Should the U.S. open its doors to imperiled European Jews?


Active Member
Nov 24, 2014
As the world rightly focuses on the recent terror attacks in Paris on Charlie Hedbo and a kosher grocery store, it should be noted that the second attack is part of a larger problem: the ongoing vitriol toward the French Jewish community.

On Sunday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other Israeli leaders invited French Jews to move to Israel. That’s a nice gesture, but it’s not enough. According to the article, the United States should join Israel and offer to also open up its shores as a refuge to the endangered Jews of France.

The U.S. should open its doors to imperiled European Jews - The Washington Post

What do you think about it? Is it right decision?
We'd better keep anyone with a religion out just to be safe. Those fuckers are killers eh?
We should open our doors to any imperiled groups of people.

At least, should they actually wish to, French Jews can immigrate to Israel without any obstacles. They have somewhere safe to go. Not so for many others - refugees created by the violence of IS, the Syrian civil war, the lawlessness of Boko Haram in Nigeria (where a corrupt and brutal government does nothing in the face of the latest massacre of hundreds of people in a village), victims of gang violence in lawless areas of South America. These are all people we should be opening our doors to as well.
imperiled European Jews

just when you thought it was safe to go back into the water.
As the world rightly focuses on the recent terror attacks in Paris on Charlie Hedbo and a kosher grocery store, it should be noted that the second attack is part of a larger problem: the ongoing vitriol toward the French Jewish community.

On Sunday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other Israeli leaders invited French Jews to move to Israel. That’s a nice gesture, but it’s not enough. According to the article, the United States should join Israel and offer to also open up its shores as a refuge to the endangered Jews of France.

The U.S. should open its doors to imperiled European Jews - The Washington Post

What do you think about it? Is it right decision?
Once they are here, then what? We don't have enough socioeconomic opportunities for the people we have now. We have no jobs, no money ( $18,000,000,000,000.00 debt ), deteriorating infrastructure, 48,000,000 on food stamps, the homeless, needy Vets, the elderly and disabled, very expensive health care, cities going bankrupt, out-of-control law enforcement personnel, expensive rent and utilities, etc. So, again, what will we do with them once they're here?
Something else strikes me here.

The understandable tendancy to conflate what is happening now (violence directed towards Jews in France) with the violence and rhetoric directed towards European Jews leading up to WW2.

It's understandable because of what it led to. But a key difference, at least in France is that the government is specifically condemning and acting against this (as opposed to governments being complicit during the Holocaust). I think the unity demonstration in Paris said a lot for french society and it's loud condemnation of the violence. Christians, Jews, and Muslims are culturally intertwined in France and they stood together. A Muslim policeman was amongst those murdered and Muslim store employee helped hide customers in the Kosher grocery store. What they are making clear is that they are all french and I think that is important. And the fact the government stands behind that. As long as free speech and an independent media are protected, anti-semitism and the divisions it seeks to create can be fought.
No, the fucking Somali muslims, the Manchurian muslim is letting in by droves don't like that!
I don't have a problem with opening our doors to folks who are facing persecution where they are. No matter their race, religion, or ethnicity. Just MHO.
Why would we let in Jews when we don't let in Christians. We don't let Syrian Christians in. Just Syrian muslims.
The fact is most are immigrating to Israel, however if some wish to immigrate to the US legally why not.
I do not buy the premise that European Jews are "imperiled".

Were New Yorkers "imperiled" after 9/11?

Do you honestly believe an attack on a grocery store should be the bar for an entire ethnic group to be considered "imperiled"?
I thought that's what Israel was for?

Why should it be just Israel?

Is that a serious response? It's sometimes difficult to tell the difference between petulance and ignorance.

Honestly SwimExpert, I found Coyote's response more intelligent and far more thought provoking than yours. Do you have an answer or just mouth shit?

I'd love to answer, but I really don't know if he's so ignorant that he does not understand how Israel came to exist (in order to be a home to "imperiled Jews") or if he's simply being petulant and contrary for the sake of being contrary. In either event, there's little use in trying to have a reasonable conversation with him.

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