Should this fan be banned?

Kyle Lowry is being a cry baby if he is calling that push an attack. No physical harm was done, and if anything, that push simply helped him get back on his feet a little faster.

IN that case then isn't the entire, world, all being crybabies?

I mean...Unless you can provide a link to some action or event in all of USA sports, history, where fans/spectators are allowed to touch players in an insulting or flagrant way?

At the end of the day, does it even matter that Lowry called this an attack? Since it was far, far worse, than a mere attack and it did cause something more dreadful than any physical harm could cause Lowry.

For example, it is clear that the refs and the bldg security were okay with the fans' outrageous behavior. and apparently so was the NBA HQ office ---since we have heard nothing about the fan getting sanctioned.

Racist fans were watching. And I say racist, because
I only ever see this happening to Black players and yes 100% of the time the flagrant fan turns out to be one of us trifling ass White people. I'm sick of these idiots embarrassing our Race to the civilized world.

So now this opened the floodgates for racist fans who will attend games and now push the limits ---of seeing how much they can get away with re: physically retaliating against darkskinned-Black players who dive into the stands for balls.
At least, until one of the players punches some fan for this peculiar, bizarre motive for within spectators who are now angrily touching players during the games.
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Don't complain that I touched you if you initiated physical contact by falling into my lap, accidentally or not...


yeah fortunately, here in America, it is viewed as illogical and bizarre for fans to put their hands on players competing in the games ---especially in an unBecoming way.

It defies logic, that a human can attend a sports contest/willfully and intentionally seat himself that close to the physical action ---then carry on like he did when he experiences what he was precautioned/prewarned about when purchasing or receiving his ticket to attend the event.

And I think it is unfortunate, that you claimed the push was a help up. Especially wherever you saw the fans' reaction to Lowry. That fan was clearly angry about Lowry landing on him. I hope Lowry pushes for the nba to ban that knuckleheàd since ---like someone here said already--- the fan totally understood and accepted the disclaimer re: incidental contact which fans assume risk of injury for,
Wait wait.... "I don't know if I'll be able to control myself" Grow up. You landed on that guy to begin with. He didn't drive to your house or something. You landed on him...

lol @ your impression pretending as if Lowry drove to the fan's house and dove on the fan as the fan sat on his couch watching the game.

rofl @ you if you disregarded that the fan made an, agreement, to go sit at a game in harms' way/accept risk of injury for sitting in the athlete's field of play ---but then carrying on like an unsuspecting knucklehead if what the disclaimer says, does then actually happen.
Wait wait.... "I don't know if I'll be able to control myself" Grow up. You landed on that guy to begin with. He didn't drive to your house or something. You landed on him...

lol @ your impression pretending as if Lowry drove to the fan's house and dove on the fan as the fan sat on his couch watching the game.

rofl @ you if you disregarded that the fan made an, agreement, to go sit at a game in harms' way/accept risk of injury for sitting in the athlete's field of play ---but then carrying on like an unsuspecting knucklehead if what the disclaimer says, does then actually happen.

No, I get it. He agreed to sit there. But that still doesn't make it out like he was just sitting there waiting with anticipation for the chance to shove a basketball player.

Again... tiny thing.... very very tiny. If that tiny little push, is all it takes for these toddler of a basketball players to have a mental melt down.... that speaks badly of him, not the fan.

There are times where you need to defend yourself with force. This..... is not one of them. Just isn't.
Kyle Lowry is being a cry baby if he is calling that push an attack. No physical harm was done, and if anything, that push simply helped him get back on his feet a little faster.

IN that case then isn't the entire, world, all being crybabies?

I mean...Unless you can provide a link to some action or event in all of USA sports, history, where fans/spectators are allowed to touch players in an insulting or flagrant way?

At the end of the day, does it even matter that Lowry called this an attack? Since it was far, far worse, than a mere attack and it did cause something more dreadful than any physical harm could cause Lowry.

For example, it is clear that the refs and the bldg security were okay with the fans' outrageous behavior. and apparently so was the NBA HQ office ---since we have heard nothing about the fan getting sanctioned.

Racist fans were watching. And I say racist, because
I only ever see this happening to Black players and yes 100% of the time the flagrant fan turns out to be one of us trifling ass White people. I'm sick of these idiots embarrassing our Race to the civilized world.

So now this opened the floodgates for racist fans who will attend games and now push the limits ---of seeing how much they can get away with re: physically retaliating against darkskinned-Black players who dive into the stands for balls.
At least, until one of the players punches some fan for this peculiar, bizarre motive for within spectators who are now angrily touching players during the games.

Good night.... did you people not go to high school? This happens all the time. Happen all the time to me, and I'm 6 foot 2 myself.

If every high school student, flipped out every time another person touch them, half the high school would be expelled. You let it go. You get over it. Not a big deal. Now if the fan had thrown a punch, ok, then I'm on your side.

Now if high school students can have some basic restraint when they are teenagers, why can't an adult man? Unless he's a toddler, then it makes sense.

But a tiny push like that? He was practically helping this monster of a basket ball player up.
If every high school student, flipped out every time another person touch them, half the high school would be expelled...

Are you comparing apples to oranges, with this statement?

No I don't think so. That push in that video, was far less than what I experienced in school.

The only difference is, those were teenagers, and this is an adult man.
Are you suggesting that an adult man should have LESS restraint than a teenager?
Because I think with being an adult, you have a ton more restraint.

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