Should we allow the alarmists to alarm us as to climate?

You are a moron.

But that would NOT explain you Constant use of the phrase/ad hom.
You really are an ABUSIVE POS.
Worst I've ever seen!
yet YOU post your Triangle when insulted.

Search Ding: "You are a moron"

30 Times this month?
Half of those since Nov 10?

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The evidence of human caused global warming in the last 150 years is undeniable.
For example, we know that there was no Northwest Passage for the last 100 thousand years, until 1997, when the ice melted for the first time in over 100 thousand years.

If that were all there was too it, it would still be no big deal.
But it isn't.
That is because it not only is still warming, but at some point, water vapor, and other gases like cow fart methane, could start global warming to accelerate in an uncontrollable positive feedback loop, that could heat up the whole planet beyond the ability of any life to survive at all on the planet.

And the point is that no one can argue against the fact there is human caused global warming.
That is not arguable.
What we are not sure about and is arguable is if and when this extinction race condition could or will happen?
And what would you do with facts?
You can't discuss anything, just post Curry... and try to BS/Lie/Obfuscate/insult in the other 95% of your posts.
You should start with the fact that simple physics shows the instantaneous radiative forcing to be 1C per doubling of CO2. Because that's the most important fact to start with.
Are you aware that during WW2 the Germans manufactured what you call fossil fuels?
Surely Americans can also manufactured more.

What the Germans did in WWII was to make gasoline from coal.
That is not manufacturing fossil fuel, but just converting one fossil fuel into another fossil fuel.

Fossil fuel is ancient solar energy captured by photosynthesis and concentrated by anerobic bacteria into black gold.
It is buried treasure that is not replaceable in real time.
It takes over 100 million years to make fossil fuel.
What the Germans did in WWII was to make gasoline from coal.
That is not manufacturing fossil fuel, but just converting one fossil fuel into another fossil fuel.

Fossil fuel is ancient solar energy captured by photosynthesis and concentrated by anerobic bacteria into black gold.
It is buried treasure that is not replaceable in real time.
It takes over 100 million years to make fossil fuel.
Not if you use thermal depolymerization. Of course that process isn't for commercially producing oil and gas.

If by politics you mean greed, sure. Because I can't see any other reason for dismissing the empirical evidence from the paleo-climate record.
And you think that evidence proves what?
And you think that evidence proves what?
Don't you know that the IPCC agrees that the simple physics shows that the radiative forcing effect of CO2 is 1C per doubling of CO2? That's the basis for their low end estimate of TCR of 1C.

TCR tends to be notably lower than ECS. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) fifth assessment report, completed in 2014, gave a likely ECS range of 1.5C to 4.5C of warming for a doubling of atmospheric CO2 concentrations, but a likely TCR of only 1C to 2.5C.
Don't you know that the IPCC agrees that the simple physics shows that the radiative forcing effect of CO2 is 1C per doubling of CO2? That's the basis for their low end estimate of TCR of 1C.

Again, what does your paleo climate obsession affect todays climate change.
Again, what does your paleo climate obsession affect todays climate change.
Secondly, this interglacial period is 2C cooler than the previous interglacial periods so it hasn't reached it's peak temperature yet that it naturally warms to every interglacial period before temperature effects on ocean water density and salinity coupled with changing wind patterns from solar radiation variability causes the AMOC to switch off and disrupt heat transfer from the Atlantic to the Arctic thus causing temperatures to plunge. Like it has been doing for the past 3 million years.
Again, what does your paleo climate obsession affect todays climate change.
Thirdly, the empirical climate data shows the planet cooling for millions of years with 50% more CO2 than today which means the planet is not sensitive to CO2.
Again, what does your paleo climate obsession affect todays climate change.
Fourthly, the empirical climate data shows the planet is uniquely configured for colder temperatures, not warmer temperatures.

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