Should Trump agree to an interview with Mueller? (w/poll)

Should trump agree to an interview with Mueller?

  • Yes

    Votes: 19 34.5%
  • No

    Votes: 36 65.5%

  • Total voters
Not after the IG report....he would be crazy to sit with that snake Mueller and his den of vipers...
Exactly what did the IG report have to do with Mueller?
Strozk was the one that originally started the phone investigation that eventually became the Mewler witch hunt. Her Mewler had to get rid of him because he was such an obvious partisan who tainted all the evidence.
Which phone investigation did Strzok start that started the Mueller investigation?

That's a typo. It should read "phoney investigation"
Should he?

I say yes, as the investigation is meant to get to the truth. Trump's interview will advance that goal.

I sayYes too, he is not above the law. As a megalomaniac, he believes he is, and believes he cannot be subpoenaed to testify under oath. Time will come when Mr. Mueller seeks and obtains a subpoena, and brings the President before a criminal Grand Jury, maybe.

Trump will fight the subpoena, and it seems the final solution will be decided by the Supreme Court. But, even if five or more Justices decide he is above the law, it will not end there. Other crimes he is suspected of committing, or aiding and abetting, may find there way to State Courts, and it is likely if he is convicted of a crime, it is clear he cannot pardon himself.

If Trump is smart, he would resign, Pence can then pardon him, as Ford did for Nixon. Trump will not make this move, he's a classic narcissist, and believes he is too powerful to be removed by impeachment.
That's a lie. He didn't refer to any white supremecists as "fine people."
Of course he did. Video of him doing precisely that was all over the news. But I am not going to argue with you whether or not the Earth is flat.

And yes, a grand jury can subpoena him. Whether or not a court can then compel him to honor the subpoena under threat of arrest is up for debate.
I wish President Trump would stop stalling....he is making the investigation go longer, it was JANUARY when he was first suppose to be interviewed for goodness sake.... and he has dragged this out in his Reality TV production of will he or will he not.... and purposely stalling for his own evil genius reasons, like needing the 6 months to convince his supporters that this is all a witch hunt campaign that he has promoted since they won't think anything is wrong about him refusing to testify.

I agree with Old School, I would through my body in front of him to prevent him from testifying because he doesn't have any kind of relationship with telling truth over fiction....if I were his lawyer....

but if he were to refuse the interview, depending on what Mueller needed to ask him questions about and the necessity to speak with Trump.... the grand jury could subpoena him, and then Trump might refuse, and then this becomes a battle that goes to the supreme court to decide, whether a President of the US, is ABOVE the Law and can rule with lawlessness.... and Trump loves the fight, he lives for it, so you know this will be years in court.... regardless of it tearing our Nation apart! :(
That's a lie. He didn't refer to any white supremecists as "fine people."
Of course he did. Video of him doing precisely that was all over the news. But I am not going to argue with you whether or not the Earth is flat.

And yes, a grand jury can subpoena him. Whether or not a court can then compel him to honor the subpoena under threat of arrest is up for debate.
Nope. The fake news deliberately mischaracterized what he said, and just like a total sucker you fell for it.
I wish President Trump would stop stalling....he is making the investigation go longer, it was JANUARY when he was first suppose to be interviewed for goodness sake.... and he has dragged this out in his Reality TV production of will he or will he not.... and purposely stalling for his own evil genius reasons, like needing the 6 months to convince his supporters that this is all a witch hunt campaign that he has promoted since they won't think anything is wrong about him refusing to testify.

I agree with Old School, I would through my body in front of him to prevent him from testifying because he doesn't have any kind of relationship with telling truth over fiction....if I were his lawyer....

but if he were to refuse the interview, depending on what Mueller needed to ask him questions about and the necessity to speak with Trump.... the grand jury could subpoena him, and then Trump might refuse, and then this becomes a battle that goes to the supreme court to decide, whether a President of the US, is ABOVE the Law and can rule with lawlessness.... and Trump loves the fight, he lives for it, so you know this will be years in court.... regardless of it tearing our Nation apart! :(

Doesn't have to be. Meuller can simply finish the report without the interview and recommend whatever action he sees fit.
I wish President Trump would stop stalling....he is making the investigation go longer, it was JANUARY when he was first suppose to be interviewed for goodness sake.... and he has dragged this out in his Reality TV production of will he or will he not.... and purposely stalling for his own evil genius reasons, like needing the 6 months to convince his supporters that this is all a witch hunt campaign that he has promoted since they won't think anything is wrong about him refusing to testify.

I agree with Old School, I would through my body in front of him to prevent him from testifying because he doesn't have any kind of relationship with telling truth over fiction....if I were his lawyer....

but if he were to refuse the interview, depending on what Mueller needed to ask him questions about and the necessity to speak with Trump.... the grand jury could subpoena him, and then Trump might refuse, and then this becomes a battle that goes to the supreme court to decide, whether a President of the US, is ABOVE the Law and can rule with lawlessness.... and Trump loves the fight, he lives for it, so you know this will be years in court.... regardless of it tearing our Nation apart! :(
It sucks to be you, doesn't it?
Hillary Clinton knew enough not to interview with the FBI under oath. She learned from Bill's experience, and Trump should have as well.
I wish President Trump would stop stalling....he is making the investigation go longer, it was JANUARY when he was first suppose to be interviewed for goodness sake.... and he has dragged this out in his Reality TV production of will he or will he not.... and purposely stalling for his own evil genius reasons, like needing the 6 months to convince his supporters that this is all a witch hunt campaign that he has promoted since they won't think anything is wrong about him refusing to testify.

I agree with Old School, I would through my body in front of him to prevent him from testifying because he doesn't have any kind of relationship with telling truth over fiction....if I were his lawyer....

but if he were to refuse the interview, depending on what Mueller needed to ask him questions about and the necessity to speak with Trump.... the grand jury could subpoena him, and then Trump might refuse, and then this becomes a battle that goes to the supreme court to decide, whether a President of the US, is ABOVE the Law and can rule with lawlessness.... and Trump loves the fight, he lives for it, so you know this will be years in court.... regardless of it tearing our Nation apart! :(

Doesn't have to be. Meuller can simply finish the report without the interview and recommend whatever action he sees fit.
It depends I suppose, on what it is that Mueller is trying to get to the bottom of and whether Trump's testimony is needed to clear something up..... shoot, I suppose if it is not important, then Mueller could shut down THAT PART of the investigation and just issue the report without his clarification? Not being Mueller, I have no idea what he needs....

I said, THAT PART of the investigation because it is my understanding that it is the obstruction of justice part, that Mueller will end soon and give a report, but not necessarily the Russia investigation of their interference.....
He also has the right, to plead the 5th, if he does do the interview....
He not under oath, so call he has to do is tell Herr Mewler to pound sand.
whether under oath in a court room, or being officially interviewed by officers of an investigation by the FBI....

it is criminal to lie..... the penalty is the same... you can't lie before the FBI, it's a felony, just like in court.....

but was not really talking about being interviewed by the FBI, I was thinking ahead, on the Grand Jury for this investigation, being the ones asking questions, ...he can plead the 5th.
He also has the right, to plead the 5th, if he does do the interview....
He not under oath, so call he has to do is tell Herr Mewler to pound sand.
whether under oath in a court room, or being officially interviewed by officers of an investigation by the FBI....

it is criminal to lie..... the penalty is the same... you can't lie before the FBI, it's a felony, just like in court.....

but was not really talking about being interviewed by the FBI, I was thinking ahead, on the Grand Jury for this investigation, being the ones asking questions, ...he can plead the 5th.
Hmmm . . . . .wrong. You are not under oath when you are interviewed by the FBI. There is just a law that says you can't lie to them. I think the law is unconstitutional. However, it doesn't compel you to answer their questions as you are compelled to answer when you are under oath. For what crime would Trump be required to testify before a Grand Jury?
I wish President Trump would stop stalling....he is making the investigation go longer, it was JANUARY when he was first suppose to be interviewed for goodness sake.... and he has dragged this out in his Reality TV production of will he or will he not.... and purposely stalling for his own evil genius reasons, like needing the 6 months to convince his supporters that this is all a witch hunt campaign that he has promoted since they won't think anything is wrong about him refusing to testify.

I agree with Old School, I would through my body in front of him to prevent him from testifying because he doesn't have any kind of relationship with telling truth over fiction....if I were his lawyer....

but if he were to refuse the interview, depending on what Mueller needed to ask him questions about and the necessity to speak with Trump.... the grand jury could subpoena him, and then Trump might refuse, and then this becomes a battle that goes to the supreme court to decide, whether a President of the US, is ABOVE the Law and can rule with lawlessness.... and Trump loves the fight, he lives for it, so you know this will be years in court.... regardless of it tearing our Nation apart! :(

Doesn't have to be. Meuller can simply finish the report without the interview and recommend whatever action he sees fit.
It depends I suppose, on what it is that Mueller is trying to get to the bottom of and whether Trump's testimony is needed to clear something up..... shoot, I suppose if it is not important, then Mueller could shut down THAT PART of the investigation and just issue the report without his clarification? Not being Mueller, I have no idea what he needs....

I said, THAT PART of the investigation because it is my understanding that it is the obstruction of justice part, that Mueller will end soon and give a report, but not necessarily the Russia investigation of their interference.....

I agree with that. But Meuller may have no choice in the matter if Trump tells him he will not testify or states he will take the 5th. I am also frustrated that it takes so long with so much haggling. But, history tells us that prosecutors like to prosecute. That's what they do. Bill Clinton went through this back in the 1990's, making a deal to interview and working with the special counsel. It didn't work and he ended up dealing with the impeachment process anyway. He should have told them to pound sound.

The difference between now and then is our knowledge of what is actually going on. We had a lot of info on what Clinton was being investigated for at the time. I will always feel that what he did was not something that rose to the level of removal from office. Many will disagree. In this case, I really have no idea what is being alleged.
So called "collusion" isn't a crime, moron. Plenty of you fucking snowflake douchebags have claimed Trump or his minions will be indicted for "collusion." That's how fucking stupid you are. The longer Herr Muwler's witch hunt conitnues, the more obvious it becomes that the Clinton campiagn is the one that was making dirty deals with the Russians.
If you had taken care of that R&C deficit you would know I said 'collusion' itself is no crime. Trump and his handmaidens will be probably charged with collusion to commit _______ (fill in the blank)
That's a lie. He didn't refer to any white supremecists as "fine people."
Of course he did. Video of him doing precisely that was all over the news. But I am not going to argue with you whether or not the Earth is flat.

And yes, a grand jury can subpoena him. Whether or not a court can then compel him to honor the subpoena under threat of arrest is up for debate.
Nope. The fake news deliberately mischaracterized what he said, and just like a total sucker you fell for it.
Sure, pal. :113:
So called "collusion" isn't a crime, moron. Plenty of you fucking snowflake douchebags have claimed Trump or his minions will be indicted for "collusion." That's how fucking stupid you are. The longer Herr Muwler's witch hunt conitnues, the more obvious it becomes that the Clinton campiagn is the one that was making dirty deals with the Russians.
If you had taken care of that R&C deficit you would know I said 'collusion' itself is no crime. Trump and his handmaidens will be probably charged with collusion to commit _______ (fill in the blank)
What the hell is an "R&C deficit?"

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