Should the US have allowed Khadaffi to slaughter Benghazi

Thats the question for all the righties who are sure that Benghazi was some great disaster.

Let's imagine thousands of citizens killed at the hands of Khadffis military. This is what he promised to do and his military was mobilizing for that.

Should we have just sat by and done nothing, should we have invaded like W. 'Quicks Draw McGraw' Bush would have done, or something else?
We had no good reason to do anything about Libya, we would have been much better off letting all them crazy Muslims kill each other... No big lose there who cares??

Arab Spring my a$$, all they, the Muslims care about is killing those they disagree with and can 't control...

And there you have it, millions of Muslims and everyone of them is a murderer. No broad generalization there.

You righties are off the deep end. Take off your hate colored glasses!
Your pussy hurts??

And clever too!?
Our Ambassador and others were slaughtered by those our Government supported. It's like the 'Fast & Furious' debacle. Your own Government murdered both Christopher Stevens and Brian Terry.

Got any proof that the US gov supported the people who attacked the compound? Or are you just angry and pulling it out of your ass-umptions?
Our Ambassador and others were slaughtered by those our Government supported. It's like the 'Fast & Furious' debacle. Your own Government murdered both Christopher Stevens and Brian Terry.

Got any proof that the US gov supported the people who attacked the compound? Or are you just angry and pulling it out of your ass-umptions?

They were supported to kill Gaddafi. And then they killed our Ambassador. And the Fast & Furious nightmare is well-documented. You Government killed Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry. Yet no one in Government was ever held accountable. And they won't be on Benghazi either. Bet on that.
Thats the question for all the righties who are sure that Benghazi was some great disaster.

Let's imagine thousands of citizens killed at the hands of Khadffis military. This is what he promised to do and his military was mobilizing for that.

Should we have just sat by and done nothing, should we have invaded like W. 'Quicks Draw McGraw' Bush would have done, or something else?

Oh piss off what NATO did
Libya is a dogs breakfast. Your embassy in Tripoli is having jihadist pool parties.

We had NO REASON to be in Libya in the first place.

Wow, someone doesn't know what a diplomatic mission is.

Which other countries would you like the U.S. to withdraw its embassies from?

And what are your thoughts about the 13 embassy attacks that killed 60+ people when Dubya was in office?

Not that I'd expect you to be able to answer any of that...


What legitimate government existed in the land area that that embassy was in when it was attacked?

Oh!!!!! That would be NONE.



I was actually shocked when i found out what Gaddafi did for his people. Holy crap he rocked for his own. Truly I was shocked.
We had NO REASON to be in Libya in the first place.

Wow, someone doesn't know what a diplomatic mission is.

Which other countries would you like the U.S. to withdraw its embassies from?

And what are your thoughts about the 13 embassy attacks that killed 60+ people when Dubya was in office?

Not that I'd expect you to be able to answer any of that...

I can take you on.

You established the embassy security under Hillary. Are you ready?

Hillary hired militias to protect her crew in Libya.

All optics.

Wanna go for it?
look it's a simple question, should we have done nothing, invade or something else?

At the time Benghazi was in open revolt against the dictator Khadaffi. The freedom fighters were desperate. The UN passed a resolution to aid the rebels and we're looking to the US for support only we could provide. After Kadhaffi fell Lybia did in fact have democratic elections. Admittedly the security in Lybia deteriorated thereafter and the country is in great trouble now. Would it have been any different if the Republican Party had responded with anything other than attack dog politics? We'll never know.

Name the freedom fighters.

You ever noticed no one can name the "freedom fighters"?
Maybe you remember our bombing Libya causing the downfall of Khadaffi and the loss of any structured government in Libya. Or maybe you don't.

Oh he doesn't.

He probably also doesn't remember killing Saddam destabilized the region.

Lesson's sure weren't learned.

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