Should Trump's tweets be ALSO labeled as "fake news"?

Not so much a direct criticism of Trump's often moronic tweets filled with unsubstantiated opinions, BUT if media outlets such as CNN or NYT are labeled by Trumpists as "fake news," why shouldn't Trump's own tweets not ALSO be labeled as propaganda (aka, "fake news")???

After all, social media IS media....and given enough followers, a tweeter account is just as much as a "news" network as a popular cable channel or daily publication making a tweeter account very much part of the fourth estate.

Of course Trump tweets are FAKE news. He can't type 154 characters without it being loaded with lies. They've tried to get his cell phone away from him, to no success, and there's really nothing that can be done about him, except to IGNORE his tweets.


You'll hear all about them on a daily basis after they're completely debunked on every media outlet across this country, except for FOX NEWS of course.

Is Trump a journalist and or reporter claiming his tweets are actual news? They are his opinions and are no more news than the opinions we all post here.
Is Trump a journalist and or reporter claiming his tweets are actual news? They are his opinions and are no more news than the opinions we all post here.

You're somewhat "correct".......With Trump there's NO "bully pulpit" and only cult members take whatever he spews seriously........
You have hereby renewed your Trump cult membership

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