Should the US declare May 5 a national Holiday?

Do you also celebrate your divorce anniversary with her? Any excuse for a party!

I signed the papers on Christmas Eve, so I guess you might say we do celebrate... I'll ask her when she gets home from work...
Please explain Why is this a Mexican-American celebration.?

IMHO I feel the point that is trying to be made is that a recognized holiday in Mexico has over the years been hijacked by Madison Ave/Wall Street to be more profitable here in the United States...

I may be wrong...
College campuses around the country would throw a big party, seeing as how there are zero Republicans there.

College indoctrination isn’t a myth; study finds 39 percent of colleges have ZERO Republicans
In College, You Live Like a Child. So You Get Mind-Raped.

But it is Republic businessmen who mandate this indentured servitude. They don't care what the graduate has been taught, as long as he has suffered for their sake.

It's like television. It's not the corrupting influence of degenerate themes that has muddied the medium; it's the fact that the viewer is passive, turning into a receptacle for abuse of a different kind.
the neighborhood were i lived in Orange County i never seen any Mexicans celebrating this....only Americans were partying....and i was told that in Mexico its only a big thing in the State of Puebla,and is so-so in the rest of the country.....

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