Should the Social Security and Medicare Age be Raised

Well Kaz, I stand behind what I have said.

And I appreciate you continuing to pay taxes and SS, so I can draw my money. Thanks, buddy!!
That's what I said several times. Even if Republicans would suggest it, the Democrats would fight it tooth and nail. Much of their vote comes from the inner-city where they get an overwhelming amount of politically ignorant people and a lot of high school dropouts. They could never win an election without them.
More bullshit ignoring that it is illegal.
Any court in the land would say that is EXACTLY what it is

How so? A literacy test is to show you can read which many couldn't back in the day black and white. Like my father, many lost their parents at a young age and had to work to support the rest of the family. They didn't have SNAP's, HUD, Medicaid back then. They had no choice but to work.

What I'm suggesting is people get tested on their political knowledge which is not the same thing. You don't even have to go to school to learn what's going on in politics. All you need is this internet or perhaps a daily newspaper.
How so? A literacy test is to show you can read which many couldn't back in the day black and white. Like my father, many lost their parents at a young age and had to work to support the rest of the family. They didn't have SNAP's, HUD, Medicaid back then. They had no choice but to work.

What I'm suggesting is people get tested on their political knowledge which is not the same thing. You don't even have to go to school to learn what's going on in politics. All you need is this internet or perhaps a daily newspaper.
Ray, stop the shit-for-brains attitude! You are impersonating a liberal!

If a person is illiterate, can they pass you test? No.

Why don't jou just admit you were wring to propose ths, and move on?
Ray, stop the shit-for-brains attitude! You are impersonating a liberal!

If a person is illiterate, can they pass you test? No.

Why don't jou just admit you were wring to propose ths, and move on?

I don't know what jou,wring or ths means, but if you meant wrong to propose this, why would it be wrong? Don't you believe that if we had politically intelligent voters only, we would wind up with better representation and less con men and women?
No, but the war machine and corporate welfare should be terminated, and the tax code changed to eliminate all the loopholes for the ultra wealthy.
We should stop welfare to everybody, food stamps, tax credits and everybody pays the same percentage of taxes. Nobody should be allowed to take more than they give.
We should stop welfare to everybody, food stamps, tax credits and everybody pays the same percentage of taxes. Nobody should be allowed to take more than they give.
The billionaires won’t like that, since they pay almost nothing in income taxes.
The billionaires won’t like that, since they pay almost nothing in income taxes.
That's been proven a falsehood I think.. They pay a lot in taxes upwards of 30+% when the average Joe doesn't pay anywhere near what they pay. That's what I've seen in news reports and legitimate news show's.
The billionaires won’t like that, since they pay almost nothing in income taxes.

Then who does? The top 10% pay 71% of all collected income taxes in this country. You mean billionaires aren't part of that top 10%? Okay, then who is paying all these taxes?
Then who does? The top 10% pay 71% of all collected income taxes in this country. You mean billionaires aren't part of that top 10%? Okay, then who is paying all these taxes?
As I clearly stated, the billionaires pay little in income tax. We’ve been down this road before my poor deluded conboy. I can always count on you coming to the defense of the ultra wealthy.
As I clearly stated, the billionaires pay little in income tax. We’ve been down this road before my poor deluded conboy. I can always count on you coming to the defense of the ultra wealthy.
Because most billionaires have little income.

They pay capital gains taxes mostly.

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