Should Trump/Congress Cut Off The American Psychological Association (APA)?

Should Trump/Congress cut funding for the APA until they speak out against child abuse in the OP?

  • Yes, the APA is the silent authority people cite to justify and continue this type of abuse.

  • No, the new APA should still get funds. It's not their fault they stay silent on that boy.

  • Maybe, I'll look into it more.

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Everybody knows that human behavior can be adequately explained by crack-pot religious theories, so who needs any scientific research?
No one cares about the APA. Trust me. The only time anyone pays attention to them is when they have to write a lit. review.
The USSC cites studies they do or are directly responsible for to justify things like motherless/fatherless marriage. So we should take a closer look at the source that judicial-activists/judicial-legislators are citing in their binding rationale/laws.
No one cares about the APA. Trust me. The only time anyone pays attention to them is when they have to write a lit. review.
The USSC cites studies they do or are directly responsible for to justify things like motherless/fatherless marriage. So we should take a closer look at the source that judicial-activists/judicial-legislators are citing in their binding rationale/laws.
Then get your expert legal team together and do it, professor. Won't be the first time that a religious crusade was laughed out of court... surely won't be the last....
No one cares about the APA. Trust me. The only time anyone pays attention to them is when they have to write a lit. review.
The USSC cites studies they do or are directly responsible for to justify things like motherless/fatherless marriage. So we should take a closer look at the source that judicial-activists/judicial-legislators are citing in their binding rationale/laws.
Then get your expert legal team together and do it, professor. Won't be the first time that a religious crusade was laughed out of court... surely won't be the last....
Actually, the APA is the only professional entity in the US to have been officially censured by Congress:

Preface xvii:
Destructive Trends in Mental Health
...the APA being the only professional society in the history of America to be censured by the amount of conservative clout could have engineered a unanimous condemnation of the APA were there not already a backdrop of distrust....Most psychologists are not aware of these events, and those who are do not realize the extent of the humiliation..

And guess why they did? Because the LGBT/APA published a study that editorialized that children being molested wasn't that bad after all...I shit you not. You can't make this stuff up.

(same link, same page)
...psychologists were shocked when the House of Representatives and the Senate of the United States censured the APA for publishing in one of its journals a meta-analysis and interview study of college students who had been molested as children. The publication challenged the notion that these experiences had been deleterious.

vv These facts ^^ have nothing to do with religion
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Actually, the APA is the only professional entity in the US to have been officially censured by Congress
Irrelevant. If you are so certain you have strong arguments, then why do you ALWAYS employ charlatan tactics? Simple.... you're a religious charlatan that is embarrassed to admit you have noting but "Because baby Jaysus says so".
I don't think the APA being the only professional entity in the US ever unanimously censured by Congress because it was promoting the idea of child molestation as "OK in certain cases" "irrelevant" to the topic of the OP. It is in fact lock stock and barrel the entire meat of the OP.

I mean if your federally-endowed organization is on board with softening views on child molestation from an authoritative voice, then their telling-silence on the blatant child abuse on the boy from the OP here isn't that far of a reach from the bottom of the septic tank.

vv Tell me, what religion do all members of the House of Representatives and all members of the Senate unanimously belong to in order for your points to be valid as indicating this is a religious objection? Each member of both houses of Congress voted to censure the APA on the child diddling article they were promoting.

This is CHILD ABUSE promoted silently or otherwise via an organization that has clout with the USSC on cases involving the well being of children for fuck's sake! And we're paying for this outrage?

I think as long as the APA sits silent, people should not pay a portion of their taxes and cite as a reason that they are legally required to not promote child abuse.
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I don't think the APA being the only professional entity in the US ever unanimously censured by Congress because it was promoting the idea of child molestation as "OK in certain cases" "irrelevant" to the topic of the OP. It is in fact lock stock and barrel the entire meat of the OP.
Of course it is irrelevant and in no way lends any support to any of your insane religious voodoo.
You sure seem paid per post.

Think the APA should get funded for staying silent about the OP boy?
Everybody knows that human behavior can be adequately explained by crack-pot religious theories, so who needs any scientific research?
So are you on the record then for cutting off funding to the APA unless they take a public stand against the child abuse discussed in the OP & links?
OK ,so there's this:
Federal Funding for Psychological Research
Join the Federal Action Network!
APA is committed to advocating for the field of psychology and its role in promoting health, education, and human welfare. To meet this goal, the Education, Public Interest, and Science Government Relations Offices maintain the APA Federal Action Network, which delivers federal updates and action alerts to help provide you with the information you need to be an effective advocate for psychology. Sign up to receive alerts from APA's Federal Action Network to stay updated on important legislative issues impacting psychology on Capitol Hill!
Well I'm kind of here to do the opposite of that ^^ actually...and I have good reasons...

And there's this: Federal Gay-Activist Judges Aren't to Blame: They Rely on "Science"..

...which ^^ holds a discussion in the OP of how the APA is doing "science" these days...really worth a quick'll be amazed!

Annnnnnd then there's this, complete with full conspicuous silence from the APA or any other authority charged with child protective services: Boy Drugged By Lesbian "Parents" To Be A Girl

I believe if my memory is correct, the APA gets some of their funding federally from the National Science Foundation. I have a family member who approved/denied grants there a while back. It's nice to know our tax dollars are being spent on "science" that relies on "words over numbers" and "adaptive ways" of collecting data, and considers research a "craft", and "audits" (polices, hovers over and disciplines unwanted research results) its "qualitative" (quality, not numbers/raw data) results for public consumption as facts, or rather in substitution for facts...

That second link is a hoot, third one too. Should give them a quick look.

Should we still fund the APA through the National Science Foundation or federal grants for the Arts instead? Or should funds be completely cut off and have Congress vote to censure the APA until they speak out about the boy in the third link here?

Because the APA in the first link here is pushing masses of people to influence Capitol Hill for more money, you need to really vote in the poll ^^ to push the Fed in the opposite direction, showing numerical distaste for funding that goes for tacit "authoritative" approval of what's being done to that boy. Imagine if this was being done to little Don, Eric or Baron Trump by an ex wife and her lesbian pal? I think Trump might have acted quickly in that case.

Um, Sil......why would the APA 'speak out' against the parents of this child? Remember, you don't actually know what the hell you're talking about. You've never met the child, the parents, any of the medical or mental health professionals involved. You have no idea about the child's history, mental state, anything.

You merely *imagine* you do. And based on your imagination, insist that funding should be cut.

Um, we're not doing that. You're imagination is no more a legal standard than it is a psychological one.
Everybody knows that human behavior can be adequately explained by crack-pot religious theories, so who needs any scientific research?
So are you on the record then for cutting off funding to the APA unless they take a public stand against the child abuse discussed in the OP & links?

No. Absolutely not. The APA relies on professional scholarship and research. While hormone-blocking therapy is controversial, it does not constitute a sex-change. It only delays the onset of puberty to allow the transgendered child more time to determine which gender s/he feels is the right one. I would hardly term it "child abuse" after a diagnosis of gender-identity disorder. Tammy should be off the therapy now, as it was supposed to be terminated at age 14-15 and the case was publicized in 2011.

Fox News, Keith Ablow Misinform About Transgender Child | Equality Matters

I am sure that s/he was medically monitored.

I know the pseudo-religious nutjobs are screaming themselves silly, as they always do, but their opinions on medical issues are not necessarily valid, and certainly should not be allowed to control the medical community.
Everybody knows that human behavior can be adequately explained by crack-pot religious theories, so who needs any scientific research?
So are you on the record then for cutting off funding to the APA unless they take a public stand against the child abuse discussed in the OP & links?

What funding to the APA?

What child abuse? Have you reported it to the police?
Destructive Trends in Mental Health

...the APA being the only professional society in the history of America to be censured by the amount of conservative clout could have engineered a unanimous condemnation of the APA were there not already a backdrop of distrust....Most psychologists are not aware of these events, and those who are do not realize the extent of the humiliation..
...psychologists were shocked when the House of Representatives and the Senate of the United States censured the APA for publishing in one of its journals a meta-analysis and interview study of college students who had been molested as children. The publication challenged the notion that these experiences had been deleterious.
Of course it is irrelevant and in no way lends any support to any of your insane religious voodoo.

Again, what religion did ALL (each and every member) of both houses of Congress belong to in order to unanimously vote to censure the only professional outfit in US history....for the reasons that they appeared to be promoting the idea of child molestation as "not that bad"? What the fuck does that censure have to do with democrats, independents and republicans all in agreement on that one concept have to do with religion?
Destructive Trends in Mental Health

...the APA being the only professional society in the history of America to be censured by the amount of conservative clout could have engineered a unanimous condemnation of the APA were there not already a backdrop of distrust....Most psychologists are not aware of these events, and those who are do not realize the extent of the humiliation..
...psychologists were shocked when the House of Representatives and the Senate of the United States censured the APA for publishing in one of its journals a meta-analysis and interview study of college students who had been molested as children. The publication challenged the notion that these experiences had been deleterious.
Of course it is irrelevant and in no way lends any support to any of your insane religious voodoo.

Again, what religion did ALL (each and every member) of both houses of Congress belong to in order to unanimously vote to censure the only professional outfit in US history....for the reasons that they appeared to be promoting the idea of child molestation as "not that bad"? What the fuck does that censure have to do with democrats, independents and republicans all in agreement on that one concept have to do with religion?

When was this 'unanimous condemnation of the APA' by the House and Senate?
The Rind Controversy
For the first time ever in U.S. history, Congress officially condemned a study published in a major scientific journal. The study was published in 1998 in Psychological Bulletin, the flagship journal of the prestigious American Psychological Association (APA), and it was condemned the next year. The APA apologized for printing the article, resulting in a three-year controversy that threatened to split the organization in half. Some claimed the study was pseudo-scientific propaganda....The controversy centered around the study “A Meta-Analytic Examination of Assumed Properties of Child Sexual Abuse Using College Samples,” published in the APA’s Psychological Bulletin in 1998 (Vol. 124, No. 1, pp. 22-53)....findings that willing minors often experienced such activity as neutral or positive, and evidence of psychological harm often could not be found.
The Rind Controversy
For the first time ever in U.S. history, Congress officially condemned a study published in a major scientific journal. The study was published in 1998 in Psychological Bulletin, the flagship journal of the prestigious American Psychological Association (APA), and it was condemned the next year. The APA apologized for printing the article, resulting in a three-year controversy that threatened to split the organization in half. Some claimed the study was pseudo-scientific propaganda....The controversy centered around the study “A Meta-Analytic Examination of Assumed Properties of Child Sexual Abuse Using College Samples,” published in the APA’s Psychological Bulletin in 1998 (Vol. 124, No. 1, pp. 22-53)....findings that willing minors often experienced such activity as neutral or positive, and evidence of psychological harm often could not be found.

Hmmm could Silhouette be lying?
Does the Sun set in the West?

Congress condemned a study that was published in the American Psychological Association- Congress did not condemn the APA.
The Rind Controversy
For the first time ever in U.S. history, Congress officially condemned a study published in a major scientific journal. The study was published in 1998 in Psychological Bulletin, the flagship journal of the prestigious American Psychological Association (APA), and it was condemned the next year. The APA apologized for printing the article, resulting in a three-year controversy that threatened to split the organization in half. Some claimed the study was pseudo-scientific propaganda....The controversy centered around the study “A Meta-Analytic Examination of Assumed Properties of Child Sexual Abuse Using College Samples,” published in the APA’s Psychological Bulletin in 1998 (Vol. 124, No. 1, pp. 22-53)....findings that willing minors often experienced such activity as neutral or positive, and evidence of psychological harm often could not be found.

Hmmm could Silhouette be lying?
Does the Sun set in the West?

Congress condemned a study that was published in the American Psychological Association- Congress did not condemn the APA.

"The House accordingly passed an amended version of the bill, which condemned the report itself but not the APA."

From Sil's own link. I don't know why I even ask at this point. The odds of getting accurate information from her on this topic are worse than guessing.

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