Should the mods/admins enforce Zone 2 Rules in the Politics Forum?

Should the Political Forum not allow flaming/name calling?

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I do not think USMB's rules should conform to Nutz's point of view, because I feel it is dangerous. It's that feeling you get from more partisan Leftists/Progressives that assert there is racism... when there isn't. I do think there is racism from some on USMB, but calling the forum racist is laughable. Personally I think people should have the freedom to question and discuss the details in each other's cultures, "races," etc. Personally I'm swayed by the notion that race doesn't exist at all, but few seem to subscribe to it.

Does anyone here know Jimmy Norton from Opie and Anthony? Or Adam Carolla? I like how they stand up to the golden calves like GLAAD. Do I think their vulgarity should be allowed here? No, not if it's personal trolling. But the ideas and arguments they make should be allowed in a peaceful setting. I abhor the idea of having to tip-toe around certain people of minority groups because any slight or disagreement they're quick to label as racism or hatred. Political Correctness, in my opinion, should be denounced. Ideas should be allowed to be discussed: calling people vile, personal names shouldn't.

I do agree with Gracie's #246. Please don't be so awfully quick to call people racists. It makes you look like you're crying wolf, and hurts all African-Americans, because it makes them all look bad, as if they all cry racism.

Yes, disagreeing without being disagreeable is not only possible it is preferable.

Yes, all topics should be allowed to be discussed in a respectful manner.

Yes, this is a message board and a thick skin helps to shrug off the stupid slurs.

When it falls outside of those boundaries it should be moderated because that is what the Zone 2 Rules are all about. More than open enough to allow any and all topics and room to spare for adults to debate.

All that we need is for the garbage to be taken out as per the Zone 2 Rules.

Is that too much to expect?
I do not think USMB's rules should conform to Nutz's point of view, because I feel it is dangerous. It's that feeling you get from more partisan Leftists/Progressives that assert there is racism... when there isn't. I do think there is racism from some on USMB, but calling the forum racist is laughable. Personally I think people should have the freedom to question and discuss the details in each other's cultures, "races," etc. Personally I'm swayed by the notion that race doesn't exist at all, but few seem to subscribe to it.

Does anyone here know Jimmy Norton from Opie and Anthony? Or Adam Carolla? I like how they stand up to the golden calves like GLAAD. Do I think their vulgarity should be allowed here? No, not if it's personal trolling. But the ideas and arguments they make should be allowed in a peaceful setting. I abhor the idea of having to tip-toe around certain people of minority groups because any slight or disagreement they're quick to label as racism or hatred. Political Correctness, in my opinion, should be denounced. Ideas should be allowed to be discussed: calling people vile, personal names shouldn't.

I do agree with Gracie's #246. Please don't be so awfully quick to call people racists. It makes you look like you're crying wolf, and hurts all African-Americans, because it makes them all look bad, as if they all cry racism.

:lmao: How did this all get to be about Nutz????

You guys are so blinded, you missed what I clearly said or I am missing what you clearly want. If you want it okay for Teapers to use this forum as an excuse to call black people, ******, porch monkey, tarbaby...etc...then so be it. But don't bitch because I use the word Teaper! Or make fun of Germans about their hate and bloodlust...or point to canadians and their insignificance.

It seems as if you guys think racism against black is okay...but no other hate will be tolerated. Of course, that is why Steve McGarrett's hate threads always remain front and center. Of course, that is why the only new members are rabid racists that continue the nastiness spewed by SJ, Traintime, McGarrett, Tank et al.

God forbid...Teaper is used. We wouldn't want to hurt warwulf's feelings...he is white.

Fucking pathetic.

Bye. See ya. Toodles.

Don't like it? Hit the road.
I do not think USMB's rules should conform to Nutz's point of view, because I feel it is dangerous. It's that feeling you get from more partisan Leftists/Progressives that assert there is racism... when there isn't. I do think there is racism from some on USMB, but calling the forum racist is laughable. Personally I think people should have the freedom to question and discuss the details in each other's cultures, "races," etc. Personally I'm swayed by the notion that race doesn't exist at all, but few seem to subscribe to it.

Does anyone here know Jimmy Norton from Opie and Anthony? Or Adam Carolla? I like how they stand up to the golden calves like GLAAD. Do I think their vulgarity should be allowed here? No, not if it's personal trolling. But the ideas and arguments they make should be allowed in a peaceful setting. I abhor the idea of having to tip-toe around certain people of minority groups because any slight or disagreement they're quick to label as racism or hatred. Political Correctness, in my opinion, should be denounced. Ideas should be allowed to be discussed: calling people vile, personal names shouldn't.

I do agree with Gracie's #246. Please don't be so awfully quick to call people racists. It makes you look like you're crying wolf, and hurts all African-Americans, because it makes them all look bad, as if they all cry racism.

:lmao: How did this all get to be about Nutz????

You guys are so blinded, you missed what I clearly said or I am missing what you clearly want. If you want it okay for Teapers to use this forum as an excuse to call black people, ******, porch monkey, tarbaby...etc...then so be it. But don't bitch because I use the word Teaper! Or make fun of Germans about their hate and bloodlust...or point to canadians and their insignificance.

It seems as if you guys think racism against black is okay...but no other hate will be tolerated. Of course, that is why Steve McGarrett's hate threads always remain front and center. Of course, that is why the only new members are rabid racists that continue the nastiness spewed by SJ, Traintime, McGarrett, Tank et al.

God forbid...Teaper is used. We wouldn't want to hurt warwulf's feelings...he is white.

Fucking pathetic.

Bye. See ya. Toodles.

Don't like it? Hit the road.

Don't think so.
Perhaps topics NOT belonging in the political forum should be reported. I just did on two of them. Captain America Is not political. How Obama works out is not political.

Maybe THIS is the problem.

Ding, Ding, Ding!

We have a WINNER!

"Acceptance Of Child Pornography Next On Lefts Agenda" not political either.

All of those threads should be excluded because they are not political, they are flame bait. They violate the Zone 2 Rules.

What happens when they are reported?

Do they get moved into the Badlands where they belong?

Why not?
Perhaps topics NOT belonging in the political forum should be reported. I just did on two of them. Captain America Is not political. How Obama works out is not political.

Maybe THIS is the problem.

been there, done that. still do

Name-calling, especially direct insults and vulgarity should be relegated to the FZ only.

When people start calling you "stupid, moron, shithead, etc." in a forum where there is serious debate taking place...

link to a serious debate:eusa_whistle:
You can't link to other forums, but other places don't allow it, or they bleep personal insults and it keeps the temperature down, and serious debate does take place.

We have a Bull Ring. I don't see the people who seem to be complaining here over in that place.
Because it is allowed, everyone will do it. If it wasn't allowed, I doubt that people would cease to argue their least the ones that are able to explain their point more eloquently than to just say to some one, "you're a fucking moron" and that is the extent of their debate.

USMB has a perfect spot for serious one-on-one debates. Why isn't it used more? Because...:eusa_shifty:

Because the "morons" that can't argue without cursing won't go there and the topics just die....I'm not saying that they can't use bad language, I'm saying they don't have to make it personal. There is a difference between saying "Your idea/comment sucks and it is stupid" than saying "you are a stupid moron, stick your stupid idea up your ass". I can't imagine civil people arguing over wanting to be able to use the latter....because there are only a few morons here that insist on talking like that.

Because the "morons" aren't there? :eusa_whistle:

Are you ever there?
[MENTION=43625]Mertex[/MENTION] Have you tried?

What about the 'likers'?
[MENTION=42916]Derideo_Te[/MENTION] (Today), [MENTION=32558]Luddly Neddite[/MENTION] (Today), [MENTION=38281]Wolfsister77[/MENTION] (Today) [MENTION=22889]Matthew[/MENTION] (Yesterday), [MENTION=26838]Ropey[/MENTION] (Today) [MENTION=27143]BluesMistress[/MENTION] (Yesterday) [MENTION=44124]Wake[/MENTION] (Today) [MENTION=2926]Toro[/MENTION] [MENTION=42649]Gracie[/MENTION] [MENTION=23420]Quantum Windbag[/MENTION] (Today), Statistikhengst (Today) are they ever there?

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:lmao: How did this all get to be about Nutz????

You guys are so blinded, you missed what I clearly said or I am missing what you clearly want. If you want it okay for Teapers to use this forum as an excuse to call black people, ******, porch monkey, tarbaby...etc...then so be it. But don't bitch because I use the word Teaper! Or make fun of Germans about their hate and bloodlust...or point to canadians and their insignificance.

It seems as if you guys think racism against black is okay...but no other hate will be tolerated. Of course, that is why Steve McGarrett's hate threads always remain front and center. Of course, that is why the only new members are rabid racists that continue the nastiness spewed by SJ, Traintime, McGarrett, Tank et al.

God forbid...Teaper is used. We wouldn't want to hurt warwulf's feelings...he is white.

Fucking pathetic.

I think one of the mistakes you have been making, Nutz, is assuming that all Tea Partiers are racist. You know this is not the case, much like you know all Liberals aren't reprobate, yet you continue to not qualify your statements. And on top of that, you call them Teapers, which you know is not a wanted term. If you were being honest with everyone here, you would cease and desist, especially when you voice your displeasure of trolling and name-calling. Before you speak for all, I suggest you realize the fact that each and every groups has bad apples, and that judging a whole group because of the actions of a few is wrong. Imagine if all African-Americans were smeared as irresponsible because of those in the group who aren't responsible? Don't be what you profess to hate, Nutz. If you really believed what you've been saying, you would qualify each and every one of your posts. You would not like being stereotyped, so please don't do the same.

Racism against anyone is wrong, Nutz. Treating everyone equally for the same actions is the basis of equality.

So if we were to go to the archies?

Not sure what that means.
Perhaps topics NOT belonging in the political forum should be reported. I just did on two of them. Captain America Is not political. How Obama works out is not political.

Maybe THIS is the problem.

Ding, Ding, Ding!

We have a WINNER!

"Acceptance Of Child Pornography Next On Lefts Agenda" not political either.

All of those threads should be excluded because they are not political, they are flame bait. They violate the Zone 2 Rules.

What happens when they are reported?

Do they get moved into the Badlands where they belong?

Why not?

If they want to clean this place up...they should just lock or delete those threads.

Like I said...all of this is much ado about nothing.
I do not think USMB's rules should conform to Nutz's point of view, because I feel it is dangerous. It's that feeling you get from more partisan Leftists/Progressives that assert there is racism... when there isn't. I do think there is racism from some on USMB, but calling the forum racist is laughable. Personally I think people should have the freedom to question and discuss the details in each other's cultures, "races," etc. Personally I'm swayed by the notion that race doesn't exist at all, but few seem to subscribe to it.

Does anyone here know Jimmy Norton from Opie and Anthony? Or Adam Carolla? I like how they stand up to the golden calves like GLAAD. Do I think their vulgarity should be allowed here? No, not if it's personal trolling. But the ideas and arguments they make should be allowed in a peaceful setting. I abhor the idea of having to tip-toe around certain people of minority groups because any slight or disagreement they're quick to label as racism or hatred. Political Correctness, in my opinion, should be denounced. Ideas should be allowed to be discussed: calling people vile, personal names shouldn't.

I do agree with Gracie's #246. Please don't be so awfully quick to call people racists. It makes you look like you're crying wolf, and hurts all African-Americans, because it makes them all look bad, as if they all cry racism.

:lmao: How did this all get to be about Nutz????

You guys are so blinded, you missed what I clearly said or I am missing what you clearly want. If you want it okay for Teapers to use this forum as an excuse to call black people, ******, porch monkey, tarbaby...etc...then so be it. But don't bitch because I use the word Teaper! Or make fun of Germans about their hate and bloodlust...or point to canadians and their insignificance.

It seems as if you guys think racism against black is okay...but no other hate will be tolerated. Of course, that is why Steve McGarrett's hate threads always remain front and center. Of course, that is why the only new members are rabid racists that continue the nastiness spewed by SJ, Traintime, McGarrett, Tank et al.

God forbid...Teaper is used. We wouldn't want to hurt warwulf's feelings...he is white.

Fucking pathetic.

Bye. See ya. Toodles.

Don't like it? Hit the road.

So you think this board should be turned into stormfront light? I think he could have expanded to include the constant barrage of anti semitism, too

Calling someone a teapeer is not the problem. Neither is calling someone a lib.
Perhaps topics NOT belonging in the political forum should be reported. I just did on two of them. Captain America Is not political. How Obama works out is not political.

Maybe THIS is the problem.

Ding, Ding, Ding!

We have a WINNER!

"Acceptance Of Child Pornography Next On Lefts Agenda" not political either.

All of those threads should be excluded because they are not political, they are flame bait. They violate the Zone 2 Rules.

What happens when they are reported?

Do they get moved into the Badlands where they belong?

Why not?

And do you whine when teaper titles are used? or any other derogatory term in regards the right?
:lmao: How did this all get to be about Nutz????

You guys are so blinded, you missed what I clearly said or I am missing what you clearly want. If you want it okay for Teapers to use this forum as an excuse to call black people, ******, porch monkey, tarbaby...etc...then so be it. But don't bitch because I use the word Teaper! Or make fun of Germans about their hate and bloodlust...or point to canadians and their insignificance.

It seems as if you guys think racism against black is okay...but no other hate will be tolerated. Of course, that is why Steve McGarrett's hate threads always remain front and center. Of course, that is why the only new members are rabid racists that continue the nastiness spewed by SJ, Traintime, McGarrett, Tank et al.

God forbid...Teaper is used. We wouldn't want to hurt warwulf's feelings...he is white.

Fucking pathetic.

Bye. See ya. Toodles.

Don't like it? Hit the road.

So you think this board should be turned into stormfront light? I think he could have expanded to include the constant barrage of anti semitism, too

Calling someone a teapeer is not the problem. Neither is calling someone a lib.

This is the quality of new members. Well, I guess most believe this is good quality since he doesn't use the term teaper. Hate against blacks = good!

New members like this join everyday. They sure do add a lot to honest and civil discussion! I guess since he didn't use the term is okay. If he used the term ******, they might throw a parade for him!
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:lmao: How did this all get to be about Nutz????

You guys are so blinded, you missed what I clearly said or I am missing what you clearly want. If you want it okay for Teapers to use this forum as an excuse to call black people, ******, porch monkey, tarbaby...etc...then so be it. But don't bitch because I use the word Teaper! Or make fun of Germans about their hate and bloodlust...or point to canadians and their insignificance.

It seems as if you guys think racism against black is okay...but no other hate will be tolerated. Of course, that is why Steve McGarrett's hate threads always remain front and center. Of course, that is why the only new members are rabid racists that continue the nastiness spewed by SJ, Traintime, McGarrett, Tank et al.

God forbid...Teaper is used. We wouldn't want to hurt warwulf's feelings...he is white.

Fucking pathetic.

Bye. See ya. Toodles.

Don't like it? Hit the road.

So you think this board should be turned into stormfront light? I think he could have expanded to include the constant barrage of anti semitism, too

Calling someone a teapeer is not the problem. Neither is calling someone a lib.

Lib is not derogatory as is teaper. Calling someone a Con instead of conservative is not derogatory either. That you want your side not policed is the problem.
Bye. See ya. Toodles.

Don't like it? Hit the road.

So you think this board should be turned into stormfront light? I think he could have expanded to include the constant barrage of anti semitism, too

Calling someone a teapeer is not the problem. Neither is calling someone a lib.

Lib is not derogatory as is teaper. Calling someone a Con instead of conservative is not derogatory either. That you want your side not policed is the problem.
TEAPER is not derogatory. Calling black people ****** and porch that is derogatory...yet you don't protest that. much for that freedom of speech thing being equally applied.


:lol: Call the ACLU or SPLC
Without whites inventing stuff, blacks would still be living like hunter gatherers in mud huts all living in africa.

Taz, another new and quality member of USMB...the above quote is pretty tame compared to the rest.

But god forbid I use the term TEAPER! :lol:
Bye. See ya. Toodles.

Don't like it? Hit the road.

So you think this board should be turned into stormfront light? I think he could have expanded to include the constant barrage of anti semitism, too

Calling someone a teapeer is not the problem. Neither is calling someone a lib.

Lib is not derogatory as is teaper. Calling someone a Con instead of conservative is not derogatory either. That you want your side not policed is the problem.

Why in the world is TEAPER derogatory?

TEAPER is, as far as I can tell, a shortening from TEA PARTY and PERSON.

I mean, what the fuck, are people that sensitive? Really?

I can understand TEATARD or something like that being derogatory, but TEAPER?


Words like "******" (ouch, it hurt just to write that shit) or "****" or "wop" are indeed racist/bigoted terms.

That Righties want to show so much false umbrage over this is just plain old stupid.
So you think this board should be turned into stormfront light? I think he could have expanded to include the constant barrage of anti semitism, too

Calling someone a teapeer is not the problem. Neither is calling someone a lib.

Lib is not derogatory as is teaper. Calling someone a Con instead of conservative is not derogatory either. That you want your side not policed is the problem.

Why in the world is TEAPER derogatory?

TEAPER is, as far as I can tell, a shortening from TEA PARTY and PERSON.

I mean, what the fuck, are people that sensitive? Really?

I can understand TEATARD or something like that being derogatory, but TEAPER?


Words like "******" (ouch, it hurt just to write that shit) or "****" or "wop" are indeed racist/bigoted terms.

That Righties want to show so much false umbrage over this is just plain old stupid.

Exactly...they want to own the ability to spew nonsense. God forbid...if someone uses the word teaper, they may not be able to attract more quality members like warwulf and his ilk.

:lmao: Teapers are ridiculous!
Perhaps topics NOT belonging in the political forum should be reported. I just did on two of them. Captain America Is not political. How Obama works out is not political.

Maybe THIS is the problem.

Ding, Ding, Ding!

We have a WINNER!

"Acceptance Of Child Pornography Next On Lefts Agenda" not political either.

All of those threads should be excluded because they are not political, they are flame bait. They violate the Zone 2 Rules.

What happens when they are reported?

Do they get moved into the Badlands where they belong?

Why not?

The Black Capt America just got moved to Media. Don't know about the other one.
Maybe all it takes is reporting instead of crying and waving fists.
Perhaps topics NOT belonging in the political forum should be reported. I just did on two of them. Captain America Is not political. How Obama works out is not political.

Maybe THIS is the problem.

Ding, Ding, Ding!

We have a WINNER!

"Acceptance Of Child Pornography Next On Lefts Agenda" not political either.

All of those threads should be excluded because they are not political, they are flame bait. They violate the Zone 2 Rules.

What happens when they are reported?

Do they get moved into the Badlands where they belong?

Why not?

The Black Capt America just got moved to Media. Don't know about the other one.
Maybe all it takes is reporting instead of crying and waving fists.

:lol: Which Negro Captain America thread was moved. There was about 5 of them.
Ding, Ding, Ding!

We have a WINNER!

"Acceptance Of Child Pornography Next On Lefts Agenda" not political either.

All of those threads should be excluded because they are not political, they are flame bait. They violate the Zone 2 Rules.

What happens when they are reported?

Do they get moved into the Badlands where they belong?

Why not?

The Black Capt America just got moved to Media. Don't know about the other one.
Maybe all it takes is reporting instead of crying and waving fists.

:lol: Which Negro Captain America thread was moved. There was about 5 of them.

The one I reported.

Perhaps another mod is needed to just be Thread Mover.
Perhaps topics NOT belonging in the political forum should be reported. I just did on two of them. Captain America Is not political. How Obama works out is not political.

Maybe THIS is the problem.

Ding, Ding, Ding!

We have a WINNER!

"Acceptance Of Child Pornography Next On Lefts Agenda" not political either.

All of those threads should be excluded because they are not political, they are flame bait. They violate the Zone 2 Rules.

What happens when they are reported?

Do they get moved into the Badlands where they belong?

Why not?

And do you whine when teaper titles are used? or any other derogatory term in regards the right?

This is not about me. Personally I make a point of avoiding derogatory terms and being disrespectful. If someone insults me I tell them straight out that I don't tolerate it and ask them to clean up their act. If they can't they go an ignore because I am not prepared to waste my own time on those who are incapable of learning how to behave like an adult in public.

What this thread is about is egregious out of control flaming in the Political forum. It has essentially ruined all pretense of serious debate. There is no discernible difference between Political threads and FZ threads and that is the topic of discussion in this thread.
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