Should the mods/admins enforce Zone 2 Rules in the Politics Forum?

Should the Political Forum not allow flaming/name calling?

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The Black Capt America just got moved to Media. Don't know about the other one.
Maybe all it takes is reporting instead of crying and waving fists.

:lol: Which Negro Captain America thread was moved. There was about 5 of them.

The one I reported.

Perhaps another mod is needed to just be Thread Mover.

Ahh,because the one started by a racist remains front and center.
Ding, Ding, Ding!

We have a WINNER!

"Acceptance Of Child Pornography Next On Lefts Agenda" not political either.

All of those threads should be excluded because they are not political, they are flame bait. They violate the Zone 2 Rules.

What happens when they are reported?

Do they get moved into the Badlands where they belong?

Why not?

And do you whine when teaper titles are used? or any other derogatory term in regards the right?

This is not about me. Personally I make a point of avoiding derogatory terms and being disrespectful. If someone insults me I tell them straight out that I don't tolerate it and ask them to clean up their act. If they can't they go an ignore because I am not prepared to waste my own time on those who are incapable of learning how to behave like an adult in public.

What this thread is about is egregious out of control flaming in the Political forum. It has essentially ruined all pretense of serious debate. There is no discernible difference between Political threads and FZ threads and that is the topic of discussion in this thread.

Your premise is a failure. The politics forum is no where near the Flame zone in offense. You are either a liar or so out of touch as to be ignorant of facts. I will assume you are just wrong and can't figure it out for yourself.

I report threads all the time in politics and they usually get moved, well except lately the mods allow the left to get away with murder.

It came from all of the responses to Little Acorn's thread.

Making it personal the way you are doing is the problem. Keeping the personal out of the debates is the solution.

You can express your opinion on a topic without being insulting. You can read someone else'e opinion on a topic without taking it personally.

That is how adults debate.

It really is that simple.

Way to keep the "personal" out of a post. Welcome to the problem.
Oh> Wait. That is current events. And it is a current event. And the term negro was used. So?
Oh> Wait. That is current events. And it is a current event. And the term negro was used. So?

No one has ever accused Nutz of being sane and actually having a point. I believe though that the thread in question was moved? I could be wrong.
Oh> Wait. That is current events. And it is a current event. And the term negro was used. So?

But the other was media? o
Negro is not an accepted term...especially if you fucking think TEAPER is derogatory! :lol:

Especially when a racist douchebag like SteveMcGarrett is using it. That'll bring in some quality members and quality discussions.

Oh> Wait. That is current events. And it is a current event. And the term negro was used. So?

But the other was media? o
Negro is not an accepted term...especially if you fucking think TEAPER is derogatory! :lol:

Especially when a racist douchebag like SteveMcGarrett is using it. That'll bring in some quality members and quality discussions.


Exactly how is Negro offensive? Explain that one? Next you will claim calling a black person black is offensive.
Oh> Wait. That is current events. And it is a current event. And the term negro was used. So?

But the other was media? o
Negro is not an accepted term...especially if you fucking think TEAPER is derogatory! :lol:

Especially when a racist douchebag like SteveMcGarrett is using it. That'll bring in some quality members and quality discussions.


Hey, NEGRO. This Whitey doesn't care what your accepted terms are, m'kay?
USMB is not a racist board, bubba. Oh. Wait. Is Bubba a racist term to you? How about Sparky? Spanky? Dude?

Of course not, but ******, porch monkey, tarbaby, and the rest of the colorful terms encouraged around here are indeed racist.

But then again...TEAPER is racist to you people but ****** is not!
USMB is not a racist board, bubba. Oh. Wait. Is Bubba a racist term to you? How about Sparky? Spanky? Dude?

Of course not, but ******, porch monkey, tarbaby, and the rest of the colorful terms encouraged around here are indeed racist.

But then again...TEAPER is racist to you people but ****** is not!

You are claiming Negro is a racist term, be specific as to how and why.
If you are old enough, you knew people who used the n-word without any malice or disrespect. It was how you described a black person period. Obviously a lot has changed and it is truly not a good word in any sense.

Point being what a person or group considered harmless like teaper, doesn't mean the group it is aimed at takes it that way. You want help ridding the board of racists? Maybe try ignoring posters who are racists or at least learn to be more sensitive to others offfensive words?

So here I am advising people to ignore the haters Nutz, What am I to do with you?
USMB is not a racist board, bubba. Oh. Wait. Is Bubba a racist term to you? How about Sparky? Spanky? Dude?

Of course not, but ******, porch monkey, tarbaby, and the rest of the colorful terms encouraged around here are indeed racist.

But then again...TEAPER is racist to you people but ****** is not!

You are just too fruitloopy to discuss this with any further. In are just a troll seeing how much shit you can stir up.

Oh> Wait. That is current events. And it is a current event. And the term negro was used. So?

But the other was media? o
Negro is not an accepted term...especially if you fucking think TEAPER is derogatory! :lol:

Especially when a racist douchebag like SteveMcGarrett is using it. That'll bring in some quality members and quality discussions.


Exactly how is Negro offensive? Explain that one? Next you will claim calling a black person black is offensive.

Outside of the 60's...when was the last time you heard a black person refer to themselves as a negro?

But TEAPER...that is offensive. :lol: And you wonder why the only new members have swastikas as avatars.
But the other was media? o
Negro is not an accepted term...especially if you fucking think TEAPER is derogatory! :lol:

Especially when a racist douchebag like SteveMcGarrett is using it. That'll bring in some quality members and quality discussions.


Exactly how is Negro offensive? Explain that one? Next you will claim calling a black person black is offensive.

Outside of the 60's...when was the last time you heard a black person refer to themselves as a negro?

But TEAPER...that is offensive. :lol: And you wonder why the only new members have swastikas as avatars.

So you get to decide what is offensive for YOU but no one else does? Negro is NOT now nor ever an offensive term. You are a hypocrite
USMB is not a racist board, bubba. Oh. Wait. Is Bubba a racist term to you? How about Sparky? Spanky? Dude?

Of course not, but ******, porch monkey, tarbaby, and the rest of the colorful terms encouraged around here are indeed racist.

But then again...TEAPER is racist to you people but ****** is not!

You are claiming Negro is a racist term, be specific as to how and why.

Again...who uses Negro in normal conversation. It is a race baiting term used to attract racists and new racists members. Negro is the word racists use to describe blacks because it can be excused and seemingly under the radar. Notice who uses the term...your McGarrett's, SJ's, Tanks, ShootSpeeders, Warwulf...
USMB is not a racist board, bubba. Oh. Wait. Is Bubba a racist term to you? How about Sparky? Spanky? Dude?

Of course not, but ******, porch monkey, tarbaby, and the rest of the colorful terms encouraged around here are indeed racist.

But then again...TEAPER is racist to you people but ****** is not!

You are just too fruitloopy to discuss this with any further. In are just a troll seeing how much shit you can stir up.


Announcements and Feedback Announcements from USMB staff, also post your feedback and questions here. NO FLAMING. USMB Lounge rules apply.
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