Should this child receive asylum or be deported? Republicans think it depends

Hey leftards we can't afford our own poor and we're nearly $19 trillion in debt already.
The longest war in us history and us business moving over seas my have a little to do with that.
From 2001 to 2008, millions of jobs moved overseas and over 40 thousand factories were closed in this country. How did the GOP help? They gave subsidies to companies moving overseas.

From 2006 to 2008 asshole libs threatened tax increases and thousands of new regulations, then did just that from 2009 to present day.
Because we need to be decent human beings? Then again, I'm sure you're a pro life Christian who loves them fetuses..

semantic tricks don't work here..maybe in your poli sci 101 class...

refusing to allow 3rd world peasants with no ties to our culture, heritage, customs or values to bypass our laws and colonize our country while we pay for them does not preclude being "decent" human beings.

you don't even pay any taxes, school boy..LMAO..but you pretend to know how other people's tax money should be spent...pretty funny..

So you must be a Native American then, right?

No such animal, even they migrated here.
if you ancestors migrated here 40,000 years ago there is no argument by rational people that they would be after a few generations indigenous .

Well hell if it only takes a few generations I guess most of us would be considered, "by rational people", indigenous. Right?
deport. all. illegals.

blind, crippled or crazy...women, men, children. Back to their native country.

Nothing to it.

Yup America isn't a dumping ground for everyone that wants an escape from their own country for whatever reason.

We are broke folks and bringing these people here means that we taxpayers will have to support them.

Nope. They can sink or swim in their own country or try to get into another country as long as it isn't the US of A.
if that's true then we should dismantle the statue of liberty because it has this "
“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me:
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.”
engraved on it.

Sure. The statue of liberty if from another time.

That was when America was a giant empty land and people from every where were welcome to help settle it.

Its not empty anymore and the only immigrants I want to see are those who come here legally.
how bout you suggest that to a majority of Americans and see how fast you get laughed out of town...

Would that be the 71% that want our borders secured? I don't think so.
Every time lefties bring up an issue like this they should be aware that most of the time no matter what the issue is Bill Clinton did it bigger. Remember when big dumb Janet Reno ordered the invasion of a private residence in Florida by an army of federal officers and they found a kid's uncle hiding the target in a closet? Elion Gonzales's mother died trying to bring him from Cuba to the United States but Bill Clinton sent him back to Cuba.

Uh no ... You're thinking of Ronnie Ray-Gun.
Reagan sent Elian Gonzales back to Cuba?
The left doesn't want the US to be the worlds policeman, but think we should be the worlds homeless shelter, fuck'em.
What the fuck? Other countries are working to take in the refugees, we need to help these people.

Because we need to be decent human beings? Then again, I'm sure you're a pro life Christian who loves them fetuses..
We don't need to be stupid human beings, however.
And no republican president was ever responsible for kids dieing.

Lets see here:

Lincoln - Civil War
Grant - Indian Wars
Hayes - Indian Wars
Harrison - Indian Wars
Nixon - Vietnam
Reagan - Lebanon
Bush 43 - Afghanistan
Bush 43 - Iraq

Indians weren't Americans in those days, and sending someone to war isn't the same as ordering them to be killed. Clinton, via Reno, ordered Americans to be assaulted and killed.
Because we need to be decent human beings? Then again, I'm sure you're a pro life Christian who loves them fetuses..

semantic tricks don't work here..maybe in your poli sci 101 class...

refusing to allow 3rd world peasants with no ties to our culture, heritage, customs or values to bypass our laws and colonize our country while we pay for them does not preclude being "decent" human beings.

you don't even pay any taxes, school boy..LMAO..but you pretend to know how other people's tax money should be spent...pretty funny..

So you must be a Native American then, right?

No such animal, even they migrated here.

Of course. Human originated in Africa. There are no "native europeans" either.

But they were here first.

Hmmm, no. The ones we kicked out were not here first. They kicked out the previous occupants, who kicked out the previous occupants, who kicked out the previous occupants.
So you must be a Native American then, right?

No such animal, even they migrated here.

Tejas invader logic!

Who were the original peoples to populate North America? They would have a prior claim to Land which far predates any others, by 12-13 thousand years, but maybe even longer. Even the word tejas, the origin for Texas, is the Caddo Indian word for friend which was in use before even the Spanish arrived.

The people who were here when out ancestors arrived were not the original people. There were multiple waves of invaders, each displacing the previous occupants.
deport. all. illegals.

blind, crippled or crazy...women, men, children. Back to their native country.

Nothing to it.

Yup America isn't a dumping ground for everyone that wants an escape from their own country for whatever reason.

We are broke folks and bringing these people here means that we taxpayers will have to support them.

Nope. They can sink or swim in their own country or try to get into another country as long as it isn't the US of A.
if that's true then we should dismantle the statue of liberty because it has this "
“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me:
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.”
engraved on it.

Why do you think we are under an obligation to obey some poem put on a statue in the harbor 100 years ago?
If you take your thinking to its lowest form, which you have, let's say hypothetically your son or daughter was in a school. And someone older and stronger kicked their chicken shit ass and the little pansy ass couldn't protect himself. Tough fucking shit.
Let that little candy ass stay out of my school.
Got it!

deport. all. illegals.

blind, crippled or crazy...women, men, children. Back to their native country.

Nothing to it.

What does that have to do with deporting illegals?
And no republican president was ever responsible for kids dieing.

Lets see here:

Lincoln - Civil War
Grant - Indian Wars
Hayes - Indian Wars
Harrison - Indian Wars
Nixon - Vietnam
Reagan - Lebanon
Bush 43 - Afghanistan
Bush 43 - Iraq

Indians weren't Americans in those days, and sending someone to war isn't the same as ordering them to be killed. Clinton, via Reno, ordered Americans to be assaulted and killed.

Not a damned thing you wrote has ANYTHING to do with the post I responded to which was, "And no republican president was ever responsible for kids dieing."

So shut the fuck up, and pay attention!
I say no to the following:

-Asylum for Syrian refugees
-Legal status for illegal immigrants
-New opportunities for legal immigration
-Donald Trump
-Food with onions
And no republican president was ever responsible for kids dieing.

Lets see here:

Lincoln - Civil War
Grant - Indian Wars
Hayes - Indian Wars
Harrison - Indian Wars
Nixon - Vietnam
Reagan - Lebanon
Bush 43 - Afghanistan
Bush 43 - Iraq

Indians weren't Americans in those days, and sending someone to war isn't the same as ordering them to be killed. Clinton, via Reno, ordered Americans to be assaulted and killed.

Not a damned thing you wrote has ANYTHING to do with the post I responded to which was, "And no republican president was ever responsible for kids dieing."

So shut the fuck up, and pay attention!

The point was the Clinton ordered them to be killed. That's not the same thing, so you framed your question dishonestly. However, I will concede that Lincoln ordered hundreds of thousands of Americans to be raped, looted, pillaged and murdered.
I remember those days. Elian screaming.

Children burning to death.

The good old clinton days
And no republican president was ever responsible for kids dieing.

No Republican president ordered American children to be killed.
Never said American children you can put your head back up your ass now.

Your correspondent did, so once again you are constructing a strawman.
And no republican president was ever responsible for kids dieing.

Lets see here:

Lincoln - Civil War
Grant - Indian Wars
Hayes - Indian Wars
Harrison - Indian Wars
Nixon - Vietnam
Reagan - Lebanon
Bush 43 - Afghanistan
Bush 43 - Iraq

Indians weren't Americans in those days, and sending someone to war isn't the same as ordering them to be killed. Clinton, via Reno, ordered Americans to be assaulted and killed.

Not a damned thing you wrote has ANYTHING to do with the post I responded to which was, "And no republican president was ever responsible for kids dieing."

So shut the fuck up, and pay attention!

The point was the Clinton ordered them to be killed. That's not the same thing, so you framed your question dishonestly. However, I will concede that Lincoln ordered hundreds of thousands of Americans to be raped, looted, pillaged and murdered.

Here was the post to which I responded: "And no republican president was ever responsible for kids dieing."

I debunked that with a list of REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTS who were responsible for kids dying!

Now you are claiming that Clinton was a Republican so you obviously have your head SQUARELY UP YOUR ASS! You want to change the narrative so you can not appear to have egg all over your face.

Time for you to piss off little guy! And you need some help with that short man syndrome thingy.

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