Should the mods/admins enforce Zone 2 Rules in the Politics Forum?

Should the Political Forum not allow flaming/name calling?

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I know, you have such a narrow definition of racism that only whites can be racist, and only if they put down people of color.

Signs like this used to be all over the place, right next to the ones saying no blacks. That used to be called racism, but in our modern society prefers to pretend it isn't.


More reading, if you want to learn.

Bigotry is bigotry, no matter what you call it, and you are supporting a bigot.

ACTUALLY: Richard J. Jensen - "No Irish Need Apply": A Myth of Victimization - Journal of Social History 36:2

The fact that Irish vividly "remember" NINA signs is a curious historical puzzle. There are no contemporary or retrospective accounts of a specific sign at a specific location. No particular business enterprise is named as a culprit. No historian, archivist, or museum curator has ever located one; no photograph or drawing exists. No other ethnic group complained about being singled out by comparable signs. Only Irish Catholics have reported seeing the sign in America—no Protestant, no Jew, no non-Irish Catholic has reported seeing one. This is especially strange since signs were primarily directed toward these others: the signs said that employment was available here and invited Yankees, French-Canadians, Italians and any other non-Irish to come inside and apply. The business literature, both published and unpublished, never mentions NINA or any policy remotely like it. The newspapers and magazines are silent. The courts are silent. There is no record of an angry youth tossing a brick through the window that held such a sign. Have we not discovered all of the signs of an urban legend?
You may submit your profound, unmitigated butthurt upon realizing that you are wrong in the form of a haiku poem to be displayed in your signature along with a link to this thread. If you are unable to come up with an adequate one, I can provide creative assistance to you.


This looks like a photo to me.


Judging by the URL, that photo was uploaded during June of 2014. If it was legit, it would have a timestamp from decades ago.

Since you seem to be struggling with starting your haiku, I'll pen one for your usage:

My butt is so bruised.
Feminists always winning.
I feel I should die.

Or how about this one:

I lost to LM.
She is always right; I'm not.

As you can see, strong improvisational skills are needed when practicing the noble art of haiku; it sometimes becomes necessary to add non-sequitur words into the mix to aid in the poetic flow. You'll pick it up eventually.
I for one am not interested in more rules or more policing, there is more than enough of that already. Sometimes discussions get heated, sometimes folks lose their cool and cut loose with a flame. It happens. But we are all adults, allegedly, and there is no reason we can not police ourselves.

That's just my opinion, but I could be wrong...

Except that isn't happening in reality. The flamers/trolls have carte blanche to destroy any thread they like in the Politics forum which essentially derails it for everyone else.

It's pretty easy to ignore the trolls and stick to the substantial posts in a thread most of the time. Don't let yourself get drawn in by irrelevant unsubstantiated posts and the thread won't get derailed.
I speak out against racism all the time, and do it without claiming that Germans are genetically inferior. The only reason you are defending Nutz is that you both claim to be black, nothing more.

You are a bigot, admit it.

I didnt ask you what you spoke out against. I told you to go back to school so you could figure out the difference between a nationality and a race. I already admitted I'm a bigot. I hate racists.

You are a bigot because you chose to defend a man who makes sexist remarks simply because you believe him when he claims to be black. Or was that thread of yours about your daughters simply posturing?

If you want to know specifically what I am talking about check the post where I mentioned you.

But, please, feel free to pretend you have the moral high ground because of the color of your skin.

I am confused...I thought you had no problem with racism, sexism or bigotry. Hypocrite!

:lol: Are you a female?
Where did I say Germans are inferior. Please provide a link...liar!

Well, you do write crazy shit about Germans, not realizing that they are just a disparate a group of individuals as we Americans.... but I think you do it to be a wee bit batshit crazy, and brother, you are succeeding.


:lol: And as a German or person who lives in Germany, have I made sure you realized it is just batshit crazy talk? Do I call you Kraut or other offensive I not treat you with utmost respect?

Don't get me wrong...we should be mindful of German aggression and hate...but I do not hate Germans. But, I have said that many times.

Oh, the talk about the German gene and this and that and the other, great stuff for the psychologist's office. Now, I know a good one, you should see him:

Dr. Von KickhiminZheAss.

Careful. The couch is more like a futon.

I speak out against racism all the time, and do it without claiming that Germans are genetically inferior. The only reason you are defending Nutz is that you both claim to be black, nothing more.

You are a bigot, admit it.

I didnt ask you what you spoke out against. I told you to go back to school so you could figure out the difference between a nationality and a race. I already admitted I'm a bigot. I hate racists.

You are a bigot because you chose to defend a man who makes sexist remarks simply because you believe him when he claims to be black. Or was that thread of yours about your daughters simply posturing?

If you want to know specifically what I am talking about check the post where I mentioned you.

But, please, feel free to pretend you have the moral high ground because of the color of your skin.

I take it you neglected to read my entire post or the article I linked to in that thread? It was speaking about women gaining power from those references to being called a girl. Try harder Quantum. Maybe you can convince yourself.

BTW Where did I defend anyone over a sexist remark? Can you find a quote from me or a thank you?
Well, you do write crazy shit about Germans, not realizing that they are just a disparate a group of individuals as we Americans.... but I think you do it to be a wee bit batshit crazy, and brother, you are succeeding.


:lol: And as a German or person who lives in Germany, have I made sure you realized it is just batshit crazy talk? Do I call you Kraut or other offensive I not treat you with utmost respect?

Don't get me wrong...we should be mindful of German aggression and hate...but I do not hate Germans. But, I have said that many times.

Oh, the talk about the German gene and this and that and the other, great stuff for the psychologist's office. Now, I know a good one, you should see him:

Dr. Von KickhiminZheAss.

Careful. The couch is more like a futon.


Actually, I didn't come up with the German gene thing. That was peach...I just thought it was hilarious and ran with it.
Why take flaming out of politics...we are just following our glorious leader, Obabble.


Exactly the type of troll post the o/p is talking about. It adds nothing to this discussion, has nothing to do with the topic and contains yet another random rant about the president, combined with an inability to spell the president's name.

There is no discussion in the face of that type of idiocy.

It's not the random insult, IMO, that upsets the apple cart, it's that type of pointless screed, especially when started in the o/p of the thread.

Hurry, jillian, it's time for you to head to the politics forum and post one of your insightful, comprehensive "You're so stupid" posts that do so much to further the conversation, and raise the level of intellect on the boad!

Chop chop!

:lol: And as a German or person who lives in Germany, have I made sure you realized it is just batshit crazy talk? Do I call you Kraut or other offensive I not treat you with utmost respect?

Don't get me wrong...we should be mindful of German aggression and hate...but I do not hate Germans. But, I have said that many times.

Oh, the talk about the German gene and this and that and the other, great stuff for the psychologist's office. Now, I know a good one, you should see him:

Dr. Von KickhiminZheAss.

Careful. The couch is more like a futon.


Actually, I didn't come up with the German gene thing. That was peach...I just thought it was hilarious and ran with it.

Whether yer the running back or the tight-end, yer still on the team, bro!!!

Why take flaming out of politics...we are just following our glorious leader, Obabble.


Exactly the type of troll post the o/p is talking about. It adds nothing to this discussion, has nothing to do with the topic and contains yet another random rant about the president, combined with an inability to spell the president's name.

There is no discussion in the face of that type of idiocy.

It's not the random insult, IMO, that upsets the apple cart, it's that type of pointless screed, especially when started in the o/p of the thread.

Hurry, jillian, it's time for you to head to the politics forum and post one of your insightful, comprehensive "You're so stupid" posts that do so much to further the conversation, and raise the level of intellect on the boad!

Chop chop!

Oh, the Irony...
I didnt ask you what you spoke out against. I told you to go back to school so you could figure out the difference between a nationality and a race. I already admitted I'm a bigot. I hate racists.

You are a bigot because you chose to defend a man who makes sexist remarks simply because you believe him when he claims to be black. Or was that thread of yours about your daughters simply posturing?

If you want to know specifically what I am talking about check the post where I mentioned you.

But, please, feel free to pretend you have the moral high ground because of the color of your skin.

I am confused...I thought you had no problem with racism, sexism or bigotry. Hypocrite!

:lol: Are you a female?

Quantum's sole mission on this board is to get himself into arguments so he can deflect and divert until you end up talking about a completely different subject. Any subject at all as long as it gets him as far away from his obvious lapses in intelligence as possible.

Somehow we have gone from me saying I dont condone you calling Gracie a **** to I am defending you because you are Black even though she called you a Negro by her own admission.
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You are a bigot because you chose to defend a man who makes sexist remarks simply because you believe him when he claims to be black. Or was that thread of yours about your daughters simply posturing?

If you want to know specifically what I am talking about check the post where I mentioned you.

But, please, feel free to pretend you have the moral high ground because of the color of your skin.

I am confused...I thought you had no problem with racism, sexism or bigotry. Hypocrite!

:lol: Are you a female?

Quantum's sole mission on this board is to get himself into arguments so he can deflect and divert until you end up talking about a completely different subject. Any subject at all as long as it gets him as far away from his obvious lapses in intelligence as possible.

Somehow we have gone from me saying I dont condone you calling Gracie a **** to I am defending you because you are Black even though she called you a Negro by her own admission.

Faux outrage or hypocrisy.

For the females...I am not misogynistic...I was simply proving a point.

Exactly the type of troll post the o/p is talking about. It adds nothing to this discussion, has nothing to do with the topic and contains yet another random rant about the president, combined with an inability to spell the president's name.

There is no discussion in the face of that type of idiocy.

It's not the random insult, IMO, that upsets the apple cart, it's that type of pointless screed, especially when started in the o/p of the thread.

Hurry, jillian, it's time for you to head to the politics forum and post one of your insightful, comprehensive "You're so stupid" posts that do so much to further the conversation, and raise the level of intellect on the boad!

Chop chop!

Oh, the Irony...

It's ironic that you find it ironic.

And it's ironic that nutz thanked you, lol.
So you think this board should be turned into stormfront light? I think he could have expanded to include the constant barrage of anti semitism, too

Calling someone a teapeer is not the problem. Neither is calling someone a lib.

Lib is not derogatory as is teaper. Calling someone a Con instead of conservative is not derogatory either. That you want your side not policed is the problem.

The WAY they use the word "lib" is intended to be derogatory. And the people who whine that teapeer is insulting are perfectly fine with racist and anti-Semitic terms.,...maybe not EVERY term but enough to make a new person looking at this board think we are what I said before -- stormfront light.

I'm a Teaper and proud of it. You're a Lib and I'm a Teaper. No hurt feelings? None on my part.

You gonna tell your pal to knock off calling women a ****? Just checking to see if you will find an allowance for him.

Honestly I dont see where he called any woman a **** but if he did that's not cool nor do I condone it.

Negro is definitely offensive. You may as well come all the way out and call me the N word. Black people dont use the term and I am sure you know that.

He did so twice, I reported it and they erased it. Although there is a quote of one of them back a bit.

You gonna tell your pal to knock off calling women a ****? Just checking to see if you will find an allowance for him.

Honestly I dont see where he called any woman a **** but if he did that's not cool nor do I condone it.

Negro is definitely offensive. You may as well come all the way out and call me the N word. Black people dont use the term and I am sure you know that.

Using THAT logic cracker and whitey are racist since whites do not call themselves that.
Guys...I think this thread has run it's course...
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