Should we allow the alarmists to alarm us as to climate?

Judith Curry is President and co-founder of Climate Forecast Applications Network (CFAN). She is Professor Emerita at the Georgia Institute of Technology, where she served as Chair of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences for 13 years.

Judith Curry - Climate Forecast Applications Network (CFAN)

You didn’t answer my question. None of their publications agree with her. None of the places that Lindzen workEd At agree with him. He’s 80 plus. He writes opinions that no one agrees with. He’s senile, like you. What they do now is post drivel, like you .
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No it is not bubba. CLIMATE is not weather Or course you could post a science dictionary derived meaning of each and compare…but you’re afraid.
There are many many climates. Did you explain that to your scientist institutions?
You didn’t answer my question. None of their publications agree with her. None of the places that Lindzen workEd At agree with him. He’s 80 plus. He rights opinions that no one agrees with. He’s senile, like you. What they do now is post drivel, like you .
You lie far too much.
Show it ! All he does is write articles. NONE is a climate research trial, nothing, none.
So what is he doing NOW ?
Okay I had decided your trolling wasn't worth responding to. But even you could not be that ignorant.

I generally don't use Wiki as a source but it so carefully documents Lindzen's contributions to scientific research, I think it worth reading at this time. So I dare you. Read what this man's credentials are and what research he has done. Then say he isn't qualified to have an opinion on climate change.
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Trump mentioned using Nuclear blasts to try to control hurricanes. But the same bozos arguing with you and me laughed at this as nonsense. So they have but one so called solution.

Attack in heavy handed mesures a gas that is the life gas of planet Earth. CO2 is why men and plants are here to begin with.
You can’t be serious. Maybe your pilots license makes you an expert on nuclear energy ? Nah,
You’re hilarious. Nuclear tests are done in the most benign of weather cinditions to diminish the dispersion of RADIATION POISONING Foolish. And you and Trump want to drop them in storms. What foolishness.
Show it ! All he does is write articles. NONE is a climate research trial, nothing, none.
So what is he doing NOW ?
Since one more time you attack the professor of climatology,


Cornell University publishes him.

[Submitted on 22 Sep 2008 (v1), last revised 8 Oct 2012 (this version, v4)]

Climate Science: Is it currently designed to answer questions?​

Richard S. Lindzen
For a variety of inter-related cultural, organizational, and political reasons, progress in climate science and the actual solution of scientific problems in this field have moved at a much slower rate than would normally be possible. Not all these factors are unique to climate science, but the heavy influence of politics has served to amplify the role of the other factors. Such factors as the change in the scientific paradigm from a dialectic opposition between theory and observation to an emphasis on simulation and observational programs, the inordinate growth of administration in universities and the consequent increase in importance of grant overhead, and the hierarchical nature of formal scientific organizations are cosidered. This paper will deal with the origin of the cultural changes and with specific examples of the operation and interaction of these factors. In particular, we will show how political bodies act to control scientific institutions, how scientists adjust both data and even theory to accommodate politically correct positions, and how opposition to these positions is disposed of.
You can’t be serious. Maybe your pilots license makes you an expert on nuclear energy ? Nah,
You’re hilarious. Nuclear tests are done in the most benign of weather cinditions to diminish the dispersion of RADIATION POISONING Foolish. And you and Trump want to drop them in storms. What foolishness.
I never posted a single word that says I want to fire off nuclear blasts to control hurricanes. And all Trump did was ask a question by a non nuclear expert.

I see why your arguments are so feeble. I could explain them but why bother?
I never posted a single word that says I want to fire off nuclear blasts to control hurricanes. And all Trump did was ask a question by a non nuclear expert.

I see why your arguments are so feeble. I could explain them but why bother?
Trump was the fucking president of the United States when he asked that question. He's got fucking top notch science advice available to him on a moment's notice. When he asks something like that to the press, he's saying "I think it'd be a good idea if we [fill-in-the-blank]" If he didn't know that would be the effect, maybe he shouldn't have been sitting in that office.
Trump mentioned using Nuclear blasts to try to control hurricanes. But the same bozos arguing with you and me laughed at this as nonsense. So they have but one so called solution.

Attack in heavy handed mesures a gas that is the life gas of planet Earth. CO2 is why men and plants are here to begin with.
Trump did not propose using nuclear weapons to control hurricanes or anything else. He asked why can't we do that which is his way of asking "could we do that?" or maybe "What would happen if we did that?" It was a question to get information, not to suggest policy.
Trump was the fucking president of the United States when he asked that question. He's got fucking top notch science advice available to him on a moment's notice. When he asks something like that to the press, he's saying "I think it'd be a good idea if we [fill-in-the-blank]" If he didn't know that would be the effect, maybe he shouldn't have been sitting in that office.
Trump is not a slick, polished, scripted, carefully crafted and groomed politician. He's a guy fully aware of what he doesn't know and he asks a LOT of questions according to his friends, staffers, colleagues.

He also refuses to be put into an intellectual box that orders a PC 'woke' mandated point of view. One of his strongest abilities is the ability to think outside the box and look for solutions to things that others might never think of or had already dismissed as 'impossible'.

And his political enemies will take his comments out of their full and intended context and twist them into something he never intended which is what you just did here.
Trump is not a slick, polished, scripted, carefully crafted and groomed politician.
Oh... perfect.

: having a smooth surface : SLIPPERY
slick wet leaves

: having surface plausibility or appeal : GLOSSY
slick advertising

: based on stereotype : TRITE
slick stories soon forgotten

: characterized by subtlety or nimble wit : CLEVER
especially : WILY
a slick swindler

a slick ballplayer

: extremely good : FIRST-RATE

: subjected to polishing : made smooth and glossy by or as if by polishing
a polished surface

polished silver

: characterized by a high degree of development, finish, or refinement : free from imperfections
a polished performance/performer

a highly polished piece of writing

somewhat old-fashioned : characterized by elegance and refinement
a polished gentleman

polished society

: skill in planning, making, or executing : DEXTERITY
"We have not the strength with which to fight this man; we must … win, if win we can, by craft."—Jack London

: an occupation, trade, or activity requiring manual dexterity or artistic skill
the carpenter's craft

the craft of writing plays

crafts such as pottery, carpentry, and sewing

He learned the craft as an apprentice.

crafts plural : articles made by craftspeople
a store selling crafts

a crafts fair

: skill in deceiving to gain an end
used craft and guile to close the deal

: the members of a trade or trade association

But you think he should occupy the most powerful office on the planet.

He's a guy fully aware of what he doesn't know and he asks a LOT of questions according to his friends, staffers, colleagues.
Then why didn't he ask his science advisor? Of, if he did, why didn't he accept his answer?
He also refuses to be put into an intellectual box that orders a PC 'woke' mandated point of view.
You mean he's not woke. He's not aware or attentive to important societal facts and issues. Got it.
One of his strongest abilities is the ability to think outside the box and look for solutions to things that others might never think of or had already dismissed as 'impossible'.
Name one out-of-the-box, SUCCESSFUL solution he came up with during his term that others had not thought of or had dismissed - for any reason.
And his political enemies will take his comments out of their full and intended context and twist them into something he never intended which is what you just did here.
What was the context of his let's-drop-nukes-on-hurricanes conjecture that excuses him from having revealed the United States was being ruled by a complete imbecile?
Trump did not propose using nuclear weapons to control hurricanes or anything else. He asked why can't we do that which is his way of asking "could we do that?" or maybe "What would happen if we did that?" It was a question to get information, not to suggest policy.
That is true and it's also why I said mentioned. I did not say it was an actual proposal.
Trump was the fucking president of the United States when he asked that question. He's got fucking top notch science advice available to him on a moment's notice. When he asks something like that to the press, he's saying "I think it'd be a good idea if we [fill-in-the-blank]" If he didn't know that would be the effect, maybe he shouldn't have been sitting in that office.
Severe weather such as hurricanes will typically greatly alarm those in danger. Trump was the president. Who do you think he was asking the question? By the time he got to his desk, his advisers would have advised him. Anyway, if you seriously plan to have man control climate, what would you do to manage global climate? When I read that man should or can control climate, now you know what I am thinking when reading those crazy solutions.
Oh... perfect.

: having a smooth surface : SLIPPERY
slick wet leaves

: having surface plausibility or appeal : GLOSSY
slick advertising

: based on stereotype : TRITE
slick stories soon forgotten

: characterized by subtlety or nimble wit : CLEVER
especially : WILY
a slick swindler

a slick ballplayer

: extremely good : FIRST-RATE

: subjected to polishing : made smooth and glossy by or as if by polishing
a polished surface

polished silver

: characterized by a high degree of development, finish, or refinement : free from imperfections
a polished performance/performer

a highly polished piece of writing

somewhat old-fashioned : characterized by elegance and refinement
a polished gentleman

polished society

: skill in planning, making, or executing : DEXTERITY
"We have not the strength with which to fight this man; we must … win, if win we can, by craft."—Jack London

: an occupation, trade, or activity requiring manual dexterity or artistic skill
the carpenter's craft

the craft of writing plays

crafts such as pottery, carpentry, and sewing

He learned the craft as an apprentice.

crafts plural : articles made by craftspeople
a store selling crafts

a crafts fair

: skill in deceiving to gain an end
used craft and guile to close the deal

: the members of a trade or trade association

But you think he should occupy the most powerful office on the planet.

Then why didn't he ask his science advisor? Of, if he did, why didn't he accept his answer?

You mean he's not woke. He's not aware or attentive to important societal facts and issues. Got it.

Name one out-of-the-box, SUCCESSFUL solution he came up with during his term that others had not thought of or had dismissed - for any reason.

What was the context of his let's-drop-nukes-on-hurricanes conjecture that excuses him from having revealed the United States was being ruled by a complete imbecile?
Have a nice day Crick. When you can actually read and comprehend and discuss what is being debated get back to me.
I am merely a person who studied weather to be a pilot and trust me, this is far more than the alarmists ever studied. Did they also study weather? Well no, they have not studied weather. This is the basis of all climate.

Have they studied climate? If they have, why haven't any of them mentioned the Earth is a huge planet. So huge it is about 75 percent covered with oceans. If one would sail around earth, it could take months. So let's not treat Earth as tiny as Mars or the Moon for instance.
Here is a true expert I often cite. She makes a living on this topic. She advises nations and large firms.
Watch what she says on the climates of Earth that number probably in the thousands of climates. Climate is not a one spot on Earth topic. It covers areas that when it is super hot in one area of a continent, it might be freezing cold in another part.

Don't be duped by those who talk of institutions. Don't be duped by those posters pretending that me and others are not telling the truth, that only they know the truth, they are lying. They never admit Earth is a wonderful planet with probably thousands of climates in all.

Have a nice day Crick. When you can actually read and comprehend and discuss what is being debated get back to me.
Robert brought up Trump and his nukes-for-hurricanes query talking with Dagosa. You jumped in to defend Trump. I jumped in to correct your misperceptions re Trump; an important issue at this point in time. See you on down the road, Jack.
Robert brought up Trump and his nukes-for-hurricanes query talking with Dagosa. You jumped in to defend Trump. I jumped in to correct your misperceptions re Trump; an important issue at this point in time. See you on down the road, Jack.
If you had done that I wouldn't have criticized your response as non sequitur nonsense. I don't defend Trump. He doesn't need my defense. I do correct the indecent, evil, hateful, deliberately malicious crap that dishonest people accuse him of or misrepresent that he said.
I never posted a single word that says I want to fire off nuclear blasts to control hurricanes. And all Trump did was ask a question by a non nuclear expert.

I see why your arguments are so feeble. I could explain them but why bother?
Geesus, it doesn’t take an expert in nuclear energy to know anything about the results of a nuclear blast…especially if you’re the Fking commander in chief. And you’re humping for this buffoon ?
I do correct the indecent, evil, hateful, deliberately malicious crap that dishonest people accuse him of or misrepresent that he said.
You can’t name one item that he’s been official accused of that isn’t as a result of a plethora of evidence. GEESUS, you‘d have to be deaf, dumb and blind not to see it… got a mirror handy ?

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