Should the Republican Congress send a balanced budget amendment to the States?

Should the Republican Congress send a balanced budget amendment to the States?

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Bush added 5 or 6 trillion to the debt in 8 years and Obama has added 7 trillion in 6 years. I'll take Bush every time.

and, Republicans stand ready to make futher debt illegal with a Balanced Budget Amendment while Democrats stand firmly against fiscal responsibility as a matter of philosophy!!
bripat, I will make it very, very simple for you.

You and I go to a restaurant to have a meal together. We each order the same deluxe cheeseburger.

WAITER: Gentlemen, the two cheeseburgers cost $12. Mr. G5000, I see you own a Mercedes, and so you are going to receive a three dollar deduction from the cost of your cheeseburger. So your cheeseburger is going to cost $3.

G5000: Woo hoo!

WAITER: Mr. Bripat, the cost of the two cheeseburgers has obviously not changed, and so you must pay $9 for your cheeseburger.

BRIPAT: But I cannot afford a Mercedes!

G5000: Hahahahaha! I get to keep more of my own money!
F'n cheeseburger subsidies.
No, it's a Mercedes deduction. The cheeseburgers are the government services we use.

If you would just modify your behavior and go out and buy a Mercedes, you too could have a $3 cheeseburger bill at the US Government's restaurant. And you would have a Mercedes.

It's win/win for me. Lose/lose for the bripats of the world who have to pay $9 for their cheeseburgers.
$1.00 spent on welfare for people puts $1.70 into the economy. .

typical illiterate uneducated dopey liberal fool. If you tax $1 for $1 in welfare you take one dollar out and put one dollar back in. If you take one glass of water out of the pool and dump it in the other side you haven't added $.7 to the pool.

OMG! Did you ever go to elementary school??
over a 2 years period, for example, based on non partisan projections

For a private business maybe. But that's more like 5-10 years out.

Government is much different. For example; How many weather events has the government paid for since 1980 vs. the previous 35 years? How many insurance companies walked away from their customers after a weather event since 1980 vs. the previous 35 years? Who gets to foot the bill to make Americans whole?

To make matters worse (insurance companies); How many large re-insurers do we have left since Lords of London closed? One?

dear, you clean forgot to say what your point is?? Slow??
F'n cheeseburger subsidies.
No, it's a Mercedes deduction. The cheeseburgers are the government services we use.

If you would just modify your behavior and go out and buy a Mercedes, you too could have a $3 cheeseburger bill at the US Government's restaurant. And you would have a Mercedes.

It's win/win for me. Lose/lose for the bripats of the world who have to pay $9 for their cheeseburgers.

DONE ! on the way to Autohaus rat now ! I'll gladly spend $85K to save 6$.... getting chrome wheels for the xtra cheese discount.

wooooooohooooo !

deal with it bripat, you poor dipshit !
bripat discovers the cheeseburger restaurant has been giving away free cheeseburgers to poor people, and this pisses him off. A cheeseburger would only cost $4, but because so many are being given away, a cheeseburger costs the paying customers $6.

bripat succeeds in getting the restaurant from feeding the poor. The price of cheeseburgers drops to $4.

So the next time he and I have to eat, the following exchange takes place:

WAITER: Gentlemen, the two cheeseburgers cost $8. Mr. G5000, I see you own a Mercedes, and so you are going to receive a three dollar deduction from the cost of your cheeseburger. So your cheeseburger is going to cost $1.

G5000: Woo hoo!

WAITER: Mr. Bripat, the cost of the two cheeseburgers has obviously not changed, and so you must pay $7 for your cheeseburger.

BRIPAT: But I cannot afford a Mercedes!

G5000: Hahahahaha! I get to keep more of my own money!
bripat, I will make it very, very simple for you.

You and I go to a restaurant to have a meal together. We each order the same deluxe cheeseburger.

WAITER: Gentlemen, the two cheeseburgers cost $12. Mr. G5000, I see you own a Mercedes, and so you are going to receive a three dollar deduction from the cost of your cheeseburger. So your cheeseburger is going to cost $3.

G5000: Woo hoo!

WAITER: Mr. Bripat, the cost of the two cheeseburgers has obviously not changed, and so you must pay $9 for your cheeseburger.

BRIPAT: But I cannot afford a Mercedes!

G5000: Hahahahaha! I get to keep more of my own money!

What you describe is illegal, so, again, your analogy es no bueno.
$1.00 spent on welfare for people puts $1.70 into the economy. .

typical illiterate uneducated dopey liberal fool. If you tax $1 for $1 in welfare you take one dollar out and put one dollar back in. If you take one glass of water out of the pool and dump it in the other side you haven't added $.7 to the pool.

OMG! Did you ever go to elementary school??

The liberal understanding of economics is hard to believe, isn't it?

They are the world's biggest suckers.
F'n cheeseburger subsidies.
No, it's a Mercedes deduction. The cheeseburgers are the government services we use.

If you would just modify your behavior and go out and buy a Mercedes, you too could have a $3 cheeseburger bill at the US Government's restaurant. And you would have a Mercedes.

It's win/win for me. Lose/lose for the bripats of the world who have to pay $9 for their cheeseburgers.

The cheeseburger is something of value, at least. On the other hand, I get virtually nothing of value from government. Most government activities harm me.
F'n cheeseburger subsidies.
No, it's a Mercedes deduction. The cheeseburgers are the government services we use.

If you would just modify your behavior and go out and buy a Mercedes, you too could have a $3 cheeseburger bill at the US Government's restaurant. And you would have a Mercedes.

It's win/win for me. Lose/lose for the bripats of the world who have to pay $9 for their cheeseburgers.

The cheeseburger is something of value, at least. On the other hand, I get virtually nothing of value from government. Most government activities harm me.
You get roads, national defense, disaster relief, and many other ingredients in your cheeseburger.
Regardless of the price of the cheeseburger, some of us are paying higher prices than others for that cheeseburger, thanks to tax expenditures. This is why the "I get to keep more of my money" argument is bogus. Your savings are coming out of someone else's pocket. You are the beneficiary of wealth redistribution.

So you can slice and hack away at the budget all you like, but you are still defending a grossly unlevel playing field at the end of the day if you support tax expenditures.
F'n cheeseburger subsidies.
No, it's a Mercedes deduction. The cheeseburgers are the government services we use.

If you would just modify your behavior and go out and buy a Mercedes, you too could have a $3 cheeseburger bill at the US Government's restaurant. And you would have a Mercedes.

It's win/win for me. Lose/lose for the bripats of the world who have to pay $9 for their cheeseburgers.

The cheeseburger is something of value, at least. On the other hand, I get virtually nothing of value from government. Most government activities harm me.
You get roads, national defense, disaster relief, and many other ingredients in your cheeseburger.

The interstate highway system is a huge boondoggle that put another perfectly good interstate transportation system out of business. Disaster relief is welfare for people who don't buy insurance. A good chunk of national defense is really welfare and other kinds of social programs. In all, I only get a return on about 10% of what I pay.
F'n cheeseburger subsidies.
No, it's a Mercedes deduction. The cheeseburgers are the government services we use.

If you would just modify your behavior and go out and buy a Mercedes, you too could have a $3 cheeseburger bill at the US Government's restaurant. And you would have a Mercedes.

It's win/win for me. Lose/lose for the bripats of the world who have to pay $9 for their cheeseburgers.

The cheeseburger is something of value, at least. On the other hand, I get virtually nothing of value from government. Most government activities harm me.
You get roads, national defense, disaster relief, and many other ingredients in your cheeseburger.

The interstate highway system is a huge boondoggle that put another perfectly good interstate transportation system out of business. Disaster relief is welfare for people who don't buy insurance. A good chunk of national defense is really welfare and other kinds of social programs. In all, I only get a return on about 10% of what I pay.
Even better for me. If you only nibble at your cheeseburger, and still have to pay $9 while I pay $3 just because I bought a Mercedes, it is more win/win for me.
Just to reiterate what I said earlier, the Fair Tax is not immune to the same corruption. Once Congressmen start sliding exemptions into the Fair Tax in exchange for campaign cash, then all your hard work has been undone.
So like I keep saying...Republicans prefer to redistribute wealth through the tax code. It's sneakier that way. And their way means higher tax rates for everyone, not just the rich.

The Bush tax cuts LOWERED tax rates for every single taxpayer.
Like I said, there are those who call for lower taxes while we are still running deficits, and yet still give away the store with tax expenditures.

As I said...insanity.

This is what you said.

"And their way means higher tax rates for everyone, not just the rich." I will not defend the deficits that Bush had, and I won't defend the higher deficits that Obama is still having.
So like I keep saying...Republicans prefer to redistribute wealth through the tax code. It's sneakier that way. And their way means higher tax rates for everyone, not just the rich.

The Bush tax cuts LOWERED tax rates for every single taxpayer.
Like I said, there are those who call for lower taxes while we are still running deficits, and yet still give away the store with tax expenditures.

As I said...insanity.

This is what you said.

"And their way means higher tax rates for everyone, not just the rich." I will not defend the deficits that Bush had, and I won't defend the higher deficits that Obama is still having.
What I meant is that tax expenditures punish everyone with higher tax rates.
So like I keep saying...Republicans prefer to redistribute wealth through the tax code. It's sneakier that way. And their way means higher tax rates for everyone, not just the rich.

The Bush tax cuts LOWERED tax rates for every single taxpayer.
Like I said, there are those who call for lower taxes while we are still running deficits, and yet still give away the store with tax expenditures.

As I said...insanity.

This is what you said.

"And their way means higher tax rates for everyone, not just the rich." I will not defend the deficits that Bush had, and I won't defend the higher deficits that Obama is still having.
What I meant is that tax expenditures punish everyone with higher tax rates.

OK! No argument there from me. Have you checked out Obama's latest budget, or any of his budgets for that matter that call for higher tax expenditures?
So tell us your effective federal tax rate for 2014, and what your effective rate will be under the 'fair tax.'

Buy the book on Fair Tax. My tax rate is none of your business.

Rub the "book" on your chest! The “book” is a misrepresentation of the “fairtax” [H.R. 25] and nothing more than propaganda! THE "FAIRTAX" DOES NOT END TAXES CALUCLATED FROM LAWFULLY EARNED INCOMES!


To support Jeb Bush is to support a continuance of Obama's illegal immigration tyranny!

"The Fair Tax Act is designed to replace all federal income taxes(including the alternative minimum tax,corporate income taxes, and capital gains taxes),payroll taxes(includingSocial Security and Medicare taxes),gift taxes, and estate taxes with a national retail sales taxon new goods and services. The legislation would remove the Internal Revenue Service(after three years), and establish an Excise Tax Bureau and a Sales Tax Bureau in the Department of the Treasury.

A study by Kotlikoff and Sabine Jokisch concluded that the long-term effects of the FairTax would reward low-income households with 26.3% more purchasing power, middle-income households with 12.4% more purchasing power, and high-income households with 5% more purchasing power."

If that study is correct, it does make me more interested in the Fair Tax Act.

I got the study from a website and did not check to see if it was accurate. I suspect those that favor the Fair Tax will use favorable numbers and those that oppose it will use unfavorable numbers.

Favorable numbers are irrelevant to the fact that THE "FAIRTAX" DOES NOT END TAXES CALUCLATED FROM LAWFULLY EARNED INCOMES!


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