Should there be globally forced abortions to save the planet from overpopulation?


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
Some of us support forced medical procedures for the common good.

Overpopulation is a big issue according to SOME.

Should there be mandated abortions and how should we determine who is mandated to get abortions?
Some of us support forced medical procedures for the common good.

Overpopulation is a big issue according to SOME.

Should there be mandated abortions and how should we determine who is mandated to get abortions?
Yes.....let's start with China, Iran, and Russia,

and then move on to the folks in Washington helping all of the above.
Some of us support forced medical procedures for the common good.

Overpopulation is a big issue according to SOME.

Should there be mandated abortions and how should we determine who is mandated to get abortions?
No, of course not. This might be just the least little bit biased against women ----- since women are the only people who reproduce humans.

How about every woman agrees to have no more than one child? After three generations (do the arithmetic, guys, you're supposed to be good with arithmetic) we'd be down to ONE billion world population. It's a surprisingly quick and easy solution, though I have to say that word "agree" could cause some problems.
The globalists talk about over population. This only makes sense.

Should we the the WEF determine who is aborted?
Some of us support forced medical procedures for the common good.

Overpopulation is a big issue according to SOME.

Should there be mandated abortions and how should we determine who is mandated to get abortions?

That should be based on whether their parents are an asset or a drain on society.

(Not that I'm for mandated abortions.)
The Over Populated narrative is complete BS . But what an excellent way to get Gullibles used to the idea of controlled and therefore manipulated population . Next minute the Gullibles will tell you how good it is for all of us , let alone our very planet . And the Stupids will all nod wisely and start clapping .
Some of us support forced medical procedures for the common good.

Overpopulation is a big issue according to SOME.

Should there be mandated abortions and how should we determine who is mandated to get abortions?
Soon enough 90% of humanity will be wiped out.

Matthew 24:22 KJV: And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.
No, of course not. This might be just the least little bit biased against women ----- since women are the only people who reproduce humans.

How about every woman agrees to have no more than one child? After three generations (do the arithmetic, guys, you're supposed to be good with arithmetic) we'd be down to ONE billion world population. It's a surprisingly quick and easy solution, though I have to say that word "agree" could cause some problems.
Women do not reproduce

Men and Women reproduce.
Some of us support forced medical procedures for the common good.

Overpopulation is a big issue according to SOME.

Should there be mandated abortions and how should we determine who is mandated to get abortions?
How about this force sterilization of anyone that thinks Jo Biden is a good president?
No. I'm going with the biblical favorites like war, famine and pestilence to ease the overcrowding, eventually. That is if we don't spiral into the sun this summer......
No. I'm going with the biblical favorites like war, famine and pestilence to ease the overcrowding, eventually. That is if we don't spiral into the sun this summer......
Dude, the sun is just a tiny ball in the sky.

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