Should we allow the alarmists to alarm us as to climate?

The climate religionists refuse to look at anything that is not the doctrine they demand is the ONLY truth. (And you don't get any more unscientific than that. :) )
That is true. And even they know that is accurate.
The climate religionists refuse to look at anything that is not the doctrine they demand is the ONLY truth. (And you don't get any more unscientific than that. :) )
That’s bullshit. You just make up labels because you have no evidence, just made up shit.
Prove it. Do the research. They DID NOT. THEY HAVE PUBLISHED NO TRIALS. They have only criticized the trials that were done, inaccurately. Where are their trials ? You will find noe and THEU have received no support from any of institutions in CLIMATE SCIENCE. None, nothing nada.
Dr. Lindzen is massively published. He has more than 200 published papers involving climate. Why do you argue with him but never his actual points? Why don't you give us all a chance and look at his videos?
That is true. And even they know that is accurate.
Gentle correction: I don't think some of them know that science requires an open mind. I don't think some of them know what an open mind is.

Some doggedly troll me/us though with more and more pointed insulting comments I suppose hoping to trigger a food fight. They probably don't care that I see that as decidedly childish, immature, ignorant and sometimes evil.
I have posted material from actual working climatologists and they got attacked by you and Crick.
Wrong bubba. None is a working scientist in climate research. No one has commissioned them to do any contrary trials. Go ahead, post their research. all you will find is bellyaching whining cause no one of any consequence takes them seriously. And you deniers are of NO CONSEQUENCE. You are lazy buffoons..
One doesn't need 'credentials' to have an opinion on a subject. We all have our own areas of expertise and disciplines but those don't exclude other things that interest us.

I have been fascinated with science with a particular interest in weather, environment, Earth phenomena for honestly as long as I can remember. Certainly since I was in grade school.

I didn't choose that as a vocation as my heart (and circumstances) took me in a different direction, but all my life I have read extensively on volcanoes, earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, mega storms and their over all affect short term and long term. And in recent decades I read a lot about climate, especially paleontological climate trends and the current 'climate change' issues.

Does that make me an expert or a scientist? Not by any stretch of the imagination. But because I am not a climate change 'religionist' pushing one scientific theory to the exclusion of all others--I call that 'religion' and not science--and also because I recognize when money is most likely a primary driving force behind a so-called 'scientific' trend, I also am not ignorant on the subject either.

So when I am trolled by somebody who is a climate 'religionist' unwilling to even think about anything other than AGW as the primary force in current climate change, most especially one who debates via ad hominem and personal insults, I don't have any respect for that person's position and feel pretty reinforced in mine. :)
When I got interested in the science of climate, I had to do it to be a pilot. But in 1980 when I got my pilots license, this bullshit man manages climate was to be laughed at. I am still laughing they think man manages climate.
Gentle correction: I don't think some of them know that science requires an open mind. I don't think some of them know what an open mind is.

Some doggedly troll me/us though with more and more pointed insulting comments I suppose hoping to trigger a food fight. They probably don't care that I see that as decidedly childish, immature, ignorant and sometimes evil.
I completely agree. You are more than kind. They treat you horribly.
Dr. Lindzen is massively published. He has more than 200 published papers involving climate. Why do you argue with him but never his actual points? Why don't you give us all a chance and look at his videos?
Show it ! All he does is write articles. NONE is a climate research trial, nothing, none.
So what is he doing NOW ?
When I got interested in the science of climate, I had to do it to be a pilot. But in 1980 when I got my pilots license, this bullshit man manages climate was to be laughed at. I am still laughing they think man manages climate.
Another braggart. You got interested in WEATHER not climate. You don’t even know the fking difference do you ?
No, there are no requirements in pilot training to be a climatologist. None, nix. Weather, not climate. Look it up then apologize for trying to bull shit us.
I completely agree. You are more than kind. They treat you horribly.

Dagosa asks me about cancer. I believe I posted on cancer and it seemed to dry up. I found out some high school boy came up with a brilliant test to detect pancreatic cancer soon enough to help the patients. He is currently in trials but so far, he has hit a home run. And the young man did it in brand new ways. And his work was not accepted at first by Dagosas John Hopkins though finally it did accept the lads work.

Here is a thing they never discuss about climate. Earth has at least hundreds of climates and I may be shortchanging this as it might be numbered in the thousands of climates. I believe the last to be the truth.

There is no climate that man can manage.

Their lectures to us mean they want man to manage climate. That is fools errand.
Another braggart. You got interested in WEATHER not climate. You don’t even know the fking difference do you ?
No, there are no requirements in pilot training to be a climatologist. None, nix. Weather, not climate. Look it up then apologize for trying to bull shit us.
Oh so now Climate is not weather? Tell that to IPCC!!!
Another braggart. You got interested in WEATHER not climate. You don’t even know the fking difference do you ?
No, there are no requirements in pilot training to be a climatologist. None, nix. Weather, not climate. Look it up then apologize for trying to bull shit us.
I did not claim pilots need to master climate. You seem not to know climate is only longer term weather.
When I got interested in the science of climate, I had to do it to be a pilot. But in 1980 when I got my pilots license, this bullshit man manages climate was to be laughed at. I am still laughing they think man manages climate.
I suppose we have arrived at a technology that could affect climate for awhile. For instance if we detonated all the nuclear weapons on Earth at the same time, we would affect the global climate for awhile. The Krakatoa eruption lowered global temperatures for several years. But things eventually returned to normal.

But since all the trillions of dollars and draconian rules and regulations to combat climate change has not resulted in ANY reduction in CO2 in the atmosphere, common sense tells us that forcing more and more of that is unlikely to have any significant effect either.

Common sense tells us it is time to rethink the whole thing and start working on ways humankind can constructively adapt to inevitable climate change. But there's no money in that for the professional politicians, business managers and scientists who currently profit richly over pushing the AGW narrative.
Oh so now Climate is not weather? Tell that to IPCC!!!
No it is not bubba. CLIMATE is not weather Or course you could post a science dictionary derived meaning of each and compare…but you’re afraid.
I suppose we have arrived at a technology that could affect climate for awhile. For instance if we detonated all the nuclear weapons on Earth at the same time, we would affect the global climate for awhile. The Krakatoa eruption lowered global temperatures for several years. But things eventually returned to normal.

But since all the trillions of dollars and draconian rules and regulations to combat climate change has not resulted in ANY reduction in CO2 in the atmosphere, common sense tells us that forcing more and more of that is unlikely to have any significant effect either.

Common sense tells us it is time to rethink the whole thing and start working on ways humankind can constructively adapt to inevitable climate change. But there's no money in that for the professional politicians, business managers and scientists who currently profit richly over pushing the AGW narrative.

Trump mentioned using Nuclear blasts to try to control hurricanes. But the same bozos arguing with you and me laughed at this as nonsense. So they have but one so called solution.

Attack in heavy handed mesures a gas that is the life gas of planet Earth. CO2 is why men and plants are here to begin with.
No it is not bubba. CLIMATE is not weather Or course you could post a science dictionary derived meaning of each and compare…but you’re afraid.
Well tell that to the climate experts.

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