Should Trump/Congress Cut Off The American Psychological Association (APA)?

Should Trump/Congress cut funding for the APA until they speak out against child abuse in the OP?

  • Yes, the APA is the silent authority people cite to justify and continue this type of abuse.

  • No, the new APA should still get funds. It's not their fault they stay silent on that boy.

  • Maybe, I'll look into it more.

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The report was published with the graces of the APA. Your word games only apply in a legal arena. However, taxpayers funding this kiddy-diddling outfit can read between the lines.

Your own source explicitly states that congress did not condemn the APA.

You lied and said that congress unanimously condemned the APA.

That wasn't merely a mistake. As you carefully edited around the sentence you knew destroyed your argument. You intentionally misled us.

If your argument had merit, you wouldn't have needed to.
The report was published with the graces of the APA. Your word games only apply in a legal arena. However, taxpayers funding this kiddy-diddling outfit can read between the lines.

Your own source explicitly states that congress did not condemn the APA....You lied and said that congress unanimously condemned the APA.

That wasn't merely a mistake. As you carefully edited around the sentence you knew destroyed your argument. You intentionally misled us.
The APA approved and published the study that child-diddling might be beneficial to the children. Yes, they did. Congress wanted to censure the APA but at the last minute censured their publication (intrinsically being what? the difference?) instead and demand an apology from the APA.

Again, your word games are a fun strawman, but the horrifying fact is that the APA signed onto a study that said "child-diddling can be beneficial to the children". And, like.....WOW... Congress unanimously stood up from their chairs and said "WTF??!!" :eek-52:
The report was published with the graces of the APA. Your word games only apply in a legal arena. However, taxpayers funding this kiddy-diddling outfit can read between the lines.

Your own source explicitly states that congress did not condemn the APA....You lied and said that congress unanimously condemned the APA.

That wasn't merely a mistake. As you carefully edited around the sentence you knew destroyed your argument. You intentionally misled us.
The APA approved and published the study that child-diddling might be beneficial to the children. Yes, they did. Congress wanted to censure the APA but at the last minute censured their publication (intrinsically being what? the difference?) instead and demand an apology from the APA.

Again, your word games are a fun strawman, but the horrifying fact is that the APA signed onto a study that said "child-diddling can be beneficial to the children".

Strawman doesn't mean what you think it means. As you actually lied, actually misrepresented your own sources. I merely caught you doing it.

If your argument had merit, you wouldn't have to lie.
Back to the topic....the APA did in fact publish an article that said child-diddling might be beneficial to children. And the Congress in shock censured first the APA and the just the article they published...and the APA apologized to Congress for printing the article. This is the same APA who wants federal grant money to flourish their"scientific" agendas. The ones who sit silently by as the boy in California is drugged by his lesbian parents to coerce him later to chop his dick off.

I say, we don't fund them. Apparently their apology in 1998 was just a ruse. Insincere and just buying them time to come after children later in even more insidious form.
Back to the topic....the APA did in fact publish an article that said child-diddling might be beneficial to children.

You claimed that the congress unanimously condemned the APA. Your own sources confirm that Congress *never* condemned the APA.

You lied. Intentionally, willfully and repeatedly.

If your argument had merit, you wouldn't have needed to try and mislead us.
No, the APA needs to be brought to heel. .

Hey I think I have figured out what is going on.

We all know that Silhouette is delusional on the subject of homosexuals- perhaps her whole obsession with the APA is not just an extension of her homophobic obsession- but because she has been diagnosed as mentally ill by a psychologist and is pissed off about that too.
Back to the topic....the APA did in fact publish an article that said child-diddling might be beneficial to children. .

Nope- again you are just lying.

The APA did in fact publish an article that postulated that child sex molestation didn't harm children as much as people assumed. It never claimed it was beneficial to children- you are again- just lying.
Poor little lawyer ^^ has his undies in a bunch. :lmao: He's mad because people have eyes and they can read.

Poor little Silly- still unable to find the reply button.

Still lying and hoping no one checks her citations.
Back to the topic....the APA did in fact publish an article that said child-diddling might be beneficial to children. And the Congress in shock censured first the APA and the just the article they published...and the APA apologized to Congress for printing the article. This is the same APA who wants federal grant money to flourish their"scientific" agendas. The ones who sit silently by as the boy in California is drugged by his lesbian parents to coerce him later to chop his dick off.

I say, we don't fund them. Apparently their apology in 1998 was just a ruse. Insincere and just buying them time to come after children later in even more insidious form.

Except of course- there was no censure of the APA and the APA didn't apologize for it.

The Rind Controversy
For the first time ever in U.S. history, Congress officially condemned a study published in a major scientific journal. The study was published in 1998 in Psychological Bulletin, the flagship journal of the prestigious American Psychological Association (APA), and it was condemned the next year. The APA apologized for printing the article, resulting in a three-year controversy that threatened to split the organization in half. Some claimed the study was pseudo-scientific propaganda....The controversy centered around the study “A Meta-Analytic Examination of Assumed Properties of Child Sexual Abuse Using College Samples,” published in the APA’s Psychological Bulletin in 1998 (Vol. 124, No. 1, pp. 22-53)....findings that willing minors often experienced such activity as neutral or positive, and evidence of psychological harm often could not be found.
Back to the topic....the APA did in fact publish an article that said child-diddling might be beneficial to children.e]

Nope- just you lying again. The Report never said- or even hinted- that child molestation might be beneficial to children.

Why do you lie?

The results of the meta-analysis indicated that college students who had experienced CSA were slightly less well-adjusted compared to other students who had not experienced CSA, but that family environment was a significant confound that may be responsible for the association between CSA and harm. Intense, pervasive harm and long-term maladjustment were due to confounding variables in most studies rather than to the sexual abuse itself (though exceptions were noted for abuse accompanied by force or incest).[1] Both studies addressed four "assumed properties" of CSA, identified by the authors: gender equivalence (both genders affected equally), causality (CSA causes harm), pervasiveness (most victims of CSA are harmed) and intensity (the harm is normally significant and long-term), concluding that all four "assumed properties" were questionable and had several potential confounds.[1][
Back to the topic....the APA did in fact publish an article that said child-diddling might be beneficial to children. And the Congress in shock censured first the APA and the just the article they published..e]

Congress never censured the APA. Congress condemned the research paper.

You just are lying.

Why do you lie?
I say, we don't fund them. Apparently their apology in 1998 was just a ruse. Insincere and just buying them time to come after children later in even more insidious form.]

Since there is no evidence that 'you' fund the APA in any fashion or form- please don't.

There is no evidence any tax money goes to the APA
The government distributes grants to APA research. So I'm saying until they stop their silence about the boy in the OP... no $$.
The government distributes grants to APA research. So I'm saying until they stop their silence about the boy in the OP... no $$.

Your personal obsession isn't our obsession, Sil.

And even you know you're completely full of shit. As you learned of that child in 2013. And never called the police despite insisting it was child abuse.

Even you are ignoring you. Surely you understand why the APA doesn't put much weight in rants like yours.
The government distributes grants to APA research. So I'm saying until they stop their silence about the boy in the OP... no $$.

Your personal obsession isn't our obsession, Sil.

Well the people in the poll who voted are with me 100% so? ...I guess you're lying.

Nope. You tried to bring this topic up in your thread about what democratic women would respond. And no one even brought up your obsession with gay people. They brought up national security, the border wall, the economy, gun rights, mental health.

Only you brought up your bizarre fixation with gay people and their children. Its your obsession. Not ours. You've created 50+ threads with hundreds of pages and literally thousands of posts. And still, we don't share your obsessions.

Even you don't believe your bullshit. As you never reported the 'child abuse' to the police. If you had genuinely believed this was child abuse, you would have. You never did....because you never did.

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