Should the US have allowed Khadaffi to slaughter Benghazi

There is no evidence that Khadaffi promised to slaughter Benghazi. Khadaffi was no threat to either the U.S. or the Libyan embassy until the Hussein administration decided to overthrow the government to make way for the muslem brotherhood.
look it's a simple question, should we have done nothing, invade or something else?

At the time Benghazi was in open revolt against the dictator Khadaffi. The freedom fighters were desperate. The UN passed a resolution to aid the rebels and we're looking to the US for support only we could provide. After Kadhaffi fell Lybia did in fact have democratic elections. Admittedly the security in Lybia deteriorated thereafter and the country is in great trouble now. Would it have been any different if the Republican Party had responded with anything other than attack dog politics? We'll never know.


So you approve of your blood covered Nobel Champion's action of murdering thousands and spending billions on an undeclared war, without Congressional approval and a Declaration Of War, is how the United States should do business.

Perhaps next time your Nobel Hero can just nuke um' without seeking Congressional approval too and you can cheer him on as he lights the...

*****EVIL CHUCKLE*****


So you have no answer?


It would appear that you don't either except to condone building a bridge of understanding with the mutilated bodies of your unsanctioned wars on the United States behalf.

How does it feel to support a real War Criminal who has a Nobel Prize for all the murder he's accomplished?


look it's a simple question, should we have done nothing, invade or something else?

At the time Benghazi was in open revolt against the dictator Khadaffi. The freedom fighters were desperate. The UN passed a resolution to aid the rebels and we're looking to the US for support only we could provide. After Kadhaffi fell Lybia did in fact have democratic elections. Admittedly the security in Lybia deteriorated thereafter and the country is in great trouble now. Would it have been any different if the Republican Party had responded with anything other than attack dog politics? We'll never know.
These Freedom fighters were tied to the Muslim Brotherhood and ISIS...............

Why the hell do we topple an asshole to replace him with a bunch of assholes..............

Isn't one asshole better than two................

ISIS didn't exist then so I think you're a little mixed up about the facts. The assholes you're talking about are the ones who found Ambassador Stevens and took him to the hospital. They also are the ones who put on democratic elections.
Second Battle of Timbuktu - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Timbuktu City[edit]
On the 30th of March, according to a spokesman for the army, fighters from Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb {AQIM) attacked the city late on Saturday night and continued fighting until Sunday. The attack started at about 10 pm local time, when a jihadist suicide bomber blew himself up at a military checkpoint at the western entrance to Timbuktu. "The jihadist was on foot and died on the spot, but his explosives slightly injured one of our soldiers," said Capt. Samba Coulibaly, a spokesman for the Malian military in Timbuktu. According to Mali army Captain Modibo Naman Traore, the suicide bombing served only to distract the military and allow a group of jihadists to infiltrate by night. A Malian soldier taking part in the fighting said, "The jihadists are a few. They sneaked into the military camp and the city of Timbuktu. There is shooting at the moment, but we'll get to the end." Timbuktu residents said as of that Sunday afternoon shooting could still be heard in the city. On Sunday morning, the Malian army launched operations to track down the infiltrated jihadists. By the mid-afternoon, heavy street-fighting left a Malian soldier and two jihadists dead.

A French unit of around 50 soldiers were dispatched to reinforce the Malian army in Timbuktu, and got further back-up from French fighter jets. Residents claimed the suicide bomber blew himself up on one of the only paved roads at the heart of Timbuktu close to Hotel la Colombe, the town's main hotel used by both journalists and aid workers. A Malian officer reported to AFP that fighting began when the Islamist rebels opened fire on two sides of the center of the city, targeting the hotel serving as the temporary residence for the regions governor as well as a Malian army base. The hotel had been hosting a large government delegation at the time. The guests were then immediately evacuated to a nearby French army base. According to a hotel employee jihadists fighters had taken over the back of the hotel complex, near the swimming pool. Another group of fighters took cover inside the local high school. Timbuktu's mayor Ousmane Halle also confirmed that radical Islamists moved to the high school, near the army camp in the city. By then another Malian soldier was confirmed dead. A Malian officer then reported that fighting itself was taking place outside the camp, when a group of soldiers conducting late night searches discovered that a group of jihadists had infiltrated into a nearby building. Two suicide bombers then blew themselves with explosive belts without inflicting any casualties on the army. The bodies of four other jihadists were discovered behind the military camp. A Nigerian civilian was also killed when a jihadist suicide bomber took him hostage in the northern part of the city. During a shoot-out between Malian troops and his captor, both the jihadist and Nig
As al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb[edit]
AQIM fighters in a propaganda video, somewhere in the Sahara desert.
In January 2007, the GSPC announced that it would now operate under the name of Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM).[20][33]

On 19 January 2009, the UK newspaper The Sun reported that there had been an outbreak of bubonic plague at an AQIM training camp in the Tizi Ouzou province in Algeria. According to The Sun, at least forty AQIM militias died from the disease. The surviving AQIM members from the training camp reportedly fled to other areas of Algeria hoping to escape infection.[34] The Washington Times, in an article based on a senior U.S. intelligence official source, claimed a day later that the incident was not related to bubonic plague, but was an accident involving either a biological or chemical agent.[35]

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb is one of the region's wealthiest, best-armed militant groups due to the payment of ransom demands by humanitarian organizations and Western governments.[36] It is reported that 90 per cent of AQIM resources come from ransoms paid in return for the release of hostages.[37] Oumar Ould Hamaha said "The source of our financing is the Western countries. They are paying for jihad."[36]

In December 2012, one of AQIM's top commanders, Mokhtar Belmokhtar, split off from AQIM and took his fighters with him, executing the In Amenas hostage crisis in Algeria weeks later, just after France launched Operation Serval in Mali.[8] Belmokhtar later claimed he acted on behalf of Al Qaeda.[38]

A top commander of AQIM, Abdelhamid Abou Zeid, was reported killed by French and Chadian forces in northern Mali on February 25, 2013.[39] This was confirmed by AQIM in June 2013.[40]

al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
look it's a simple question, should we have done nothing, invade or something else?

At the time Benghazi was in open revolt against the dictator Khadaffi. The freedom fighters were desperate. The UN passed a resolution to aid the rebels and we're looking to the US for support only we could provide. After Kadhaffi fell Lybia did in fact have democratic elections. Admittedly the security in Lybia deteriorated thereafter and the country is in great trouble now. Would it have been any different if the Republican Party had responded with anything other than attack dog politics? We'll never know.
These Freedom fighters were tied to the Muslim Brotherhood and ISIS...............

Why the hell do we topple an asshole to replace him with a bunch of assholes..............

Isn't one asshole better than two................

ISIS didn't exist then so I think you're a little mixed up about the facts. The assholes you're talking about are the ones who found Ambassador Stevens and took him to the hospital. They also are the ones who put on democratic elections.
There is no evidence that Khadaffi promised to slaughter Benghazi. Khadaffi was no threat to either the U.S. or the Libyan embassy until the Hussein administration decided to overthrow the government to make way for the muslem brotherhood.
Qaddafi Warns of Assault on Benghazi as U.N. Vote Nears
Published: March 17, 2011

TRIPOLI, Libya — Colonel Muammar el-Qaddafi warned Benghazi residents on Thursday that an attack was imminent, as the United Nations Security Council seemed headed for a vote Thursday on a resolution authorizing not just a no-flight zone but additional steps to halt the movement of Colonel Qaddafi’s forces.

This looks like evidence to me
We are coming tonight,” Colonel Qaddafi said. “You will come out from inside. Prepare yourselves from tonight. We will find you in your closets.”

Speaking on a call-in radio show, he promised amnesty for those “who throw their weapons away” but “no mercy or compassion” for those who fight.

Whoops, left some off some how
We are coming tonight,” Colonel Qaddafi said. “You will come out from inside. Prepare yourselves from tonight. We will find you in your closets.”

Speaking on a call-in radio show, he promised amnesty for those “who throw their weapons away” but “no mercy or compassion” for those who fight.

Whoops, left some off some how

He was fighting Dawn of Libya a sunni terrorist group.

Are we now to dictate what terrorist group any country can fight?

That's fucking unreal.
Well you whack jobs are laying it on the line. No leader can fight a terrorist group unless Washington gives them a right to do so.
Got a source?

Even if you do, one mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter.

Regardless, what should have been done?
Well you whack jobs are laying it on the line. No leader can fight a terrorist group unless Washington gives them a right to do so.

You do know this "leader" you speak of was a dictator, and a terrorist with American blood on his hands, right?
Looks pretty much like I thought, no one here has any idea what SHOULD have been done, just that they hate Obama and Clinton.

The more things change, the more they stay the same!
Thats the question for all the righties who are sure that Benghazi was some great disaster.

Let's imagine thousands of citizens killed at the hands of Khadffis military. This is what he promised to do and his military was mobilizing for that.

Should we have just sat by and done nothing, should we have invaded like W. 'Quicks Draw McGraw' Bush would have done, or something else?
We had no good reason to do anything about Libya, we would have been much better off letting all them crazy Muslims kill each other... No big lose there who cares??

Arab Spring my a$$, all they, the Muslims care about is killing those they disagree with and can 't control...
Thats the question for all the righties who are sure that Benghazi was some great disaster.

Let's imagine thousands of citizens killed at the hands of Khadffis military. This is what he promised to do and his military was mobilizing for that.

Should we have just sat by and done nothing, should we have invaded like W. 'Quicks Draw McGraw' Bush would have done, or something else?
We had no good reason to do anything about Libya, we would have been much better off letting all them crazy Muslims kill each other... No big lose there who cares??

Arab Spring my a$$, all they, the Muslims care about is killing those they disagree with and can 't control...

And there you have it, millions of Muslims and everyone of them is a murderer. No broad generalization there.

You righties are off the deep end. Take off your hate colored glasses!
Thats the question for all the righties who are sure that Benghazi was some great disaster.

Let's imagine thousands of citizens killed at the hands of Khadffis military. This is what he promised to do and his military was mobilizing for that.

Should we have just sat by and done nothing, should we have invaded like W. 'Quicks Draw McGraw' Bush would have done, or something else?
We had no good reason to do anything about Libya, we would have been much better off letting all them crazy Muslims kill each other... No big lose there who cares??

Arab Spring my a$$, all they, the Muslims care about is killing those they disagree with and can 't control...

And there you have it, millions of Muslims and everyone of them is a murderer. No broad generalization there.

You righties are off the deep end. Take off your hate colored glasses!
Your pussy hurts??
Our Ambassador and others were slaughtered by those our Government supported. It's like the 'Fast & Furious' debacle. Your own Government murdered both Christopher Stevens and Brian Terry.

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