Should the Social Security and Medicare Age be Raised

Then why don't they do that with the actual ballots? Because you personally feed that ballot into the machine. Let the machine grade the test and keep it for records. The machine will tell you if you're allowed to vote or not.
Ray, wake up and smell the fucking coffee! You know damn well that if the poll workers don't want someone to pass, they never will! You cannot test someone, it is illegal and doesn't pass the Constitution's smell test! You could never get such a law enacted in the first place, Unfortunately, morons and nitwits can always vote. If the couldn't a Democrat could not get elected.
Ray, wake up and smell the fucking coffee! You know damn well that if the poll workers don't want someone to pass, they never will! You cannot test someone, it is illegal and doesn't pass the Constitution's smell test! You could never get such a law enacted in the first place, Unfortunately, morons and nitwits can always vote. If the couldn't a Democrat could not get elected.

That's what I said several times. Even if Republicans would suggest it, the Democrats would fight it tooth and nail. Much of their vote comes from the inner-city where they get an overwhelming amount of politically ignorant people and a lot of high school dropouts. They could never win an election without them.
That's what I said several times. Even if Republicans would suggest it, the Democrats would fight it tooth and nail. Much of their vote comes from the inner-city where they get an overwhelming amount of politically ignorant people and a lot of high school dropouts. They could never win an election without them.
Try to at least hide your racism a little mmmkay?
SSI comes comes out operating funds. There is no trust fund to belly up. With SSI, You can't own more than $2,000 in what the SSA considers “countable resources” as an individual... You usually countable assets are checking and savings account.

You can't own more than $2,000 in what the SSA considers “countable resources” as an individual... Usually this is money in a checking or savings account.

Well I was way over that as well. But I would think that people in that bad of shape would get more assistance--not less. It seems the better you do for yourself the better benefits you will receive. I specifically remember the SS agent asking me if I rent or own. As soon as I said own, she immediately told me I don't apply for SSI, and I would get SSD instead. But they have to send me a SSI rejection letter for whatever reason stating it was part of the system.

Two of my tenants are on disability: one of them only works part-time. She said SS determined she was only applicable for SSI because her husband had a full-time job. The other like myself got SSD, and I can't imagine he had any assets at all when he applied although I could be wrong because he was on disability when he got here.
Try to at least hide your racism a little mmmkay?

Why do you leftists always use the race card? Don't you understand that hasn't worked for you in over 25 years? It's like the boy who cried wolf. After so many times of lying, nobody even pays attention anymore. You people have not only used it against other black people, you use it with facts as well.
Which is why I said the tests should be non-partisan and not aimed at any current political issue like should the government be allowed to have mask mandates? It would be created by a bipartisan commission of equal Republican and Democrats and all have to agree on the questions. It would not be questions about who thinks of what on particular issues. But asking who the VP is or what party leads the Senate is in no way partisan at all. No ambiguous questions at all.
There are no non-partisan groups in Washington to be honest.
Let me guess, you claim it's not a trust because the special treasury bills are worthless and thus not an asset. That's been shot down about thousand times and no I'm going waste time going through it again.
On which balance sheet is the 'asset' listed as a liability?
Wrong asshole. I showed you that an entity called the Trust Fund has existed since 1940.

I showed you where it still existed in 1968-69

Why you want to claim it did not is a mystery...but it did and you are of course wrong as always

Right, and that didn't contradict my point.

kaz: The trust fund has no money in it

Lush: Oh yeah, well, there's been a trust fund with no money in it since fucking 1940!

And? That has nothing to do with what I said. Go jerk off, Anthony Weiner

The Trust Fund existed from 1940 until now. Was there a lot of money in it when Reagan came into office?

Probably very little. What's your point? He used it as a vehicle to "park" the excess payroll taxes when he DOUBLED them

Still irrelevant, lush.

So seriously, you think that there was a trust fund with no money in it contradicts my claim that the trust fund has no money?

How long have you been stupid?
Yes I did.

You asked what insurance company sends you a check, and I answered


Kaz said: What insurance company sends you a check EVERY MONTH
Winterboob heard: What insurance company sends you a check

You morons are proving you have a vice grip on stupid.

But that you and Lush are BOTH now changing what I said is your admission I hanged a loss on you. You ADMITTED that by CHANGNING MY ARGUMENT.

And you and Lesh both conceded at the same time in the same way in the same discussion, LOL. What a couple of boobs, LOL
And if you want to discuss lying about what someone said...

Try look at your own posts.

Post #313
I said:
“Actually, no it does not bother me at all. I paid into the system that promised me a retirement. That it was screwed up by politicians to pay for pork-barrel bullshit and handing billions to the Military/Industrial machine is something I had no control over.

But thanks for paying your taxes so I can enjoy the little extra money I will have, in addition to my 401k.”

Post# 323
In direct response, you said:
“LOL, obviously you don't know shit about finance since you believe that your savings are measured by what you paid for them rather than the balance after you invest it. In this case you saved zero, and still want a check. You're a greedy, amoral bastard”

So you pretend I never mentioned my 401k, which I did several times.

You are one weird little dude. You're lying so repeatedly now, you're a joke of a human being.

Kaz said: What insurance company sends you a check EVERY MONTH
Winterboob heard: What insurance company sends you a check

You morons are proving you have a vice grip on stupid.

But that you and Lush are BOTH now changing what I said is your admission I hanged a loss on you. You ADMITTED that by CHANGNING MY ARGUMENT.

And you and Lesh both conceded at the same time in the same way in the same discussion, LOL. What a couple of boobs, LOL

If you cannot formulate your sentences to clarify what you want to say, that is not my issue.

You asked what insurance companies send out checks. I answered.

As for the The age is not being raised in any way that will effect me. While there is no money in an account, the federal gov't says they have money for me and will begin sending it to my bank next month. I'd call that a win.

But I notice you didn't address your claim that I saved nothing and had no retirement. You remember? You quoted my post mentioning my 401k, and then made that ridiculous claim.
You are one weird little dude. You're lying so repeatedly now, you're a joke of a human being.

Weird? Yeah, I'll own that.

But to quote a post where I directly said I had a 401k, and then claim I saved zero, is laughably ignorant.
If you cannot formulate your sentences to clarify what you want to say, that is not my issue.

You asked what insurance companies send out checks. I answered.

As for the The age is not being raised in any way that will effect me. While there is no money in an account, the federal gov't says they have money for me and will begin sending it to my bank next month. I'd call that a win.

But I notice you didn't address your claim that I saved nothing and had no retirement. You remember? You quoted my post mentioning my 401k, and then made that ridiculous claim.


Winterboob panics:

1) Changes my words to say something completely different

2) Pretends he can't read

3) So what's next?

Kaz said: What insurance company sends you a check EVERY MONTH
Winterboob heard: What insurance company sends you a check

You morons are proving you have a vice grip on stupid.

But that you and Lush are BOTH now changing what I said is your admission I hanged a loss on you. You ADMITTED that by CHANGNING MY ARGUMENT.

And you and Lesh both conceded at the same time in the same way in the same discussion, LOL. What a couple of boobs, LOL
WTF are you even babbling about?
Weird? Yeah, I'll own that.

But to quote a post where I directly said I had a 401k, and then claim I saved zero, is laughably ignorant.

God you're stupid.

Binterboob: Lies that kaz said I didn't have savings

kaz: Says Winterboob doesn't have any savings

Winterboob: What! I didn't say that! What! What!

God you're stupid, Winterboob
WTF are you even babbling about?

I'm handing your ass to you. You know that, which is why you suddenly don't speak English.

What a hoot, you are copying all WinterBorn arguments now as he does them, LOL.

1) Change the words of my text and argue a strawman

2) What? Suddenly you don't speak English, LOL

So what are you to doing at the same time for #3? LOL
contradicts my claim that the trust fund has no money?
I don't believe you made that claim.

I believe you claimed that there was NO Trust Fund prior to Reagan. Not sure why that mattered to you but you were wrong


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