Should Trump/Congress Cut Off The American Psychological Association (APA)?

Should Trump/Congress cut funding for the APA until they speak out against child abuse in the OP?

  • Yes, the APA is the silent authority people cite to justify and continue this type of abuse.

  • No, the new APA should still get funds. It's not their fault they stay silent on that boy.

  • Maybe, I'll look into it more.

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Slow news day? a 1999 study that was regarded as trash in 1999, is dug up today, for what reason. please explain.
Read the OP in total silly. It's part of the whole conversation, not all of it.
The op discusses how the APA is sitting silently by while that boy & others like him are abused. They silently approve of child abuse. They are doing that today just like in 1998. Back then they actually published an article that said children being molested experienced psychological benefits from the abuse.

See, so if you don't talk about the past now & then, it comes back to haunt you.
The APA still remains silent and the majority of people here in the poll want answers for that silence.

Meanwhile if you check out the OP, they have a webpage dedicated to grooming Congress for more money. Yet Congress can't fund tacit child abuse. Maybe it's time for a second Congressional censure of the APA?

And by 'majority of people', you mean 7 folks?

Congress isn't funding 'tacit child abuse'. You're merely offering us more pseudo-legal gibberish based on your confused understanding of the actual law. Nor is congress going to be passing laws to 'bring the APA to heel' merely because 7 people agree on an obscure message board.
Slow news day? a 1999 study that was regarded as trash in 1999, is dug up today, for what reason. please explain.
Read the OP in total silly. It's part of the whole conversation, not all of it.
The op discusses how the APA is sitting silently by while that boy & others like him are abused. They silently approve of child abuse. They are doing that today just like in 1998. Back then they actually published an article that said children being molested experienced psychological benefits from the abuse.

See, so if you don't talk about the past now & then, it comes back to haunt you.

That isn't 'child abuse', Sil. Even you know when you learned of the situation you didn't call police to report the 'abuse'. Despite your claims that you had a 'statutory responsibility' to do so. You knew you were completely full of shit.

Yet we're going to 'defund the APA' and 'bring them to heel' for failure to condemn non-existent child abuse that even *you*, with your bizarre compulsive fixation on gay people, know isn't abuse and wouldn't report?

Um, no.
The APA still remains silent and the majority of people here in the poll want answers for that silence.

I am pretty sure that the APA doesn't care what 7 people here at USMB may or may not think.

They have real things to do.
The government distributes grants to APA research. So I'm saying until they stop their silence about the boy in the OP... no $$.

Nope- the government doesn't.

But its funny that you think that they do.
Carefully examine the APA's link in the OP: an urge for people to groom DC for money and grant funds. Grants are funds from the government. Or didn't you know that?
The government distributes grants to APA research. So I'm saying until they stop their silence about the boy in the OP... no $$.

Nope- the government doesn't.

But its funny that you think that they do.
Carefully examine the APA's link in the OP: an urge for people to groom DC for money and grant funds. Grants are funds from the government. Or didn't you know that?

Carefully examine the APA's link in the OP- and you will find out that the the APA doesn't ask for any money from the government.
The APA gets federal grants for research. Yes it does.

Not a one.

Members of the APA get grants for research- not because they are members of the APA- but because they are professionals doing research and applying for research grant- and happen to belong to the organization that represents their profession.
The APA gets federal grants for research. Yes it does.

Not a one.

Members of the APA get grants for research- not because they are members of the APA- but because they are professionals doing research and applying for research grant- and happen to belong to the organization that represents their profession.
And you think those grants would be given if they didn't have APA membership?

You're such a loon.
The APA gets federal grants for research. Yes it does.

Not a one.

Members of the APA get grants for research- not because they are members of the APA- but because they are professionals doing research and applying for research grant- and happen to belong to the organization that represents their profession.
And you think those grants would be given if they didn't have APA membership?

Is an APA membership a requirement for those grants? Nope. Open to any professional.

Of course American psychologists normally belong to the APA since it is the premier organization representing their profession.
Everybody knows that human behavior can be adequately explained by crack-pot religious theories, so who needs any scientific research?

No scientific research is necessary to diagnosis your pathological hostility toward religion and obsessive need to shoehorn that hatred into everything, however inappropriate and irrelevant.

However, since accurate psychology will be necessary to determine what trauma led to us being endlessly tortured by your blather on the subject, that does make insisting on good scientific psychology a priority.

I have never voiced any "pathological hostility toward religion." "Religion" is a very generic term. If I say that the Taliban are full of shit, is that voicing "hostility toward religion"? Do I have to voice approval of every religious sect in the universe? Even if they do very dumb things and behave aggressively toward others?

You have voiced nothing BUT. Just the fact that you're trying to wedge it into THIS discussion indicates the level of hostility and pathology. And there's a big difference between objecting to the Taliban and your dismissive post of "crack-pot religious theories, who needs science?"

When you finally do us all a favor and hie yourself to a therapist, he's going to be fascinated by just how much you reveal about your mental illness without even realizing it.

I never voiced any hostility toward "religion" in general. You need to take your bozo sectarian self to a certified shrink and find out what is wrong with you. Sorry, I can't help you. Find a shrink that is outside of the cults.

Actually, ALL you've done in pretty much any post I've read from you is broadcast your hatred of religion in general, and Christianity in particular. You need to take your denial to a shrink and find out the source of your bitterness and hostility. Find a shrink who believes in lots of talk therapy.
I doubt anyone credentialed by the APA would be allowed to encourage a client to eradicate bitterness towards a moral structure like Christianity.

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