Should the Presidency be more dictatorial?


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Catching brief mention last night of some '10 things you didn't know about...FDR' where they mention how Eleanor wanted him to become a dictator, I got to thinking how we already treat US Presidents as though they were dictators, blaming them for every little thing that happens in the country and on behalf of it elsewhere in the world. And yet the vast majority of things going on governmentally have nothing to do with the Presidency. But we act as though it does.

So if we're going to blame whoever was dumb enough to wanna be President shouldn't the Office have dictatorial power?
More of a Dictator than Obama who refuses to follow the law, even the ones he passes?

No, thanks
Firstly, I've never considered Eleanor Roosevelt's opinion worth spit. That she thought POTUS as dictator was a good idea sure doesn't change that.

Meanwhile, POTUS works for The People. He can't be a dictator unless he breaks lots of laws. You know, like obama. And yes, POTUS must follow the law and yes, he does lend a hand in authoring laws. Most retards know that.
The three branches were designed to be co-equal. Marbury v Madison (1803) disturbed the balance, and things have been spinning eccentrically ever since.

The Executive branch not only grew enormously in power during the 20th Century, but now is completely dismissive of the people and their Congressional representatives, and ignores its oath to enforce the law.

We need some changes made.
Fuck that. I don't even think they should have the power of the pen. No one man should have that control. Maybe for parks or something. About it.
OP, they have basically been dictators for a while. COTUS gets shit on constantly. Has been since the civil war.
I wouldn't change the government structure on basis of ramblings of the partisan extreme. Seems to me that's somewhat like creating a political Americans with disabilities act for those limited in their thinking to a point where bad or good is determined by the suffix (D) or (R) after a politician's name.

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