the idea and not the person.

Just food for thought.
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You and Mertex seemed to be reasonable on this thread, so I took it into consideration. I moved back to pointing out the areas of agreement, a little humor and an apology. No mod required.
Thirteen pages later the results are in. We all need to walk on egg shells around Nutz, because his passive aggressive nature is just more than we want to deal with. He's completely unable to see he treats people in a bigoted manner. Of course, that is part of what bigots do correct?

:lmao: Too funny. I simply mirror the way racist teapers post on this forum. Sorta funny how you have no issue with their racial nonsense but think I am bigoted for calling them out. You seem to believe someone should be able to say as they please without scrutiny from other posters. You must be canadian.

It's one of the awesome benefits of being a Canadian.
The key moment in the debate occurs with the first troll or derogatory comment Wake. Do I flip into troll mode or keep on the topic? A choice that in that moment will give control to the troll or me.

It is good if you don't return fire with fire, but when you're in the same discussion, or you're talking in the thread you've started, what do you do when 3+ trolls of various partisan stripes just gut it? They tear apart quality discussion like knives tear through flesh. There is little if any recourse to save your thread.
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