Should this child receive asylum or be deported? Republicans think it depends

deport. all. illegals.

blind, crippled or crazy...women, men, children. Back to their native country.

Nothing to it.

Yup America isn't a dumping ground for everyone that wants an escape from their own country for whatever reason.

We are broke folks and bringing these people here means that we taxpayers will have to support them.

Nope. They can sink or swim in their own country or try to get into another country as long as it isn't the US of A.
if that's true then we should dismantle the statue of liberty because it has this "
“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me:
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.”
engraved on it.

Sure. The statue of liberty if from another time.

That was when America was a giant empty land and people from every where were welcome to help settle it.

Its not empty anymore and the only immigrants I want to see are those who come here legally.
how bout you suggest that to a majority of Americans and see how fast you get laughed out of town...

Most people I know want all illegals out of this country. I don't know anyone who's interested in granting them amnesty.

How bout you suggest they stay at taxpayer expense and we'll see how long it takes for them to laugh you right out the damned door.

deport. all. illegals.

blind, crippled or crazy...women, men, children. Back to their native country.

Nothing to it.

Yup America isn't a dumping ground for everyone that wants an escape from their own country for whatever reason.

We are broke folks and bringing these people here means that we taxpayers will have to support them.

Nope. They can sink or swim in their own country or try to get into another country as long as it isn't the US of A.
if that's true then we should dismantle the statue of liberty because it has this "
“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me:
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.”
engraved on it.

Sure. The statue of liberty if from another time.

That was when America was a giant empty land and people from every where were welcome to help settle it.

Its not empty anymore and the only immigrants I want to see are those who come here legally.
how bout you suggest that to a majority of Americans and see how fast you get laughed out of town...

Most people I know want all illegals out of this country. I don't know anyone who's interested in granting them amnesty.

How bout you suggest they stay at taxpayer expense and we'll see how long it takes for them to laugh you right out the damned door.

they already do ... who's the idiot again.
The left doesn't want the US to be the worlds policeman, but think we should be the worlds homeless shelter, fuck'em.
What the fuck? Other countries are working to take in the refugees, we need to help these people.

Because we need to be decent human beings? Then again, I'm sure you're a pro life Christian who loves them fetuses..
Too bad they don't love the "born".
Hey leftards we can't afford our own poor and we're nearly $19 trillion in debt already.
The longest war in us history and us business moving over seas my have a little to do with that.
From 2001 to 2008, millions of jobs moved overseas and over 40 thousand factories were closed in this country. How did the GOP help? They gave subsidies to companies moving overseas.
The left doesn't want the US to be the worlds policeman, but think we should be the worlds homeless shelter, fuck'em.
What the fuck? Other countries are working to take in the refugees, we need to help these people.

"other countries" still practice slavery and burn "witches"...what other countries do is not the standard we have to meet.
European countries practice slavery and burn witches? Where? This isn't Alabama. LOL.

They are EU not Southern Democrat for crying out loud. You bet they aren't Alabama from the past.

But let us not forget prominent D's.

Known members
Harry Truman

Harry S. Truman
Harry S. Truman, the Democratic Missouri politician who became president in 1945, dabbled with the Klan briefly. In 1924, he was a judge in Jackson County, Missouri, which includes Kansas City. Truman was up for reelection, and his friends Edgar Hinde and Spencer Salisbury advised him to join the Klan. The Klan was politically powerful in Jackson County, and two of Truman's opponents in the Democratic primary had Klan support. Truman refused at first, but paid the Klan's $10 membership fee, and a meeting with a Klan officer was arranged.

According to Salisbury's version of the story, Truman was inducted, but afterward “was never active; he was just a member who wouldn't do anything”. Salisbury, however, told the story after he became Truman's bitter enemy, so historians are reluctant to believe his claims.

According to Hinde and Truman's accounts, the Klan officer demanded that Truman pledge not to hire any Catholics or Jews if he was reelected. Truman refused, and demanded the return of his $10 membership fee; most of the men he had commanded in World War I had been local Irish Catholics.

Truman had at least one other strong reason to object to the anti-Catholic requirement, which was that the Catholic Pendergast family, which operated a political machine in Jackson County, were his patrons; Pendergast family lore has it that Truman was originally accepted for patronage without even meeting him, on the basis of his family background plus the requirement that he was not a member of any anti-Catholic organization such as the Klan.

The Pendergast faction of the Democratic Party was known as the “Goats”, as opposed to the rival Shannon machine's “Rabbits”. The battle lines were drawn when Truman put only Goats on the county payroll, and the Klan began encouraging voters to support Protestant, “100% American” candidates, which was anathema to the Catholic Pendergasts. The Klan allied itself against Truman and with the Rabbits, and Shannon instructed his people to vote Republican in the election, which Truman lost.

Truman later claimed that the Klan “threatened to kill me, and I went out to one of their meetings and dared them to try”, speculating that if Truman's armed friends had shown up earlier, violence might have resulted. However, biographer Alonzo Hamby believes that this story, which is not supported by any recorded facts, was a confabulation based on a meeting with a hostile and menacing group of Democrats that contained many Klansmen, showing Truman's “Walter Mitty-like tendency […] to rewrite his personal history”.

Sympathetic observers see Truman's flirtation with the Klan as a momentary aberration and point out that his close friend and business partner Eddie Jacobson was Jewish, and assert that in later years, Truman's presidency marked the first significant improvement in the federal government's record on civil rights since the post-Reconstruction nadir marked by the Wilson administration

Ku Klux Klan members in United States politics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The left doesn't want the US to be the worlds policeman, but think we should be the worlds homeless shelter, fuck'em.
What the fuck? Other countries are working to take in the refugees, we need to help these people.

"other countries" still practice slavery and burn "witches"...what other countries do is not the standard we have to meet.
European countries practice slavery and burn witches? Where? This isn't Alabama. LOL.

They are EU not Southern Democrat for crying out loud. You bet they aren't Alabama from the past.

But let us not forget prominent D's.

Known members
Harry Truman

Harry S. Truman
Harry S. Truman, the Democratic Missouri politician who became president in 1945, dabbled with the Klan briefly. In 1924, he was a judge in Jackson County, Missouri, which includes Kansas City. Truman was up for reelection, and his friends Edgar Hinde and Spencer Salisbury advised him to join the Klan. The Klan was politically powerful in Jackson County, and two of Truman's opponents in the Democratic primary had Klan support. Truman refused at first, but paid the Klan's $10 membership fee, and a meeting with a Klan officer was arranged.

According to Salisbury's version of the story, Truman was inducted, but afterward “was never active; he was just a member who wouldn't do anything”. Salisbury, however, told the story after he became Truman's bitter enemy, so historians are reluctant to believe his claims.

According to Hinde and Truman's accounts, the Klan officer demanded that Truman pledge not to hire any Catholics or Jews if he was reelected. Truman refused, and demanded the return of his $10 membership fee; most of the men he had commanded in World War I had been local Irish Catholics.

Truman had at least one other strong reason to object to the anti-Catholic requirement, which was that the Catholic Pendergast family, which operated a political machine in Jackson County, were his patrons; Pendergast family lore has it that Truman was originally accepted for patronage without even meeting him, on the basis of his family background plus the requirement that he was not a member of any anti-Catholic organization such as the Klan.

The Pendergast faction of the Democratic Party was known as the “Goats”, as opposed to the rival Shannon machine's “Rabbits”. The battle lines were drawn when Truman put only Goats on the county payroll, and the Klan began encouraging voters to support Protestant, “100% American” candidates, which was anathema to the Catholic Pendergasts. The Klan allied itself against Truman and with the Rabbits, and Shannon instructed his people to vote Republican in the election, which Truman lost.

Truman later claimed that the Klan “threatened to kill me, and I went out to one of their meetings and dared them to try”, speculating that if Truman's armed friends had shown up earlier, violence might have resulted. However, biographer Alonzo Hamby believes that this story, which is not supported by any recorded facts, was a confabulation based on a meeting with a hostile and menacing group of Democrats that contained many Klansmen, showing Truman's “Walter Mitty-like tendency […] to rewrite his personal history”.

Sympathetic observers see Truman's flirtation with the Klan as a momentary aberration and point out that his close friend and business partner Eddie Jacobson was Jewish, and assert that in later years, Truman's presidency marked the first significant improvement in the federal government's record on civil rights since the post-Reconstruction nadir marked by the Wilson administration

Ku Klux Klan members in United States politics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
your point?
The Ku Klux Klan (KKK) is a far right organization, advocating white supremacy, white nationalism, and anti-immigration stances. Their end goal was, is and always has been racial subordination, and to this end they fought way back in their founding against voting rights of black people and the right to keep and bear arms for black people. In Southern cities they opposed unions. They recruit in this century using issues of illegal immigration, urban crime, civil unions and same-sex marriage.

These positions align with the modern day Republican Party’s policies on many issues, which is why I referred to the Party as metaphorically wearing white hoods while they metaphorically took women back to the cave. Let us refrain from trying to explain metaphors to the party who still thinks that satire is what you call being mean in order to get away with it.

At any rate, the parties were not always like this! Change happens. Things evolve over a few centuries. Shocking, I know.

All of the conservative/Republican outrage demonstrated three things. First, Republicans don’t like being called out on their Jim Crow voting laws or their Stand Your Ground gun laws that frequently do not get interpreted the same for black people or women as they do for the whitest man in the room (highest ranker on the patriarchy scale).

They know it’s “bad” to be a racist, and so they will deny the white hood while hiding under the deflection that Democrats wore it first way back in the late 1860s when it was founded by six veterans of the Confederate Army. Yes, Democrats were a big part of the original KKK over 150 years ago. But Democrats were on the other side in 1948 with the addition of civil rights as a campaign plank and on into the fights for Civil Rights in the 60s, losing Southern white voters to the Republican Party. But really, what matters when you are voting is where each party stands TODAY. (The KKK had a resurgence in the 20s by white protestants angry at industrialization and immigration and high on Prohibition and the Bible, and a third big incarnation in reaction to the Civil Rights movement.)

Educating Republicans: Why You Can’t Spell KKK Without the Letters G-O-P
Every time lefties bring up an issue like this they should be aware that most of the time no matter what the issue is Bill Clinton did it bigger. Remember when big dumb Janet Reno ordered the invasion of a private residence in Florida by an army of federal officers and they found a kid's uncle hiding the target in a closet? Elion Gonzales's mother died trying to bring him from Cuba to the United States but Bill Clinton sent him back to Cuba.

Uh no ... You're thinking of Ronnie Ray-Gun.

Reagan left office in 1989.
Every time lefties bring up an issue like this they should be aware that most of the time no matter what the issue is Bill Clinton did it bigger. Remember when big dumb Janet Reno ordered the invasion of a private residence in Florida by an army of federal officers and they found a kid's uncle hiding the target in a closet? Elion Gonzales's mother died trying to bring him from Cuba to the United States but Bill Clinton sent him back to Cuba.

Uh no ... You're thinking of Ronnie Ray-Gun.

Reagan left office in 1989.
but the stench lives on!
If you take your thinking to its lowest form, which you have, let's say hypothetically your son or daughter was in a school. And someone older and stronger kicked their chicken shit ass and the little pansy ass couldn't protect himself. Tough fucking shit.
Let that little candy ass stay out of my school.
Got it!

deport. all. illegals.

blind, crippled or crazy...women, men, children. Back to their native country.

Nothing to it.
If you take your thinking to its lowest form, which you have, let's say hypothetically your son or daughter was in a school. And someone older and stronger kicked their chicken shit ass and the little pansy ass couldn't protect himself. Tough fucking shit.
Let that little candy ass stay out of my school.
Got it!

deport. all. illegals.

blind, crippled or crazy...women, men, children. Back to their native country.

Nothing to it.

no need to make up unrelated fantasy scenarios and pretend they're relevant. I don't think that will work on many people here.

america first.
deport. all. illegals.
Just a taste of what you and your tough boys are all have a conviction to do with someone.
Fits quite well.
You don't have to try and refute it with any real response.

If you take your thinking to its lowest form, which you have, let's say hypothetically your son or daughter was in a school. And someone older and stronger kicked their chicken shit ass and the little pansy ass couldn't protect himself. Tough fucking shit.
Let that little candy ass stay out of my school.
Got it!

deport. all. illegals.

blind, crippled or crazy...women, men, children. Back to their native country.

Nothing to it.

no need to make up unrelated fantasy scenarios and pretend they're relevant. I don't think that will work on many people here.

america first.
deport. all. illegals.
Just a taste of what you and your tough boys are all have a conviction to do with someone.
Fits quite well.
You don't have to try and refute it with any real response.

If you take your thinking to its lowest form, which you have, let's say hypothetically your son or daughter was in a school. And someone older and stronger kicked their chicken shit ass and the little pansy ass couldn't protect himself. Tough fucking shit.
Let that little candy ass stay out of my school.
Got it!

deport. all. illegals.

blind, crippled or crazy...women, men, children. Back to their native country.

Nothing to it.

no need to make up unrelated fantasy scenarios and pretend they're relevant. I don't think that will work on many people here.

america first.
deport. all. illegals.

say what?
I don't understand your point?
If you take your thinking to its lowest form, which you have, let's say hypothetically your son or daughter was in a school. And someone older and stronger kicked their chicken shit ass and the little pansy ass couldn't protect himself. Tough fucking shit.
Let that little candy ass stay out of my school.
Got it!

deport. all. illegals.

blind, crippled or crazy...women, men, children. Back to their native country.

Nothing to it.

no need to make up unrelated fantasy scenarios and pretend they're relevant. I don't think that will work on many people here.

america first.
deport. all. illegals.
bold statement as you know jack shit about America !
Just a taste of what you and your tough boys are all have a conviction to do with someone.
Fits quite well.
You don't have to try and refute it with any real response.

If you take your thinking to its lowest form, which you have, let's say hypothetically your son or daughter was in a school. And someone older and stronger kicked their chicken shit ass and the little pansy ass couldn't protect himself. Tough fucking shit.
Let that little candy ass stay out of my school.
Got it!

deport. all. illegals.

blind, crippled or crazy...women, men, children. Back to their native country.

Nothing to it.

no need to make up unrelated fantasy scenarios and pretend they're relevant. I don't think that will work on many people here.

america first.
deport. all. illegals.

say what?
I don't understand your point?
I can see why ,with your head that far up your ass it's amazing you're conscious.

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