Should the Social Security and Medicare Age be Raised

It is what it is.

for the next 18 years or so all I will be paying are capital gains taxes until I start pulling from my qualified retirement accounts.
They designed the tax code to benefit themselves, and your cool with it.
Capital gains taxes benefit everyone because everyone has the ability to invest in capital assets
Please read the Propublica series I linked above. Are you aware many billionaires have paid zero to almost nothing in income taxes for many years? If you think this is just fine, you’re crazy.

Are you aware money buys political power? If you aren’t, please get informed before posting again.
As I clearly stated, the billionaires pay little in income tax. We’ve been down this road before my poor deluded conboy. I can always count on you coming to the defense of the ultra wealthy.

If you can't answer the question just respond with "I don't know." It would save you a little bit of typing.
It is what it is.

for the next 18 years or so all I will be paying are capital gains taxes until I start pulling from my qualified retirement accounts.

You're probably wasting your time. These people hear about one or two stories of billionaires that have a lot of write-offs and think all billionaires do as well. The MSM knows how to sell papers and get them to their internet sites.
You're probably wasting your time. These people hear about one or two stories of billionaires that have a lot of write-offs and think all billionaires do as well. The MSM knows how to sell papers and get them to their internet sites.
Lol. Forther proof you know nothing.

Who was it who said, ”Conservatives know a lot, it’s just that everything they know is wrong?”
SS and MC were started in 1934 and 1965 respectfully. In 1934 job were much more physical and people’s bodies broke down starting in their 50s. Nowadays go to any company and you see people working well into their 70s… heck even construction are less strenuous on the person’s body. The trend is only going to increase. In addition, medicine is getting better and people are living longer. This reality should be recognized.

In addition it is much easier to take care of oneself and eat better and feel better at older ages.

Our safety nets need to reflect this new reality.
No the age should not be extended. If anything the age should be lowered to allow for a healthy and long term "earned retirement"... Say, 60 years old: it will open up a lot more jobs for those who need it and this country's abilities to manage increasing amounts of money into SS and Medicare will ensure a strong foundation for "The American Dream of Retirement"; something that we all deserve after a lifetime of work into the US GDP.
No the age should not be extended. If anything the age should be lowered to allow for a healthy and long term "earned retirement"... Say, 60 years old: it will open up a lot more jobs for those who need it and this country's abilities to manage increasing amounts of money into SS and Medicare will ensure a strong foundation for "The American Dream of Retirement"; something that we all deserve after a lifetime of work into the US GDP.

That sounds nice and all but we're running out of money now with the current retirement age at 66 or 67.
That sounds nice and all but we're running out of money now with the current retirement age at 66 or 67.
No we’re not Dick lick.

If our criminal government run by dumb cons like you would stop wasting money on the war machine, CIA, and corporate welfare with huge tax breaks for the ultra rich, all would be just fine.

Answer me this doofus, why do cons always want to cut benefits to the American people, but never benefits given the war profiteers and CIA?
That sounds nice and all but we're running out of money now with the current retirement age at 66 or 67.
I don't think we're running out of money as much as wages have dropped so contributions are down... You get what you put in; for instance if you are an immigrant and only work ten years until retirement, that's all you get. Same for people who don't work very much in a career: they may never be able to retire, but for those of us who have put in 50 years or more - THAT is the 60 year limit that would benefit those retirees.

I know what some say about money, but I never believe what critics of SS say about anything.
No we’re not Dick lick.

If our criminal government run by dumb cons like you would stop wasting money on the war machine, CIA, and corporate welfare with huge tax breaks for the ultra rich, all would be just fine.

Answer me this doofus, why do cons always want to cut benefits to the American people, but never benefits given the war profiteers and CIA?

Sure all would be fine with you. You don't pay anything. Send the bill to the rich guy, that's they way it's done in commie town.

Military spending is one of the few things we spend money on that's actually in the constitution. Everything else is wasteful spending or vote buying.

Just a fair warning, if you're a dumb kid that can't converse without personal insults, please don't respond to my posts. I prefer to have intelligent discussions with adults only. Thank you.
I don't think we're running out of money as much as wages have dropped so contributions are down... You get what you put in; for instance if you are an immigrant and only work ten years until retirement, that's all you get. Same for people who don't work very much in a career: they may never be able to retire, but for those of us who have put in 50 years or more - THAT is the 60 year limit that would benefit those retirees.

I know what some say about money, but I never believe what critics of SS say about anything.

You and I don't have the actual books in front of us, so all we can go by is what the CBO or others in the know say about these programs. No doubt we work too much in this country. Hell, all Europeans get six weeks off in the summer alone, hour lunches, and some even a nap afterwards. But if you look around in just your inner circle, you probably know a lot of people that put in less than they collected once they start using these programs. No private business could operate this way, so what makes you think government can? For instance my father is going to turn 91 this summer if he makes it. He took an early retirement at 62. Between SS and Medicare, do you think he put that much in to be taken care of for nearly 30 years of his life? I know he didn't in spite of him making a pretty good buck as a bricklayer.
Sure all would be fine with you. You don't pay anything. Send the bill to the rich guy, that's they way it's done in commie town.

Military spending is one of the few things we spend money on that's actually in the constitution. Everything else is wasteful spending or vote buying.

Just a fair warning, if you're a dumb kid that can't converse without personal insults, please don't respond to my posts. I prefer to have intelligent discussions with adults only. Thank you.

So because its in the constitution, significant war spending increases every year is just fine by you. See? Silly.

Regarding income taxes I’ve paid plenty, because I’m upper middle class including big capital gains taxes. However unlike you, I can think.

When the billionaires pay little to nothing in income taxes, this is clearly unjust. Plus the billionaires use their wealth to control government and influence everything in our society. You cons like to condemn the poor for not paying income tax, yet you support the billionaires not paying income tax. See? Silly.

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