Should we allow the alarmists to alarm us as to climate?

John Christy is only "top-rated" by people who DO have a political agenda. He is not well-rated at all by the majority of climate scientists.
You admit man can't control climate. I presume you will now stop talking as if man can manage climate.
Potential part of climate. Every 6 months does the earth tilt a perfect 23.5 degrees? Or does it vary slightly by a degree or two either way? A slight difference can affect weather I would think.
Potential part of climate. Every 6 months does the earth tilt a perfect 23.5 degrees? Or does it vary slightly by a degree or two either way? A slight difference can affect weather I would think.
It affects only weather.
You admit man can't control climate. I presume you will now stop talking as if man can manage climate.
So much back and forth of idiots. Not with me. I end debates by getting to the gist and nailing it.
THE issue:

The main question is, HAS man affected the Climate with our GHG emissions, and the answer is overwhelmingly YES.
Every relevant Scientific org on the globe agrees.
Exxon Mobil agrees.

So can we intentionally control it as well? Not 100%, but absolutely we can do so in good degree with a worldwide effort.
We did so with, ie, Ozone already.
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So much back and forth of idiots. Not with me. I end debates by getting to the gist and nailing it.
THE issue:

The main question is, HAS man affected the Climate, and the answer is overwhelmingly YES.
Every relevant Scientific org on the globe agrees.
Exxon Mobil agrees.

So can we control it as well? Not 100%, but absolutely we can do so in good degree with a worldwide effort.
We did so with, ie, Ozone already.
Ozone was not about global climate.
So much back and forth of idiots. Not with me. I end debates by getting to the gist and nailing it.
THE issue:

The main question is, HAS man affected the Climate with our GHG emissions, and the answer is overwhelmingly YES.
Every relevant Scientific org on the globe agrees.
Exxon Mobil agrees.

So can we control it as well? Not 100%, but absolutely we can do so in good degree with a worldwide effort.
We did so with, ie, Ozone already.
So your case on this is that man indeed manages climate!!!! Others of your ilk disagree with you.
Ozone was not about global climate.
1. NON -answer.
It WAS about Atmospheric make-up which Also controls climate in good degree. (Unrefuted)

2. and again: (with my actual gist)
'Man can control it in Good Degree.'
We have already done so Unintentionally. (Unrefuted)

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Another uneducated guess.
Changing the Earth’s obliquityslightly alters the distribution of solar radiation across the planet, which affects climate.
Oh so Climate does not include weather? Gee why don't scientists know that?
I have not admitted that man cannot control climate because I have never claimed that he could.
OK, take that at face value it means you never claimed he can and you have no reason to change your mind.
Another uneducated guess.
Changing the Earth’s obliquityslightly alters the distribution of solar radiation across the planet, which affects climate.
So your case on this is that man indeed manages climate!!!! Others of your ilk disagree with you.

Oh so Climate does not include weather? Gee why don't scientists know that?

Read the post again. This time with your eyes open.
1. NON -answer.
It WAS about Atmospheric make-up which Also controls climate in good degree. (Unrefuted)

2. and again: (with my actual gist)
'Man can control it in Good Degree.'
We have already done so Unintentionally. (Unrefuted)

Say Allah Candybar, who appointed you as the expert on this topic?
This is the studied earth climate for the last 500 million years right after the earth began cooling...
There is nothing else to be said if you can look at a graph, understand the context and history.

Might as well close the thread.

Say Allah Candybar, who appointed you as the expert on this topic?
No one appointed me anything.
But I just CRUSHED you in my usual 1 or 2 posts. (as I said above. Others can pitter-patter for pages)
Forcing you to make a Non-Topical reply.
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No one appointed me anything.
But I just just CRUSHED in my usual 1 or 2 posts. (as I said above)
Forcing to make a Non Topical reply
You did no such thing. So you now allege you forced me? Candybar, you amuse me.
You did no such thing. So you now allege you forced me? Candybar, you amuse me.
You have no rebuttal to the fact we Have caused climate change unintentionally (all agree) and we can of course do so intentionally 'in good degree.'
NO REBUTTAL from non-conversant Robert W the FRAUD.
There has been no rebuttal from you because there is none.. forcing you to your last two Idiotic/non-topical Personal posts.


The FRAUD Robert W lost the debate in two posts above, and has now made FOUR NON-Topical Personal attacks as 'response.' Two above, and two more embarrassed childish ones below. OFF TOPIC and panicked in his own Goofy Thread.

(I also refuted the OP early on/in post #24. Unanswered as well.)
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You have no rebuttal to the fact we Have caused climate change unintentionally (all agree) and we can of course do so intentionally 'in good degree.'
NO REBUTTAL from Robert W the FRAUD.
There has been no rebuttal from you because there is none.. forcing you to your last two Idiotic personal posts.
You are a mental midget.
You have no rebuttal to the fact we Have caused climate change unintentionally (all agree) and we can of course do so intentionally 'in good degree.'
NO REBUTTAL from non-conversant Robert W the FRAUD.
There has been no rebuttal from you because there is none.. forcing you to your last two Idiotic/non-topical Personal posts.

You bastard. How dare you fuck with climate.
This is the studied earth climate for the last 500 million years right after the earth began cooling...
There is nothing else to be said if you can look at a graph, understand the context and history.

Might as well close the thread.

View attachment 862980
Yup, and it only matters during the time man has been on earth, the last one million years. Clearly, the temperature and CO2 are rising faster then at any time during modern man’s time on earth. Case closed
. AGW is real.

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