Should USMB create a entire server to Jan. 6th and persecuting republicans?


Conservatives have only themselves to blame.

Trump and his domestic terrorist supporters alone decided to launch a violent overthrow of the 2020 election.
None of that actually happened. We had instead, liberals and their version of Hitler's beer hall putsch, but instead of burning down the Reichstag, they burned down American cities to spread fear and intimidate America. This is on the democrats, not even White supremacists pulled this level of shit. Democrats DID.
Perhaps they have, perhaps I missed it, ( I try to be balanced and fair). I am paying taxes to fund a democratic contrived witch hunt that demonizes ME and they ban any rebuttal ? Does that sound democratic in any way?

Tempus fugit
Hopefully, when the gavels change hands in 4 months or so, the Rs start printing their own subpoenas and demanding answers from Pelosi and those around her who neglected to secure the Capitol even when they KNEW trouble was coming. The FBI should be dragged in to be deposed, as well. I've already written my Congressman and told him to support continuing that investigation or he loses my vote. We need to be demanding answers of the DC jailers over how they justify holding citizens charged with minor, non-violent infractions in solitary AND for months. Whoever signed off on that little bit of disgusting skulduggery needs to be charged with false imprisonment as a criminal matter AND they should be liable for civil damages as well.
You are being persecuted? How?
How do you feel about the fact that many citizens whose only crime on the 6th was to be at the site and who have been held for MONTHS for what amounted to a trespassing charge? Should the PTB that made that choice be held accountable?
Judging by the OP's posts and threads...she ought to exclusively post there.
Trumpists can't handle free and fair elections, so when they don't go their way, they resort to attacking the police, smashing windows, defecating in hallways, and committing actual violence against the government.
That's nice. Go play, boy.
The national need to get to the bottom of the January 6 2021 insurrection without interference or obstruction is paramount...
I agree, that's why I demand that the Rs get their time with subpoenaed Dems who have been proven to have known trouble was likely yet who ignored and even refused the guard there that day. There are also known instances of FBI agents and their informants being involved yet not ONE has been charged. Oh yeah... J6 has a LONG shelf life coming...

And when things don’t go their way, conservatives seek to censor and silence – this thread being an example of that.
She suggests giving a server dedicated to this one topic...and you claim she wants to silence people?

Just when I think you couldn't get any dumber, you do.
When we have the main stream media standing by burning down buildings and deem democrat driven violence and mayhem "mostly peaceful" for months, but ironically a single incident, Jan 6th condemn it as the be all end all poison to democracy.? Explain that dichotomy of all the race riots democrats supported VS say, one incident of people fighting back against them was so much worse. Explain that to me.
Perhaps they have, perhaps I missed it, ( I try to be balanced and fair). I am paying taxes to fund a democratic contrived witch hunt that demonizes ME and they ban any rebuttal ? Does that sound democratic in any way?

Tempus fugit
Yes, yes they should..
When we have the main stream media standing by burning down buildings and deem democrat driven violence and mayhem "mostly peaceful" for months, but ironically a single incident, Jan 6th condemn it as the be all end all poison to democracy.? Explain that dichotomy of all the race riots democrats supported VS say, one incident of people fighting back against them was so much worse. Explain that to me.
I like this, paying for a one sided inquisition to demonize me and the party I belong to, without any rebuttals or any fairness. Because threatening democrat's hegemony is some how "anti democratic". Que? indeed.
In fact they should make a whole entire committee dedicated to it too. With only one judge appointed by our galactic overlords.
I like this, paying for a one sided inquisition to demonize me and the party I belong to, without any rebuttals or any fairness. Because threatening democrat's hegemony is some how "anti democratic". Que? indeed.
Next time accept defeat without a dagger in yer hand for retribution of the cause.
You are being persecuted? How?
Not anymore than gays, trans or blacks. Nope, shh I am part of the HUGE straight white heterosexual majority, those people that liberals like to ignore. Or demonize. Just us 65% or more of us that don't identify as trans or gay, those HUGE 5% getting 95% of the media attention, remind me WHY?
I agree, that's why I demand that the Rs get their time with subpoenaed Dems who have been proven to have known trouble was likely yet who ignored and even refused the guard there that day.
No problem. Probe away, the next time you're in-power. If there is fault to be had on the Dem side then that, too, needs to be revealed.

But vastly more important than that is an assault upon the Congress of the United States whilst in the midst of its Constitutional duty to certify an election.

No confusing the issue or obstruction allowed.

The conspirators and inciters and participants of the Rumpian insurrection of January 6, 2021, are to be dealt with first.

If there is something substantive and egregious to be uncovered on the part of the Dems then you're welcome to take a crack at that later.

For now... focused like a laser beam... the Rumpian minion -traitors of January 6, 2021, are going into the dock first.

When the Republic has (metaphorically, in the criminal law courts) crucified the Rumpian Insurrectionists of January 6 2021, THEN you get your turn at-bat.

There are also known instances of FBI agents and their informants being involved yet not ONE has been charged. Oh yeah... J6 has a LONG shelf life coming...
One thing at a time... you can have your turn once the Rumpian traitors of January 6th are dealt with.
Next time accept defeat without a dagger in yer hand for retribution of the cause.
In other words, "Sit down and shut up, peasants. Your Democrat Overlords have spoken."

Too bad for you we don't do that totalitarian bullshit in the United States.
But vastly more important than that is an assault upon the Congress of the United States whilst in the midst of its Constitutional duty to certify an election.
You folks can keep shouting the lie as loud and long as you like but the truth is, that was a riot that occurred because one hell of a lot of Americans are convinced they had an election STOLEN by the Democrats. Had your party even tried to cooperate and give access to records, admit to and explain why 900+ people filed sworn statements of various irregularities (UNPRECEDENTED IN OUR HISTORY) or allow ballots that were in question to be VALIDATED rather than simply recounted then we could have avoided all this mess.

THEY REFUSED and that indicates that something was very wrong and they didn't want it discovered. You got by with it in 2020. But you also gravely wounded our nation's single remaining bond between citizens. If it is attempted again, our nation - yours as well - is going to come apart and either falls into violence or a major secessionist movement. Had all those questions about the results been in the favor of Trump, you people would have already begun burning the country down. You've pitched tantrums for 4 years while he was in office and the rest of us have had all we're going to take. Anyone who thinks they can subjugate tens of millions of Americans to their will under such circumstances is just being childish. The other half of us can bring the whole enterprise to a dead stop without firing a shot.

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